DRACONIAN (ADJECTIVE): harsh:(बेदर्द)
Synonyms: cruel, strict
Antonyms: contrite, pliable
Example Sentence:
Adolf Hitler was a draconian leader.
2. NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): foul:(बहुत अप्रिय)
Synonyms: toxic, pernicious
Antonyms: good, healthy
Example Sentence:
This perfume has a noxious smell.
3. PERSPICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): wise:(कुशाग्रबुद्धि)
Synonyms: intelligent, astute
Antonyms: dull, unperceptive
Example Sentence:
This child has a perspicacious mind to solve the questions.
4. SPLURGY (ADJECTIVE): flamboyant:(दिखावटी)
Synonyms: showy, dashing
Antonyms: plain, modest
Example Sentence:
The singer loves to wear splurgy suits while performing.
5. TIFF (NOUN): dispute:(मनमुटाव)
Synonyms: squabble, fight
Antonyms: accord, harmony
Example Sentence:
I want to be out of this tiff.
6. SUPERVENE (VERB): follow:(पीछे आना)
Synonyms: pursue, supersede
Antonyms: founder, precede
Example Sentence:
The federal court decision will supersede the decision of the lower court.
7. BESTOW (VERB): present:(प्रदान करना)
Synonyms: confer, entrust
Antonyms: withhold, deprive
Example Sentence:
The principal will bestow the awards to the meritorious students.
8. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): depressing:(विकट)
Synonyms: gloomy, dark
Antonyms: cheerful, happy
Example Sentence:
It was a grim night yesterday.
9. REINFORCE (VERB): strengthen:(मजबूत बनाना)
Synonyms: assist, augment
Antonyms: discourage, obstruct
Example Sentence:
Article 377 will surely reinforce the integrity of our law and order system.
10. UNWITTINGLY (ADVERB): not knowing:(अनिच्छापूर्वक)
Synonyms: accidently, unintentionally
Antonyms: knowingly, purposefully
Example Sentence:
The little girl unwittingly let the sneaky kitten out the back door when she left for school
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Vocab 13 October
DISCERNMENT (NOUN): perception:(समझ)
Synonyms: acumen, understanding
Antonyms: ignorance, stupidity
Example Sentence:
Tact is skill in touching; nice perception or discernment in dealing with others.
2. NARCISSISM (NOUN): egotism:(अहंकार)
Synonyms: arrogance, selfishness
Antonyms: shyness, timidity
Example Sentence:
Narcissism is a result of stunted growth and of childhood abuse.
3. MUTINY (NOUN): resistance:(विद्रोह)
Synonyms: defiance, insurrection
Antonyms: calm, peace
Example Sentence:
This was a clear case of mutiny, and the only one in which I was ever implicated.
4. SABOTAGE (NOUN): damage:(तोड़-फोड़)
Synonyms: vandalism, disruption
Antonyms: fidelity, loyalty
Example Sentence:
The sabotage of the Preliminary had been the first local step in that direction.
5. PROTRUDE (VERB): stick out:(निकला हुआ होना)
Synonyms: extrude, extend
Antonyms: shrink, sink
Example Sentence:
She had no flesh left; her bones seemed to protrude through the skin.
6. RECEDE (VERB): withdraw:(पीछे हटना)
Synonyms: abate, regress
Antonyms: increase, extend
Example Sentence:
The Cabinet will recede more and more from our principles, our party.
7.WANTON (ADJECTIVE): extravagant:(आवारा)
Synonyms: lustful, outrageous
Antonyms: good, moral
Example Sentence:
Between 1868 and 1872 they added ten millions by wanton extravagance to the State debt.
8. NULLIFY (VERB): cancel:(प्रभावहीन करना)
Synonyms: revoke, abolish
Antonyms: approve, allow
Example Sentence:
Fortunately, the attempt to nullify its benefits proved ineffectual.
9. ALIGN (VERB): line up:(पंक्तिबद्ध करना)
Synonyms: array, adjust
Antonyms: disorder, mess up
Example Sentence:
Similar instruction is given the troopers in aligning themselves to the left.
10. GRAPPLE (VERB): grab:(भिड़ जाना)
Synonyms: confront, cope
Antonyms: release, let go
Example Sentence:
Every blood-vessel was striving to grapple with the present.
Synonyms: acumen, understanding
Antonyms: ignorance, stupidity
Example Sentence:
Tact is skill in touching; nice perception or discernment in dealing with others.
2. NARCISSISM (NOUN): egotism:(अहंकार)
Synonyms: arrogance, selfishness
Antonyms: shyness, timidity
Example Sentence:
Narcissism is a result of stunted growth and of childhood abuse.
3. MUTINY (NOUN): resistance:(विद्रोह)
Synonyms: defiance, insurrection
Antonyms: calm, peace
Example Sentence:
This was a clear case of mutiny, and the only one in which I was ever implicated.
4. SABOTAGE (NOUN): damage:(तोड़-फोड़)
Synonyms: vandalism, disruption
Antonyms: fidelity, loyalty
Example Sentence:
The sabotage of the Preliminary had been the first local step in that direction.
5. PROTRUDE (VERB): stick out:(निकला हुआ होना)
Synonyms: extrude, extend
Antonyms: shrink, sink
Example Sentence:
She had no flesh left; her bones seemed to protrude through the skin.
6. RECEDE (VERB): withdraw:(पीछे हटना)
Synonyms: abate, regress
Antonyms: increase, extend
Example Sentence:
The Cabinet will recede more and more from our principles, our party.
7.WANTON (ADJECTIVE): extravagant:(आवारा)
Synonyms: lustful, outrageous
Antonyms: good, moral
Example Sentence:
Between 1868 and 1872 they added ten millions by wanton extravagance to the State debt.
8. NULLIFY (VERB): cancel:(प्रभावहीन करना)
Synonyms: revoke, abolish
Antonyms: approve, allow
Example Sentence:
Fortunately, the attempt to nullify its benefits proved ineffectual.
9. ALIGN (VERB): line up:(पंक्तिबद्ध करना)
Synonyms: array, adjust
Antonyms: disorder, mess up
Example Sentence:
Similar instruction is given the troopers in aligning themselves to the left.
10. GRAPPLE (VERB): grab:(भिड़ जाना)
Synonyms: confront, cope
Antonyms: release, let go
Example Sentence:
Every blood-vessel was striving to grapple with the present.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Vocab 12 October
CONDESCENSION (NOUN): disdain :(कृपालुता)
Synonyms: civility, haughtiness
Antonyms: humility, inferiority
Example Sentence:
One should never show condescension to others.
2. EDDY (NOUN):current:(भंवर, बवन्डर)
Synonyms: whirlpool, tide
Antonyms: calm, rest
Example Sentence:
Don’t know when will the eddy come to rest?
3. LEAVEN (VERB):ferment:(उत्प्रेरण)
Synonyms: lighten, raise
Antonyms: darken, depress
Example Sentence:
One should always try to leaven one’s knowledge.
4. LOLL (VERB):lay sprawled:(आलस करना)
Synonyms: laze, loiter
Antonyms: straighten, energize
Example Sentence:
They sing, loll and above all they drink.
5. HOOK (VERB):catch:(फँसाना)
Synonyms: clasp, lock
Antonyms: release, unhitch
Example Sentence:
He hooked a large fish.
6. JOCKEY (ADJECTIVE): amusing:(दिलचस्प)
Synonyms: entertaining, playful
Antonyms: boring, unfunny
Example Sentence:
He is such a likeable, amusing man.
7. CAULK (VERB):secure:( सन्दबन्द या कलापट्टी करना)
Synonyms: block, barricade
Antonyms: free, loosen
Example Sentence:
The sensitive area was caulked with the iron rods.
8. CONGRUENT (ADJECTIVE):agreeable:(अनुकूल)
Synonyms: conforming, concurring
Antonyms: unharmonious, disagreeable
Example Sentence:
The committee reached on to a congruent decision.
9. DISSEMBLE (VERB):disguise:(ढोंग करना)
Synonyms: falsify, feign
Antonyms: unmask, disclose
Example Sentence:
The little girl often dissembles her feelings .
10. DOTE (VERB):show excessive fondness:(स्नेह में डूबना)
Synonyms: cherish, fawn
Antonyms: ignore, offend
Example Sentence:
She doted on her two kids
Synonyms: civility, haughtiness
Antonyms: humility, inferiority
Example Sentence:
One should never show condescension to others.
2. EDDY (NOUN):current:(भंवर, बवन्डर)
Synonyms: whirlpool, tide
Antonyms: calm, rest
Example Sentence:
Don’t know when will the eddy come to rest?
3. LEAVEN (VERB):ferment:(उत्प्रेरण)
Synonyms: lighten, raise
Antonyms: darken, depress
Example Sentence:
One should always try to leaven one’s knowledge.
4. LOLL (VERB):lay sprawled:(आलस करना)
Synonyms: laze, loiter
Antonyms: straighten, energize
Example Sentence:
They sing, loll and above all they drink.
5. HOOK (VERB):catch:(फँसाना)
Synonyms: clasp, lock
Antonyms: release, unhitch
Example Sentence:
He hooked a large fish.
6. JOCKEY (ADJECTIVE): amusing:(दिलचस्प)
Synonyms: entertaining, playful
Antonyms: boring, unfunny
Example Sentence:
He is such a likeable, amusing man.
7. CAULK (VERB):secure:( सन्दबन्द या कलापट्टी करना)
Synonyms: block, barricade
Antonyms: free, loosen
Example Sentence:
The sensitive area was caulked with the iron rods.
8. CONGRUENT (ADJECTIVE):agreeable:(अनुकूल)
Synonyms: conforming, concurring
Antonyms: unharmonious, disagreeable
Example Sentence:
The committee reached on to a congruent decision.
9. DISSEMBLE (VERB):disguise:(ढोंग करना)
Synonyms: falsify, feign
Antonyms: unmask, disclose
Example Sentence:
The little girl often dissembles her feelings .
10. DOTE (VERB):show excessive fondness:(स्नेह में डूबना)
Synonyms: cherish, fawn
Antonyms: ignore, offend
Example Sentence:
She doted on her two kids
Vocab 11 October
WAFT (VERB): carry:(बहा ले जाना)
Synonyms: drift, convey
Antonyms: hold, keep
Example Sentence:
They waft the information.
2. ROCOCO (ADJECTIVE): florid:(अत्यलंकृत)
Synonyms: ornate, gilt
Antonyms: plain, undecorated
Example Sentence:
It was a rococo flower-vase.
3. CHIMERA (NOUN): bogy
Synonyms: delusion, monstrosity
Antonyms: certainty, reality
Example Sentence:
The economic sovereignty you claim to defend is a chimera.
4. PORTENT (NOUN): miracle:(कल्पना)
Synonyms: marvel, prodigy
Antonyms: expectation, doom
Example Sentence:
It was a portent that she won.
5. PERVERSION (NOUN): spoof:(विकृति)
Synonyms: burlesque, distortion
Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity
Example Sentence:
The absurdly lenient sentence is a perversion of justice.
6. BURGESS (NOUN): civilian:(नागरिक)
Synonyms: inhabitant, resident
Antonyms: alien, foreigner
Example Sentence:
He is a nice burgess.
8. ARRAIGN (VERB): accuse:(अपराधी ठहराना)
Synonyms: incriminate, indict
Antonyms: exculpate, exonerate
Example Sentence:
She was arraigned on charges of attempted murder.
9. APPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): pertinent: (उपयुक्त)
Synonyms: germane, relevant
Antonyms: inappropriate, improper
Example Sentence:
There was an apposite quotation written in the side of the wall.
10. ARROGATE (VERB): claim without justification:(हड़पना)
Synonyms: confiscate, expropriate
Antonyms: reject, refuse
Example Sentence:
They arrogate to themselves the ability to divine the nation's true interests
Synonyms: drift, convey
Antonyms: hold, keep
Example Sentence:
They waft the information.
2. ROCOCO (ADJECTIVE): florid:(अत्यलंकृत)
Synonyms: ornate, gilt
Antonyms: plain, undecorated
Example Sentence:
It was a rococo flower-vase.
3. CHIMERA (NOUN): bogy
Synonyms: delusion, monstrosity
Antonyms: certainty, reality
Example Sentence:
The economic sovereignty you claim to defend is a chimera.
4. PORTENT (NOUN): miracle:(कल्पना)
Synonyms: marvel, prodigy
Antonyms: expectation, doom
Example Sentence:
It was a portent that she won.
5. PERVERSION (NOUN): spoof:(विकृति)
Synonyms: burlesque, distortion
Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity
Example Sentence:
The absurdly lenient sentence is a perversion of justice.
6. BURGESS (NOUN): civilian:(नागरिक)
Synonyms: inhabitant, resident
Antonyms: alien, foreigner
Example Sentence:
He is a nice burgess.
8. ARRAIGN (VERB): accuse:(अपराधी ठहराना)
Synonyms: incriminate, indict
Antonyms: exculpate, exonerate
Example Sentence:
She was arraigned on charges of attempted murder.
9. APPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): pertinent: (उपयुक्त)
Synonyms: germane, relevant
Antonyms: inappropriate, improper
Example Sentence:
There was an apposite quotation written in the side of the wall.
10. ARROGATE (VERB): claim without justification:(हड़पना)
Synonyms: confiscate, expropriate
Antonyms: reject, refuse
Example Sentence:
They arrogate to themselves the ability to divine the nation's true interests
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Vocab 10 October
FIDELITY (NOUN): Faithfulness to a person:(विश्वस्तता)
Synonyms: devotion, obedience
Antonyms: treachery disloyalty
Example sentence:
For many fidelity to a religion creed is admirable.
2. INSISTENCE (NOUN): demand:(आग्रह)
Synonyms: urging, emphasis
Antonyms: satisfaction, satiation
Example Sentence:
Our insistence for luxuries should not cause a misery to anyone.
3. NEGATE (VERB): contradict:(नकारना)
Synonyms: annihilate, disallow
Antonyms: allow, assist
Example Sentence:
The criminal will negate all charges if you failed to prove him guilty.
4. QUEER (ADJECTIVE): abnormal:(असामान्य)
Synonyms: erratic, weird
Antonyms: sensible, sound
Example Sentence:
They are queer in behavior and extremely uncultured in their lifestyle.
5. STIMULATE (VERB): provoke:(उत्तेजित करना)
Synonyms: elate, arouse
Antonyms: neglect, dishearten
Example Sentence:
The teacher has to stimulate the students in order to create a hunger in them.
6. UNPRECEDENTED (ADJECTIVE): exceptional:(अभूतपूर्व)
Synonyms: bizarre, anomalous
Antonyms: familiar, regular
Example Sentence:
We have come across unprecedented reactions that weren’t expected.
7. PIQUANT (ADJECTIVE): sparkling:(सरस)
Synonyms: peppery, spicy
Antonyms: flavorless, tasteless
Example Sentence:
We need to eat piquant dishes in order to get the real taste of Royal Rajasthan.
8. RUSTICATE (VERB): expel:(दंडस्वरूप निष्कासित करना)
Synonyms: dispel, ostracize
Antonyms: incorporate, inculcate
Example Sentence:
The principal will rusticate all the students who don’t deserve to be taught in a healthy environment
9. DRAPE (VERB): cover:(ढांकना)
Synonyms: wrap, envelop
Antonyms: unwrap, uncover
Example Sentence:
The snow draped everything as the temperature kept deteriorating.
10. PROMOTION (NOUN): advancement:(उन्नति)
Synonyms: elevation, aggrandizement
Antonyms: hindrance, debasement
Example Sentence:
They have got the promotion because they deserved it in one way or the other.
Synonyms: devotion, obedience
Antonyms: treachery disloyalty
Example sentence:
For many fidelity to a religion creed is admirable.
2. INSISTENCE (NOUN): demand:(आग्रह)
Synonyms: urging, emphasis
Antonyms: satisfaction, satiation
Example Sentence:
Our insistence for luxuries should not cause a misery to anyone.
3. NEGATE (VERB): contradict:(नकारना)
Synonyms: annihilate, disallow
Antonyms: allow, assist
Example Sentence:
The criminal will negate all charges if you failed to prove him guilty.
4. QUEER (ADJECTIVE): abnormal:(असामान्य)
Synonyms: erratic, weird
Antonyms: sensible, sound
Example Sentence:
They are queer in behavior and extremely uncultured in their lifestyle.
5. STIMULATE (VERB): provoke:(उत्तेजित करना)
Synonyms: elate, arouse
Antonyms: neglect, dishearten
Example Sentence:
The teacher has to stimulate the students in order to create a hunger in them.
6. UNPRECEDENTED (ADJECTIVE): exceptional:(अभूतपूर्व)
Synonyms: bizarre, anomalous
Antonyms: familiar, regular
Example Sentence:
We have come across unprecedented reactions that weren’t expected.
7. PIQUANT (ADJECTIVE): sparkling:(सरस)
Synonyms: peppery, spicy
Antonyms: flavorless, tasteless
Example Sentence:
We need to eat piquant dishes in order to get the real taste of Royal Rajasthan.
8. RUSTICATE (VERB): expel:(दंडस्वरूप निष्कासित करना)
Synonyms: dispel, ostracize
Antonyms: incorporate, inculcate
Example Sentence:
The principal will rusticate all the students who don’t deserve to be taught in a healthy environment
9. DRAPE (VERB): cover:(ढांकना)
Synonyms: wrap, envelop
Antonyms: unwrap, uncover
Example Sentence:
The snow draped everything as the temperature kept deteriorating.
10. PROMOTION (NOUN): advancement:(उन्नति)
Synonyms: elevation, aggrandizement
Antonyms: hindrance, debasement
Example Sentence:
They have got the promotion because they deserved it in one way or the other.
Monday, October 8, 2018
Vocab 9 October
BARB (NOUN): pointed comment:(कटाक्ष)
Synonyms: criticism, insult
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence:
Watch out for barbs as they can hurt you badly.
2. GROVEL (VERB): kowtow:(गिड़गिड़ाना)
Synonyms: beseech, kneel
Antonyms: authorize, command
Example sentence:
They criticized leaders who grovelled for foreign patrons.
3. PALLIATE (VERB): to reduce the severity:(न्यूनीकरण)
Synonyms: abate, cover up
Antonyms: enlarge expose
Example sentence:
The doctor trusted that the new medication would palliate her patient's discomfort.
4. AMBIVALENCE (NOUN): the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas:( उभयभाविता)
Synonyms: doubt irresolution
Antonyms: sureness, decisiveness
Example sentence:
The judge's ambivalence about the defendant's guilt caused a delay in the penalty portion of the trial.
5. NEOPHYTE (NOUN): beginner:(नवदीक्षित)
Synonyms: amateur, novice
Antonyms: professional, expert
Example Sentence:
Even the best player in the world was once a neophyte at the sport.
6. PRETENSION (NOUN): self- importance:(मिथ्याभिमान)
Synonyms: snobbishness, pomposity
Antonyms: modesty, propriety
Example Sentence:
He is adored by millions because he lacks in pretension.
7. PITHY (VERB): to the point:(सारगर्भित)
Synonyms: concise, brief
Antonyms: lengthy, verbose
Example Sentence:
In order to make it quick the teach gave pithy explanation for all the questions.
8. PERVASIVE (ADJECTIVE): which is all over the place.:(व्यापक)
Synonyms: omnipresent, prevalent
Antonyms: deficient, scanty
Example Sentence:
Unemployment is a pervasive issue in India touching all the classes.
9. HERMETIC (ADJECTIVE): airtight:(हवा बंद)
Synonyms: impervious, sealed
Antonyms: susceptible, penetrable
Example Sentence:
The cells were hermetic causing the prisoners to die of suffocation.
10. UTTERANCE (NOUN): revelation:(अभिव्यक्ति)
Synonyms: pronouncement, declaration
Antonyms: concealment, secret
Example Sentence:
The news would bubble inside his gut till it finds utterance.
Synonyms: criticism, insult
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence:
Watch out for barbs as they can hurt you badly.
2. GROVEL (VERB): kowtow:(गिड़गिड़ाना)
Synonyms: beseech, kneel
Antonyms: authorize, command
Example sentence:
They criticized leaders who grovelled for foreign patrons.
3. PALLIATE (VERB): to reduce the severity:(न्यूनीकरण)
Synonyms: abate, cover up
Antonyms: enlarge expose
Example sentence:
The doctor trusted that the new medication would palliate her patient's discomfort.
4. AMBIVALENCE (NOUN): the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas:( उभयभाविता)
Synonyms: doubt irresolution
Antonyms: sureness, decisiveness
Example sentence:
The judge's ambivalence about the defendant's guilt caused a delay in the penalty portion of the trial.
5. NEOPHYTE (NOUN): beginner:(नवदीक्षित)
Synonyms: amateur, novice
Antonyms: professional, expert
Example Sentence:
Even the best player in the world was once a neophyte at the sport.
6. PRETENSION (NOUN): self- importance:(मिथ्याभिमान)
Synonyms: snobbishness, pomposity
Antonyms: modesty, propriety
Example Sentence:
He is adored by millions because he lacks in pretension.
7. PITHY (VERB): to the point:(सारगर्भित)
Synonyms: concise, brief
Antonyms: lengthy, verbose
Example Sentence:
In order to make it quick the teach gave pithy explanation for all the questions.
8. PERVASIVE (ADJECTIVE): which is all over the place.:(व्यापक)
Synonyms: omnipresent, prevalent
Antonyms: deficient, scanty
Example Sentence:
Unemployment is a pervasive issue in India touching all the classes.
9. HERMETIC (ADJECTIVE): airtight:(हवा बंद)
Synonyms: impervious, sealed
Antonyms: susceptible, penetrable
Example Sentence:
The cells were hermetic causing the prisoners to die of suffocation.
10. UTTERANCE (NOUN): revelation:(अभिव्यक्ति)
Synonyms: pronouncement, declaration
Antonyms: concealment, secret
Example Sentence:
The news would bubble inside his gut till it finds utterance.
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Vocab 8 October
DAWDLE (VERB): waste time:(समय नष्ट करना)
Synonyms: laze, saunter
Antonyms: rush, hasten
Example Sentence:
People hasten to ask for help but often dawdle when help is needed.
2. SCURRY (VERB): move along swiftly:(शीघ्र चलना)
Synonyms: scamper, dash
Antonyms: loaf, dawdle
Example Sentence:
The little girl scurried towards her father when he called her name.
3. DENIGRATION (NOUN): belittlement:(बदनामी)
Synonyms: defamation, ridicule
Antonyms: cajolery, blandishment
Example Sentence:
Those who denigrate others often do it to hide their own failures.
4. DRUDGERY (NOUN): tedious work:(कठिन परिश्रम)
Synonyms: labor, travail
Antonyms: lethargy, indolence
Example Sentence:
To lose weight one has to endure the drudgery of hard exercises.
5. ORDEAL (NOUN): unpleasant and prolonged experience:(कठिन परीक्षा)
Synonym: difficulty, trouble
Antonyms: comfort, peace
Example sentence:
This article had a gory description about the ordeals faced by players who came back after loosing a match.
6. RAMPANT (NOUN): flourishing or spreading unchecked:(अनियंत्रित)
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unbridled
Antonyms: restrained, moderate
Example sentence:
Corruption is rampant and government is trying its best to control it.
7. FATHOM (VERB): to understand after much thought:(पूर्ण रूप से समझना)
Synonyms: comprehend grasp
Antonyms: misinterpret, misunderstand
Example sentence:
Since I have always scored good marks I cannot fathom why my teacher gave me poor grades.
8. SPAWN (VERB): originate:(बनाना)
Synonyms: create, generate
Antonyms: destroy, kill
Example sentence:
The new economic freedom has spawned hundreds of new small businesses.
9. LIMPID (ADJECTIVE): clear, transparent:(पारदर्शक)
Synonyms: comprehensible, lucid
Antonyms: muddy obscure
Example sentence:
The writer's limpid writing style greatly pleased readers who disliked complicated novels.
10. GRATIS (ADJECTIVE): free:(मुफ़्त)
Synonyms: complementary, costless
Antonyms: costly, expensive
Example sentence:
Gratis distribution of net is already being applied successfully in several impoverished countries.
Synonyms: laze, saunter
Antonyms: rush, hasten
Example Sentence:
People hasten to ask for help but often dawdle when help is needed.
2. SCURRY (VERB): move along swiftly:(शीघ्र चलना)
Synonyms: scamper, dash
Antonyms: loaf, dawdle
Example Sentence:
The little girl scurried towards her father when he called her name.
3. DENIGRATION (NOUN): belittlement:(बदनामी)
Synonyms: defamation, ridicule
Antonyms: cajolery, blandishment
Example Sentence:
Those who denigrate others often do it to hide their own failures.
4. DRUDGERY (NOUN): tedious work:(कठिन परिश्रम)
Synonyms: labor, travail
Antonyms: lethargy, indolence
Example Sentence:
To lose weight one has to endure the drudgery of hard exercises.
5. ORDEAL (NOUN): unpleasant and prolonged experience:(कठिन परीक्षा)
Synonym: difficulty, trouble
Antonyms: comfort, peace
Example sentence:
This article had a gory description about the ordeals faced by players who came back after loosing a match.
6. RAMPANT (NOUN): flourishing or spreading unchecked:(अनियंत्रित)
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unbridled
Antonyms: restrained, moderate
Example sentence:
Corruption is rampant and government is trying its best to control it.
7. FATHOM (VERB): to understand after much thought:(पूर्ण रूप से समझना)
Synonyms: comprehend grasp
Antonyms: misinterpret, misunderstand
Example sentence:
Since I have always scored good marks I cannot fathom why my teacher gave me poor grades.
8. SPAWN (VERB): originate:(बनाना)
Synonyms: create, generate
Antonyms: destroy, kill
Example sentence:
The new economic freedom has spawned hundreds of new small businesses.
9. LIMPID (ADJECTIVE): clear, transparent:(पारदर्शक)
Synonyms: comprehensible, lucid
Antonyms: muddy obscure
Example sentence:
The writer's limpid writing style greatly pleased readers who disliked complicated novels.
10. GRATIS (ADJECTIVE): free:(मुफ़्त)
Synonyms: complementary, costless
Antonyms: costly, expensive
Example sentence:
Gratis distribution of net is already being applied successfully in several impoverished countries.
vocaab 7 october
1. OVERRIDE (VERB): abrogate: (के विरुद्ध निर्णय देना)
Synonyms: annul, nullify
Antonyms: sanction, validate
Example Sentence:
He decided to override his lawyer’s decision.
2. INVIOLABILITY (NOUN): sanctity: (पवित्रता)
Synonyms: devotion, divinity
Antonyms: impiousness, irreverence
Example Sentence:
The priest proclaimed the inviolability of the temple.
3. POSIT (VERB): suppose:(मानना)
Synonyms: assume, consider
Antonyms: neglect, ignore
Example Sentence:
I shall posit her as my friend for the rest of my life.
4. UNPRECEDENTED (NOUN): extraordinary:(अभूतपूर्व)
Synonyms: bizarre, exceptional
Antonyms: regular, common
Example Sentence:
The Supreme Court has passed the unprecedented verdict on Adultery.
5. CITY DWELLERS (NOUN): townie:(शहरी)
Synonyms: urbanite, city boy
Antonyms: immigrant, foreigner
Example Sentence:
Many city dwellers live in rented apartments.
6.BYSTANDAR (NOUN): observer: (दर्शक)
Synonyms: onlooker, witness
Antonyms: participant, associate
Example Sentence:
As the drivers’ argument became physical, a bystander had to intervene.
7. CHICANERY (NOUN): deception:(छल-कपट)
Synonyms: trickery, duplicity
Antonyms: honesty, truthfulness
Example Sentence:
He is up to his old chicanery, blaming all democrats for the recession.
8.AGITATE (ADJECTIVE): disturb: (खलबली डालना)
Synonyms: churn, concuss
Antonyms: calm, soothe
Example Sentence:
As his younger brother is a troublemaker, he likes to agitate his sister by hiding her dolls.
9. CEREMONIAL (ADJECTIVE): ritual: (रीति संबंधी)
Synonyms: solemn, august
Antonyms: unimpressive, unceremonial
Example Sentence:
The tribe has different ceremonial dance for each ceremony.
10. GRUELING (ADJECTIVE): arduous: (भयंकर)
Synonyms: exhausting, laborious
Antonyms: easy, facile
Example Sentence:
In between work and school, the medical student managed a very grueling schedule.
Synonyms: annul, nullify
Antonyms: sanction, validate
Example Sentence:
He decided to override his lawyer’s decision.
2. INVIOLABILITY (NOUN): sanctity: (पवित्रता)
Synonyms: devotion, divinity
Antonyms: impiousness, irreverence
Example Sentence:
The priest proclaimed the inviolability of the temple.
3. POSIT (VERB): suppose:(मानना)
Synonyms: assume, consider
Antonyms: neglect, ignore
Example Sentence:
I shall posit her as my friend for the rest of my life.
4. UNPRECEDENTED (NOUN): extraordinary:(अभूतपूर्व)
Synonyms: bizarre, exceptional
Antonyms: regular, common
Example Sentence:
The Supreme Court has passed the unprecedented verdict on Adultery.
5. CITY DWELLERS (NOUN): townie:(शहरी)
Synonyms: urbanite, city boy
Antonyms: immigrant, foreigner
Example Sentence:
Many city dwellers live in rented apartments.
6.BYSTANDAR (NOUN): observer: (दर्शक)
Synonyms: onlooker, witness
Antonyms: participant, associate
Example Sentence:
As the drivers’ argument became physical, a bystander had to intervene.
7. CHICANERY (NOUN): deception:(छल-कपट)
Synonyms: trickery, duplicity
Antonyms: honesty, truthfulness
Example Sentence:
He is up to his old chicanery, blaming all democrats for the recession.
8.AGITATE (ADJECTIVE): disturb: (खलबली डालना)
Synonyms: churn, concuss
Antonyms: calm, soothe
Example Sentence:
As his younger brother is a troublemaker, he likes to agitate his sister by hiding her dolls.
9. CEREMONIAL (ADJECTIVE): ritual: (रीति संबंधी)
Synonyms: solemn, august
Antonyms: unimpressive, unceremonial
Example Sentence:
The tribe has different ceremonial dance for each ceremony.
10. GRUELING (ADJECTIVE): arduous: (भयंकर)
Synonyms: exhausting, laborious
Antonyms: easy, facile
Example Sentence:
In between work and school, the medical student managed a very grueling schedule.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Vocab 6 October
IMPECUNIOUS (ADJECTIVE): having little or no money:(निर्धन)
Synonyms: penniless, penurious
Antonyms: wealthy, affluent
Example Sentence:
Back in the eighties he was an impecunious, would-be racing driver.
2. IMPERTURBABILITY (NOUN): balance:(स्थिरता)
Synonyms: aplomb, coolness
Antonyms: agitation, anxiety
Example Sentence:
His imperturbability always had the effect of a goad upon his father’s temper.
3. MERETRICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): gaudy, flashy:(बनावटी शोभा युक्त)
Synonyms: garish, loud
Antonyms: genuine, real
Example Sentence:
He believes in living a meretricious life.
4. AUGURY (NOUN): omen:(शकुन)
Synonyms: auspice, harbinger
Antonyms: short-sighted, assurance
Example Sentence:
This incident of his infancy was accepted as an augury of his maturity, and he did not
belie it.
5. GLIB (ADJECTIVE): slick, smooth-talking:(चिकनी चुपड़ी बातें करने वाला)
Synonyms: artful, facile
Antonyms: stuttering, inarticulate
Example Sentence:
She advises women with similar issues not to settle for glib explanations.
6. OSTRACISM (NOUN): banishment:(बहिष्कार)
Synonyms: avoidance, boycott
Antonyms: acceptance, allowance
Example Sentence:
Only cruel teachers can follow ostracism and ill-treat their children.
7. REPINE (VERB): complain:(शिकायत करना)
Synonyms: grumble, lament
Antonyms: appreciate, praise
Example Sentence:
She likes to repine about her colleagues.
8. FEINT (NOUN): pretense:(भुलावा)
Synonyms: ruse, bluff
Antonyms: honesty, truth
Example Sentence:
She pretended to be making great efforts to cope up with the course but it was merely a feint.
9. INURE (VERB): accustom:(अभ्यस्त करना)
Synonyms: familiarize, habituate
Antonyms: neglect, soften
Example Sentence:
Poverty has inured them living in slums.
10. RECONDITE (ADJECTIVE): mysterious, obscure:(गूढ़)
Synonyms: arcane, cabalistic
Antonyms: simple, straightforward
Example Sentence:
How else to explain the popularity of a novel so free of plot, so obsessed with existential rumination and recondite philosophy?
Synonyms: penniless, penurious
Antonyms: wealthy, affluent
Example Sentence:
Back in the eighties he was an impecunious, would-be racing driver.
2. IMPERTURBABILITY (NOUN): balance:(स्थिरता)
Synonyms: aplomb, coolness
Antonyms: agitation, anxiety
Example Sentence:
His imperturbability always had the effect of a goad upon his father’s temper.
3. MERETRICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): gaudy, flashy:(बनावटी शोभा युक्त)
Synonyms: garish, loud
Antonyms: genuine, real
Example Sentence:
He believes in living a meretricious life.
4. AUGURY (NOUN): omen:(शकुन)
Synonyms: auspice, harbinger
Antonyms: short-sighted, assurance
Example Sentence:
This incident of his infancy was accepted as an augury of his maturity, and he did not
belie it.
5. GLIB (ADJECTIVE): slick, smooth-talking:(चिकनी चुपड़ी बातें करने वाला)
Synonyms: artful, facile
Antonyms: stuttering, inarticulate
Example Sentence:
She advises women with similar issues not to settle for glib explanations.
6. OSTRACISM (NOUN): banishment:(बहिष्कार)
Synonyms: avoidance, boycott
Antonyms: acceptance, allowance
Example Sentence:
Only cruel teachers can follow ostracism and ill-treat their children.
7. REPINE (VERB): complain:(शिकायत करना)
Synonyms: grumble, lament
Antonyms: appreciate, praise
Example Sentence:
She likes to repine about her colleagues.
8. FEINT (NOUN): pretense:(भुलावा)
Synonyms: ruse, bluff
Antonyms: honesty, truth
Example Sentence:
She pretended to be making great efforts to cope up with the course but it was merely a feint.
9. INURE (VERB): accustom:(अभ्यस्त करना)
Synonyms: familiarize, habituate
Antonyms: neglect, soften
Example Sentence:
Poverty has inured them living in slums.
10. RECONDITE (ADJECTIVE): mysterious, obscure:(गूढ़)
Synonyms: arcane, cabalistic
Antonyms: simple, straightforward
Example Sentence:
How else to explain the popularity of a novel so free of plot, so obsessed with existential rumination and recondite philosophy?
Friday, October 5, 2018
Vocab 5 October
GRUBBY (ADJECTIVE): dirty:(मैला)
Synonyms: filthy, soiled
Antonyms: clean, spotless
Example Sentence:
His white coat was grubby and stained.
2. IMPREGNABLE (ADJECTIVE): invincible:(अखंडनीय)
Synonyms: fortified, unyielding
Antonyms: breakable, destructible
Example Sentence:
The old fort with its thick, high walls was virtually impregnable.
3. CONTEMPLATE (VERB): think about seriously:(विचार करना)
Synonyms: consider, ponder
Antonyms: neglect, reject
Example Sentence:
Our busy schedule does not allow much time to contemplate about the pleasant surroundings.
4. CONSCIENTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): thorough, careful:(अंतर्विवेकशील)
Synonyms: diligent, fastidious
Antonyms: careless, dishonest
Example Sentence:
The conscientious employees achieved the target.
5. ELATION (NOUN): extreme happiness:(आनंद)
Synonyms: bliss, ecstasy
Antonyms: sorrow, woe
Example Sentence:
His elation increased at the sight of the little girl he had saved.
6. GRAVELY (ADVERB): very much; desperately:(गंभीर भाव से)
Synonyms: deeply, seriously
Antonyms: lightly, calmly
Example Sentence:
She listened to her father gravely.
7. DIAPHANOUS (ADJECTIVE): light, airy, transparent:(पारदर्शी)
Synonyms: flimsy, clear
Antonyms: opaque, thick
Example Sentence:
Sunlight poured in through the diaphanous curtains, brightening the room.
8. BLANDISHMENT (NOUN): flattery:(चापलूसी)
Synonyms: adulation, cajolery
Antonyms: criticism, condemnation
Example Sentence:
At first he used his arts of blandishment and honeyed words in order to lure his boss.
9. QUACKERY (NOUN): charlatanism:(नीमहकीमी)
Synonyms: trickery, deception
Antonyms: reality, frankness
Example Sentence:
The meanest and most contemptible kind of cheating is quackery.
10. AVENGE (VERB): retaliate:(बदला लेना)
Synonyms: vindicate, punish
Antonyms: cheer, forgive
Example Sentence:
Hamlet delayed avenging the murder of his father.
Synonyms: filthy, soiled
Antonyms: clean, spotless
Example Sentence:
His white coat was grubby and stained.
2. IMPREGNABLE (ADJECTIVE): invincible:(अखंडनीय)
Synonyms: fortified, unyielding
Antonyms: breakable, destructible
Example Sentence:
The old fort with its thick, high walls was virtually impregnable.
3. CONTEMPLATE (VERB): think about seriously:(विचार करना)
Synonyms: consider, ponder
Antonyms: neglect, reject
Example Sentence:
Our busy schedule does not allow much time to contemplate about the pleasant surroundings.
4. CONSCIENTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): thorough, careful:(अंतर्विवेकशील)
Synonyms: diligent, fastidious
Antonyms: careless, dishonest
Example Sentence:
The conscientious employees achieved the target.
5. ELATION (NOUN): extreme happiness:(आनंद)
Synonyms: bliss, ecstasy
Antonyms: sorrow, woe
Example Sentence:
His elation increased at the sight of the little girl he had saved.
6. GRAVELY (ADVERB): very much; desperately:(गंभीर भाव से)
Synonyms: deeply, seriously
Antonyms: lightly, calmly
Example Sentence:
She listened to her father gravely.
7. DIAPHANOUS (ADJECTIVE): light, airy, transparent:(पारदर्शी)
Synonyms: flimsy, clear
Antonyms: opaque, thick
Example Sentence:
Sunlight poured in through the diaphanous curtains, brightening the room.
8. BLANDISHMENT (NOUN): flattery:(चापलूसी)
Synonyms: adulation, cajolery
Antonyms: criticism, condemnation
Example Sentence:
At first he used his arts of blandishment and honeyed words in order to lure his boss.
9. QUACKERY (NOUN): charlatanism:(नीमहकीमी)
Synonyms: trickery, deception
Antonyms: reality, frankness
Example Sentence:
The meanest and most contemptible kind of cheating is quackery.
10. AVENGE (VERB): retaliate:(बदला लेना)
Synonyms: vindicate, punish
Antonyms: cheer, forgive
Example Sentence:
Hamlet delayed avenging the murder of his father.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Vocab 4 October
EXPEDIENT (ADJECTIVE): appropriate:(फ़ायदेमंद)
Synonyms: feasible, practicable
Antonyms: unfeasible, unseemly
Example Sentence:
We gave them an expedient solution to their problems.
2. CRUMBLING (ADJECTIVE): rotting:(कमज़ोर पड़ना)
Synonyms: disintegrating, collapsing
Antonyms: healing, restorative
Example Sentence:
The crumbling building got destroyed in minutes.
3. PROVOKING (ADJECTIVE): annoying:(गुस्सा भड़काने वाला)
Synonyms: tormenting, vexing
Antonyms: pleasing, soothing
Example Sentence:
The provoking words of the boss made him resign.
4. RENDERED (ADJECTIVE): performed:(प्रतिपादन करना)
Synonyms: concluded, accomplished
Antonyms: incomplete, unfinished
Example Sentence:
They rendered a brilliant act of the play.
5. BOLSTER (VERB): help:(सहारा)
Synonyms: reinforce, sustain
Antonyms: halt, neglect
Example Sentence:
His actions bolstered our actions.
6. REPEL (VERB): push away:(हटाना/टालना)
Synonyms: ward off, fend off
Antonyms: approve, aid
Example Sentence:
He repelled the enemies away.
7. INSURGENT (ADJECTIVE): rebellious:(द्रोही)
Synonyms: revolutionary, anarchical
Antonyms: obedient, subordinate
Example Sentence:
The insurgent activists were killed.
8. PROVINCIAL (ADJECTIVE):narrow:(संकीर्ण)
Synonyms: bigoted, hidebound
Antonyms: broad-minded, liberal
Example Sentence:
The provincial views must be changed.
9. RETALIATE (VERB): get even with someone:(जैसे को तैसा देना)
Synonyms: reciprocate, retrospect
Antonyms: pardon, forgive
Example Sentence:
The enemy didn’t retaliate at the same time.
10. PROFOUND (ADJECTIVE): thoughtful:(प्रकांड)
Synonyms: philosophical, thorough
Antonyms: superficial, unintelligent
Example Sentence:
He took profound steps.
Synonyms: feasible, practicable
Antonyms: unfeasible, unseemly
Example Sentence:
We gave them an expedient solution to their problems.
2. CRUMBLING (ADJECTIVE): rotting:(कमज़ोर पड़ना)
Synonyms: disintegrating, collapsing
Antonyms: healing, restorative
Example Sentence:
The crumbling building got destroyed in minutes.
3. PROVOKING (ADJECTIVE): annoying:(गुस्सा भड़काने वाला)
Synonyms: tormenting, vexing
Antonyms: pleasing, soothing
Example Sentence:
The provoking words of the boss made him resign.
4. RENDERED (ADJECTIVE): performed:(प्रतिपादन करना)
Synonyms: concluded, accomplished
Antonyms: incomplete, unfinished
Example Sentence:
They rendered a brilliant act of the play.
5. BOLSTER (VERB): help:(सहारा)
Synonyms: reinforce, sustain
Antonyms: halt, neglect
Example Sentence:
His actions bolstered our actions.
6. REPEL (VERB): push away:(हटाना/टालना)
Synonyms: ward off, fend off
Antonyms: approve, aid
Example Sentence:
He repelled the enemies away.
7. INSURGENT (ADJECTIVE): rebellious:(द्रोही)
Synonyms: revolutionary, anarchical
Antonyms: obedient, subordinate
Example Sentence:
The insurgent activists were killed.
8. PROVINCIAL (ADJECTIVE):narrow:(संकीर्ण)
Synonyms: bigoted, hidebound
Antonyms: broad-minded, liberal
Example Sentence:
The provincial views must be changed.
9. RETALIATE (VERB): get even with someone:(जैसे को तैसा देना)
Synonyms: reciprocate, retrospect
Antonyms: pardon, forgive
Example Sentence:
The enemy didn’t retaliate at the same time.
10. PROFOUND (ADJECTIVE): thoughtful:(प्रकांड)
Synonyms: philosophical, thorough
Antonyms: superficial, unintelligent
Example Sentence:
He took profound steps.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Current affairs 3 October
International Day of Older Persons is observed every year on 1st October.
अंतरराष्ट्रीय वृद्ध दिवस प्रत्येक वर्ष 1 अक्टूबर को मनाया जाता है।
2. Assam Government has launched Wage Compensation Scheme for Pregnant Women in tea gardens of the state.
असम सरकार ने राज्य के चाय बागानों में गर्भवती महिलाओं के लिए मजदूरी क्षतिपूर्ति योजना शुरू की है।
3. SBI cuts daily ATM cash withdrawal limit to Rs 20,000 effective from Oct 31.
एसबीआई दैनिक एटीएम नकदी निकासी सीमा 31 अक्टूबर से 20,000 रुपये कर दी है।
4. Yuvraj Wadhwani has won the 25th Asian junior individual squash championship title.
युवराज वाधवानी ने 25 वां एशियाई जूनियर इंडिविजुअल स्क्वैश चैंपियनशिप खिताब जीता है।
5. Manu Bhaker has been named as the flag-bearer of the Indian contingent for the third Youth Olympic Games to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
मनु भाकर को अर्जेंटीना के ब्यूनस आयर्स में आयोजित होने वाले तीसरे युवा ओलंपिक खेलों के लिए भारतीय दल के ध्वज-वाहक के रूप में नामित किया गया है ।
6. Central Information Commission (CIC) has ruled that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is covered under the RTI Act.
केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग (सीआईसी) ने फैसला दिया है कि भारतीय क्रिकेट कंट्रोल बोर्ड (बीसीसीआई) आरटीआई अधिनियम के तहत कवर किया गया है।
7. Canada's parliament has voted unanimously to effectively strip Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi of her honorary Canadian citizenship over the Rohingya crisis.
म्यामां में रोहिंग्या मुसलमानों पर किये गये अत्याचारों में भागीदारी के लिए कनाडा की संसद ने आंग सान सू ची की कनाडा की मानद नागरिकता औपचारिक रूप से वापस ले ली।
8. 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi was celebrated in America.
अमेरिका में महात्मा गांधी की 150 वीं जयंती मनाई गयी।
अंतरराष्ट्रीय वृद्ध दिवस प्रत्येक वर्ष 1 अक्टूबर को मनाया जाता है।
2. Assam Government has launched Wage Compensation Scheme for Pregnant Women in tea gardens of the state.
असम सरकार ने राज्य के चाय बागानों में गर्भवती महिलाओं के लिए मजदूरी क्षतिपूर्ति योजना शुरू की है।
3. SBI cuts daily ATM cash withdrawal limit to Rs 20,000 effective from Oct 31.
एसबीआई दैनिक एटीएम नकदी निकासी सीमा 31 अक्टूबर से 20,000 रुपये कर दी है।
4. Yuvraj Wadhwani has won the 25th Asian junior individual squash championship title.
युवराज वाधवानी ने 25 वां एशियाई जूनियर इंडिविजुअल स्क्वैश चैंपियनशिप खिताब जीता है।
5. Manu Bhaker has been named as the flag-bearer of the Indian contingent for the third Youth Olympic Games to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
मनु भाकर को अर्जेंटीना के ब्यूनस आयर्स में आयोजित होने वाले तीसरे युवा ओलंपिक खेलों के लिए भारतीय दल के ध्वज-वाहक के रूप में नामित किया गया है ।
6. Central Information Commission (CIC) has ruled that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is covered under the RTI Act.
केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग (सीआईसी) ने फैसला दिया है कि भारतीय क्रिकेट कंट्रोल बोर्ड (बीसीसीआई) आरटीआई अधिनियम के तहत कवर किया गया है।
7. Canada's parliament has voted unanimously to effectively strip Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi of her honorary Canadian citizenship over the Rohingya crisis.
म्यामां में रोहिंग्या मुसलमानों पर किये गये अत्याचारों में भागीदारी के लिए कनाडा की संसद ने आंग सान सू ची की कनाडा की मानद नागरिकता औपचारिक रूप से वापस ले ली।
8. 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi was celebrated in America.
अमेरिका में महात्मा गांधी की 150 वीं जयंती मनाई गयी।
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Vocab 3 October
BRACE (VERB): fortify:(बन्धनी)
Synonyms: gird, prepare
Antonyms: free, let go
Example sentence:
The posts were braced by timber.
2. TURGID (ADJECTIVE): swollen:(सूजा हुआ)
Synonyms: bloated, disintended
Antonyms: plain, simple
Example sentence:
A turgid river was ahead his way.
3. TROVE (NOUN): accretion:(जमाव)
Synonyms: aggregation, agglomeration
Antonyms: subtraction, dispersal
Example sentence:
I saw the cellar contained a trove of rare wine.
4. TURBID (ADJECTIVE): dense:(गंदा)
Synonyms: muddy, murky
Antonyms: clear, neat
Example sentence:
It was a turbid weather.
5. TWINGE (NOUN): sharp pain:(टीस)
Synonyms: ache, pang
Antonyms: advantage, blessing
Example sentence:
I was feeling twinge in my heels.
6. TAWDRY (ADJECTIVE): tacky:(घटिया)
Synonyms: cheap, sleazy
Antonyms: nice, tasteful
Example sentence:
His house was in a tawdry location.
7. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): urgent:(डरावना)
Synonyms: drastic, extreme
Antonyms: calm, mild
Example sentence:
The dire need is there to save water.
8. SAVVY (ADJECTIVE): calculating: (जानकार)
Synonyms: cunning, impeachable
Antonyms: blameless, innocent
Example sentence:
Why are you being so savvy?
9. CULPABLE (ADJECTIVE): guilty: (आपराधिक)
Synonyms: liable, cosset
Antonyms: upset, hurt
Example sentence:
He is a culpable minister.
10. CONCOMITANT (ADJECTIVE): contributing:(सहगामी)
Synonyms: adjuvant, coefficient
Antonyms: unrelated, accidental
Example sentence:
She loved mountaineering, with all its concomitant worries.
Synonyms: gird, prepare
Antonyms: free, let go
Example sentence:
The posts were braced by timber.
2. TURGID (ADJECTIVE): swollen:(सूजा हुआ)
Synonyms: bloated, disintended
Antonyms: plain, simple
Example sentence:
A turgid river was ahead his way.
3. TROVE (NOUN): accretion:(जमाव)
Synonyms: aggregation, agglomeration
Antonyms: subtraction, dispersal
Example sentence:
I saw the cellar contained a trove of rare wine.
4. TURBID (ADJECTIVE): dense:(गंदा)
Synonyms: muddy, murky
Antonyms: clear, neat
Example sentence:
It was a turbid weather.
5. TWINGE (NOUN): sharp pain:(टीस)
Synonyms: ache, pang
Antonyms: advantage, blessing
Example sentence:
I was feeling twinge in my heels.
6. TAWDRY (ADJECTIVE): tacky:(घटिया)
Synonyms: cheap, sleazy
Antonyms: nice, tasteful
Example sentence:
His house was in a tawdry location.
7. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): urgent:(डरावना)
Synonyms: drastic, extreme
Antonyms: calm, mild
Example sentence:
The dire need is there to save water.
8. SAVVY (ADJECTIVE): calculating: (जानकार)
Synonyms: cunning, impeachable
Antonyms: blameless, innocent
Example sentence:
Why are you being so savvy?
9. CULPABLE (ADJECTIVE): guilty: (आपराधिक)
Synonyms: liable, cosset
Antonyms: upset, hurt
Example sentence:
He is a culpable minister.
10. CONCOMITANT (ADJECTIVE): contributing:(सहगामी)
Synonyms: adjuvant, coefficient
Antonyms: unrelated, accidental
Example sentence:
She loved mountaineering, with all its concomitant worries.
Vocab 2 October
UPHILL (ADJECTIVE): difficult:(कठिन)
Synonyms: tough, unimaginable
Antonyms: banal, mundane
Example Sentence:
The article had a glorious description regarding the uphill task done by the army.
2. DROUGHT (NOUN): scarcity: (अकाल)
Synonyms: shrink, depletion
Antonyms: plentiful, lavish
Example Sentence:
They criticized leaders who were responsible for the financial drought faced by the nation.
3. PLEA (NOUN): request: (तर्क)
Synonyms: pray, appeal
Antonyms: order, instruct
Example Sentence:
The doctor’s plea for silence went unheard, resulting in extreme discomfort to the patient.
4. ARREST (VERB): take in custody: (गिरफ्तार करना)
Synonyms: abstain, detain
Antonyms: liberate, emancipate
Example Sentence:
The judge will seek reasons for the arrest without a legal warrant.
5. CONFLICT (VERB): fight: (लड़ना)
Synonyms: brawl, scuffle
Antonyms: serene, peace
Example Sentence:
They have conflicted again and again.
6. RIFT (NOUN): division: (मनमुटाव)
Synonyms: gap, difference
Antonyms: bridge, joint
Example Sentence:
The opposition and the government seemed to be focused on removing the rift between them.
7. FORTHCOMING (ADJECTIVE): coming in future: (आगामी)
Synonyms: new, futuristic
Antonyms: obsolete, outdated
Example Sentence:
Ever since I was of tender age, I have trained for forthcoming technical enhancements.
8. BORROW (VERB): to take by request: (ऋण लेना)
Synonyms: loan, beg
Antonyms: snatch, rob
Example Sentence:
The new economic freedom has enabled people to borrow less and spend more.
9. CRISIS (NOUN): problem: (संकट-स्थिति)
Synonyms: mayhem, doom
Antonyms: prosperity, harmony
Example Sentence:
The writer’s crisis lies in the depiction of negative characters in a positive way and vice versa.
10. JUMBLE (VERB): disturb: (गड़बड़ करना)
Synonyms: disturb, disorganize
Antonyms: organize, arrange
Example Sentence:
All of us can jumble up our lives but many few of us can arrange it properly.
Synonyms: tough, unimaginable
Antonyms: banal, mundane
Example Sentence:
The article had a glorious description regarding the uphill task done by the army.
2. DROUGHT (NOUN): scarcity: (अकाल)
Synonyms: shrink, depletion
Antonyms: plentiful, lavish
Example Sentence:
They criticized leaders who were responsible for the financial drought faced by the nation.
3. PLEA (NOUN): request: (तर्क)
Synonyms: pray, appeal
Antonyms: order, instruct
Example Sentence:
The doctor’s plea for silence went unheard, resulting in extreme discomfort to the patient.
4. ARREST (VERB): take in custody: (गिरफ्तार करना)
Synonyms: abstain, detain
Antonyms: liberate, emancipate
Example Sentence:
The judge will seek reasons for the arrest without a legal warrant.
5. CONFLICT (VERB): fight: (लड़ना)
Synonyms: brawl, scuffle
Antonyms: serene, peace
Example Sentence:
They have conflicted again and again.
6. RIFT (NOUN): division: (मनमुटाव)
Synonyms: gap, difference
Antonyms: bridge, joint
Example Sentence:
The opposition and the government seemed to be focused on removing the rift between them.
7. FORTHCOMING (ADJECTIVE): coming in future: (आगामी)
Synonyms: new, futuristic
Antonyms: obsolete, outdated
Example Sentence:
Ever since I was of tender age, I have trained for forthcoming technical enhancements.
8. BORROW (VERB): to take by request: (ऋण लेना)
Synonyms: loan, beg
Antonyms: snatch, rob
Example Sentence:
The new economic freedom has enabled people to borrow less and spend more.
9. CRISIS (NOUN): problem: (संकट-स्थिति)
Synonyms: mayhem, doom
Antonyms: prosperity, harmony
Example Sentence:
The writer’s crisis lies in the depiction of negative characters in a positive way and vice versa.
10. JUMBLE (VERB): disturb: (गड़बड़ करना)
Synonyms: disturb, disorganize
Antonyms: organize, arrange
Example Sentence:
All of us can jumble up our lives but many few of us can arrange it properly.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Vocab 1 October
CIRCUMSPECT (ADJECTIVE): cautious: (सतर्क)
Synonyms: careful, prudent
Antonyms: careless, unwise
Example Sentence:
Circumspect doctors avoid recommending wrong medicines to their patients.
2. FLUKE (NOUN): chance of occurrence: (अनायास सफलता)
Synonyms: blessing, quirk
Antonyms: misfortune, certainty
Example Sentence:
Their victory was a bit of a fluke.
3. INSURMOUNTABLE (ADJECTIVE): impossible: (अजेय)
Synonyms: unbeatable, invincible
Antonyms: attainable, defeatable
Example Sentence:
It is an unsurmountable task to get any high degree without studying for it.
4. INTRICATE (ADJECTIVE): very complicated or detailed: (कठिन)
Synonyms: complex, difficult
Antonyms: easy, straightforward
Example Sentence:
Biology is considered as an intricate subject.
5. RANCOUR (NOUN): bitterness, hatefulness: (द्वेष)
Synonyms: animosity, hostility
Antonyms: friendliness, kindness
Example Sentence:
Although my friend betrayed me, I have no rancour towards him.
6. EVINCE (VERB): to show, reveal: (दिखाना)
Synonyms: manifest, demonstrate
Antonyms: conceal, hide
Example Sentence:
His nail biting evinced that he was nervous for the interview.
7. EXPIATE (VERB): to rectify: (क्षतिपूर्ति करना)
Synonyms: amend, correct
Antonyms: worsen, destroy
Example Sentence:
It is better to expiate your mistakes than to find excuses.
8. METTLESOME (ADJECTIVE): brave: (साहसी)
Synonyms: courageous, high-spirited
Antonyms: meek, fearful
Example Sentence:
Amit is a mettlesome boy.
9. SANGUINE (ADJECTIVE): optimistic and confident: (आशावादी)
Synonyms: happy, cheerful
Antonyms: morose, sad
Example Sentence:
The sanguine lady started her new business.
10. DEMUR (VERB): disagree: (आपत्ति करना)
Synonyms: vacillate, oppose
Antonyms: accept, agree
Example Sentence:
There were certain reasons to demur the proposal.
Synonyms: careful, prudent
Antonyms: careless, unwise
Example Sentence:
Circumspect doctors avoid recommending wrong medicines to their patients.
2. FLUKE (NOUN): chance of occurrence: (अनायास सफलता)
Synonyms: blessing, quirk
Antonyms: misfortune, certainty
Example Sentence:
Their victory was a bit of a fluke.
3. INSURMOUNTABLE (ADJECTIVE): impossible: (अजेय)
Synonyms: unbeatable, invincible
Antonyms: attainable, defeatable
Example Sentence:
It is an unsurmountable task to get any high degree without studying for it.
4. INTRICATE (ADJECTIVE): very complicated or detailed: (कठिन)
Synonyms: complex, difficult
Antonyms: easy, straightforward
Example Sentence:
Biology is considered as an intricate subject.
5. RANCOUR (NOUN): bitterness, hatefulness: (द्वेष)
Synonyms: animosity, hostility
Antonyms: friendliness, kindness
Example Sentence:
Although my friend betrayed me, I have no rancour towards him.
6. EVINCE (VERB): to show, reveal: (दिखाना)
Synonyms: manifest, demonstrate
Antonyms: conceal, hide
Example Sentence:
His nail biting evinced that he was nervous for the interview.
7. EXPIATE (VERB): to rectify: (क्षतिपूर्ति करना)
Synonyms: amend, correct
Antonyms: worsen, destroy
Example Sentence:
It is better to expiate your mistakes than to find excuses.
8. METTLESOME (ADJECTIVE): brave: (साहसी)
Synonyms: courageous, high-spirited
Antonyms: meek, fearful
Example Sentence:
Amit is a mettlesome boy.
9. SANGUINE (ADJECTIVE): optimistic and confident: (आशावादी)
Synonyms: happy, cheerful
Antonyms: morose, sad
Example Sentence:
The sanguine lady started her new business.
10. DEMUR (VERB): disagree: (आपत्ति करना)
Synonyms: vacillate, oppose
Antonyms: accept, agree
Example Sentence:
There were certain reasons to demur the proposal.
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Vocab 30 September
CANDOR (NOUN): (निष्कपटता): complete honesty
Synonyms: directness, fairness
Antonyms: dishonesty, unfairness
Example Sentence:
Lisa has done her task with complete candor.
2. DEVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कपटपूर्ण): deceitful
Synonyms: duplicitous, insidious
Antonyms: honest, forthright
Example Sentence:
Rohit plays a devious character.
3. DISENTOMB (VERB): (अन्वेषण करना): disclose
Synonyms: resurrect, unearth
Antonyms: entomb, bury
Example Sentence:
They disentombed the matter.
4. DEFALCATION (NOUN): (कमज़ोरी): default
Synonyms: disaster, failure
Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement
Example Sentence:
Imran made defalcation in funds.
5. DEBILITY (NOUN): decrepitude
Synonyms: enervation, enfeeblement
Antonyms: soundness, healthiness
Example Sentence:
Even though she beat cancer, she still dealt with debility from her battle.
6. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): (पृथक्): contrasting
Synonyms: discordant, diverse
Antonyms: agreeing, alike
Example Sentence:
Avni made disparate arguments.
7. CANARD (NOUN): (झूठी अफवाह): fabrication
Synonyms: exaggeration, lie
Antonyms: truth, reality
Example Sentence:
Her statement was full of canard.
8. DOYEN (NOUN): (दल के उच्च सदस्य):legislator
Synonyms: principal, authority
Antonyms: pupil, student
Example Sentence:
Amit is a doyen of this organisation.
9. CESSATION (NOUN): (समाप्ति, विराम): abeyance
Synonyms: breather, discontinuance
Antonyms: activity, continuity
Example Sentence:
Since the bad weather has caused a temporary building cessation, the office building will not be completed on time.
10. BRIGAND (NOUN): (डाकू): hoodlum
Synonyms: bandit, desperado
Antonyms: law, police
Example Sentence:
Anshul is a brigand.
Synonyms: directness, fairness
Antonyms: dishonesty, unfairness
Example Sentence:
Lisa has done her task with complete candor.
2. DEVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कपटपूर्ण): deceitful
Synonyms: duplicitous, insidious
Antonyms: honest, forthright
Example Sentence:
Rohit plays a devious character.
3. DISENTOMB (VERB): (अन्वेषण करना): disclose
Synonyms: resurrect, unearth
Antonyms: entomb, bury
Example Sentence:
They disentombed the matter.
4. DEFALCATION (NOUN): (कमज़ोरी): default
Synonyms: disaster, failure
Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement
Example Sentence:
Imran made defalcation in funds.
5. DEBILITY (NOUN): decrepitude
Synonyms: enervation, enfeeblement
Antonyms: soundness, healthiness
Example Sentence:
Even though she beat cancer, she still dealt with debility from her battle.
6. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): (पृथक्): contrasting
Synonyms: discordant, diverse
Antonyms: agreeing, alike
Example Sentence:
Avni made disparate arguments.
7. CANARD (NOUN): (झूठी अफवाह): fabrication
Synonyms: exaggeration, lie
Antonyms: truth, reality
Example Sentence:
Her statement was full of canard.
8. DOYEN (NOUN): (दल के उच्च सदस्य):legislator
Synonyms: principal, authority
Antonyms: pupil, student
Example Sentence:
Amit is a doyen of this organisation.
9. CESSATION (NOUN): (समाप्ति, विराम): abeyance
Synonyms: breather, discontinuance
Antonyms: activity, continuity
Example Sentence:
Since the bad weather has caused a temporary building cessation, the office building will not be completed on time.
10. BRIGAND (NOUN): (डाकू): hoodlum
Synonyms: bandit, desperado
Antonyms: law, police
Example Sentence:
Anshul is a brigand.
Friday, September 28, 2018
Vocab 29 September
VIBRANT (ADJECTIVE): energetic : (जोशपूर्ण)
Synonyms: spirited, virile
Antonyms: dispirited, lethargic
Example Sentence:
The rich merchants are a part of a vibrant economy.
2. UNFEIGNED (ADJECTIVE): original: (अकृत्रिम)
Synonyms: genuine, real
Antonyms: pretended, counterfeit
Example Sentence:
The reality show was completely unfeigned and free of scripted fights.
3. ADUMBRATE (VERB): foreshadow: (पूर्वाभास देना)
Synonyms: outline, darken
Antonym: illuminate, light up
Example Sentence:
The setting sun adumbrates the bridge to create a scenic view.
4. BUNGLE (VERB): mess up: (घपला)
Synonyms: blunder, mismanage
Antonyms: manage, fix
Example Sentence:
He was fired as he could bungle the simplest of tasks given to him.
5. FUGITIVE (ADJECTIVE): person escaping law: (भगोड़ा)
Synonyms: escapee, outlaw
Antonyms: enduring, confronting
Example Sentence:
The fugitive don rarely left his cabin to avoid any social contact.
6. CAUCUS (NOUN): group gathered to make decisions: (दल)
Synonyms: gathering, convention
Antonym: individual, one
Example Sentence:
The legislative caucus had a long discussion over the new bill.
7. CHASM (NOUN): gap: (गहरी खाई)
Synonyms: crater, rift
Antonyms: closure, juncture
Example Sentence:
The chasm between the rich and poor has grown wider over the last decade.
8. TIRADE (NOUN): abuse: (आक्षेप)
Synonyms: ranting, denunciation
Antonyms: praise, complement
Example Sentence:
The employee launched a tirade when fired from his job.
9. TUMULT (NOUN): chaos: (कोलाहल)
Synonyms: commotion, agitation
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Example sentence:
The petrol prices are rising due to the political tumult in the gulf countries
10. RAUCOUS (ADJECTIVE): noisy : (उग्र)
Synonyms: discordant, loud
Antonyms: mild, quiet
Example Sentence:
Her birthday parties were raucous but fun.
Synonyms: spirited, virile
Antonyms: dispirited, lethargic
Example Sentence:
The rich merchants are a part of a vibrant economy.
2. UNFEIGNED (ADJECTIVE): original: (अकृत्रिम)
Synonyms: genuine, real
Antonyms: pretended, counterfeit
Example Sentence:
The reality show was completely unfeigned and free of scripted fights.
3. ADUMBRATE (VERB): foreshadow: (पूर्वाभास देना)
Synonyms: outline, darken
Antonym: illuminate, light up
Example Sentence:
The setting sun adumbrates the bridge to create a scenic view.
4. BUNGLE (VERB): mess up: (घपला)
Synonyms: blunder, mismanage
Antonyms: manage, fix
Example Sentence:
He was fired as he could bungle the simplest of tasks given to him.
5. FUGITIVE (ADJECTIVE): person escaping law: (भगोड़ा)
Synonyms: escapee, outlaw
Antonyms: enduring, confronting
Example Sentence:
The fugitive don rarely left his cabin to avoid any social contact.
6. CAUCUS (NOUN): group gathered to make decisions: (दल)
Synonyms: gathering, convention
Antonym: individual, one
Example Sentence:
The legislative caucus had a long discussion over the new bill.
7. CHASM (NOUN): gap: (गहरी खाई)
Synonyms: crater, rift
Antonyms: closure, juncture
Example Sentence:
The chasm between the rich and poor has grown wider over the last decade.
8. TIRADE (NOUN): abuse: (आक्षेप)
Synonyms: ranting, denunciation
Antonyms: praise, complement
Example Sentence:
The employee launched a tirade when fired from his job.
9. TUMULT (NOUN): chaos: (कोलाहल)
Synonyms: commotion, agitation
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Example sentence:
The petrol prices are rising due to the political tumult in the gulf countries
10. RAUCOUS (ADJECTIVE): noisy : (उग्र)
Synonyms: discordant, loud
Antonyms: mild, quiet
Example Sentence:
Her birthday parties were raucous but fun.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Vocab 28 September
ALLAY (VERB): pacify: (शान्त करना)
Synonyms: lighten, assuage
Antonyms: heighten, agitate
Example Sentence:
A good teacher works hard to allay the concerns of all the students in his class.
2. ABJURE (VERB): forsake: (त्यागना)
Synonyms: renounce, disapprove
Antonyms: approve, sanction
Example Sentence:
Martha has chosen to abjure her favourite dessert, while on her diet.
3. FALLACY (NOUN): mistake: (धोखा)
Synonyms: delusion, deception
Antonyms: veracity, truth
Example Sentence:
It is a fallacy that all poor people are uneducated.
4. LASSITUDE (NOUN): tiredness: (थकान)
Synonyms: languor, weariness
Antonyms: vivacity, agility
Example Sentence:
After finishing his exercise routine, Daniel conquered his lassitude by drinking an energy drink
5. GUILE (NOUN): cunningness: (धूर्तता)
Synonyms: deceit, slyness
Antonyms: honesty, truthfulness
Example Sentence:
The richest man of our city has used all his money and guile to get into politics.
6. HAGGARD (ADJECTIVE): exhausted: (मरियल)
Synonyms: gaunt, emaciated
Antonyms: exuberant, active
Example Sentence:
From John’s haggard appearance, it was obvious that he had way too many drinks last night.
7. INSINUATE (VERB): force one’s way into: (दिल में जगह करना)
Synonyms: instil, infuse
Antonyms: conceal, suppress
Example Sentence:
Longing to be popular, she made several attempts to insinuate herself into the crowd of popular kids.
8. SOLITUDE (NOUN): aloneness: (एकांत)
Synonyms: isolation, seclusion
Antonyms: togetherness, companionship
Example Sentence:
A bit of solitude is often all you need to clear your head and rethink your approach.
9. FOE (NOUN): opponent: (विरोधी)
Synonyms: adversary, antagonist.
Antonyms: friend, comrade
Example Sentence:
Although they used to be close friends, it ended when Myra befriended his political foe.
10. CONSPICUOUS (ADJECTIVE): distinguished: (विख्यात)
Synonyms: prominent, obvious
Antonyms: unapparent, obscure
Example Sentence:
Performing well in studies will make you conspicuous among the other students.
Synonyms: lighten, assuage
Antonyms: heighten, agitate
Example Sentence:
A good teacher works hard to allay the concerns of all the students in his class.
2. ABJURE (VERB): forsake: (त्यागना)
Synonyms: renounce, disapprove
Antonyms: approve, sanction
Example Sentence:
Martha has chosen to abjure her favourite dessert, while on her diet.
3. FALLACY (NOUN): mistake: (धोखा)
Synonyms: delusion, deception
Antonyms: veracity, truth
Example Sentence:
It is a fallacy that all poor people are uneducated.
4. LASSITUDE (NOUN): tiredness: (थकान)
Synonyms: languor, weariness
Antonyms: vivacity, agility
Example Sentence:
After finishing his exercise routine, Daniel conquered his lassitude by drinking an energy drink
5. GUILE (NOUN): cunningness: (धूर्तता)
Synonyms: deceit, slyness
Antonyms: honesty, truthfulness
Example Sentence:
The richest man of our city has used all his money and guile to get into politics.
6. HAGGARD (ADJECTIVE): exhausted: (मरियल)
Synonyms: gaunt, emaciated
Antonyms: exuberant, active
Example Sentence:
From John’s haggard appearance, it was obvious that he had way too many drinks last night.
7. INSINUATE (VERB): force one’s way into: (दिल में जगह करना)
Synonyms: instil, infuse
Antonyms: conceal, suppress
Example Sentence:
Longing to be popular, she made several attempts to insinuate herself into the crowd of popular kids.
8. SOLITUDE (NOUN): aloneness: (एकांत)
Synonyms: isolation, seclusion
Antonyms: togetherness, companionship
Example Sentence:
A bit of solitude is often all you need to clear your head and rethink your approach.
9. FOE (NOUN): opponent: (विरोधी)
Synonyms: adversary, antagonist.
Antonyms: friend, comrade
Example Sentence:
Although they used to be close friends, it ended when Myra befriended his political foe.
10. CONSPICUOUS (ADJECTIVE): distinguished: (विख्यात)
Synonyms: prominent, obvious
Antonyms: unapparent, obscure
Example Sentence:
Performing well in studies will make you conspicuous among the other students.
Vocab 27 September
PAINSTAKING (ADJECTIVE): thorough: (बहुत ही सावधानीपूर्वक किया गया)
Synonyms: strenuous, diligent
Antonyms: lethargic, unscrupulous
Example Sentence:
Our institute makes painstaking efforts for our success.
2. FORGE (VERB): counterfeit: (नकली बनाना)
Synonyms: fabricate, falsify
Antonyms: invent, produce
Example Sentence:
They forged the signatures of all the directors and are now in jail.
3. DRIVE (NOUN): campaign for cause: (आंदोलन)
Synonyms: crusade, initiative
Antonyms: idleness, inactivity
Example Sentence:
They are sponsoring the drive for driving safely and following the traffic rules.
4. MINGLE (VERB): join: (घुलना मिलना)
Synonyms: blend, intermix
Antonyms: disjoin, unmix
Example Sentence:
We need to mingle in order to work properly.
5. OFFSET (VERB): balance: (बराबर कर देना)
Synonyms: equalize, neutralize
Antonyms: disturb, disproportion
Example Sentence:
His speech offset the disturbances caused earlier.
6. TIP-OFF (NOUN): hint: (संकेत)
Synonyms: prompt, suggestion
Antonyms: ignorance, carelessness
Example Sentence:
We have come across a tip-off from the Pakistanis regarding terror activities.
7. DIVERT (VERB): turn in a different directions: (राह से परे हटाना)
Synonyms: deflect, alter
Antonyms: maintain, straighten
Example Sentence:
We need to divert their attention towards the actual issues.
8. DAWN (NOUN): beginning of the day: (उषा-काल)
Synonyms: daybreak, aurora
Antonyms: darkness, sundown
Example Sentence:
We need to wake up before dawn and get started with our day.
9. SUBSIDY (NOUN): money given to help another: (आर्थिक सहायता)
Synonyms: bonus, financial aid
Antonyms: forfeit, theft
Example Sentence:
The subsidy for the poor is being stolen by greedy and wealthy politicians.
10. APPEAL (NOUN): request for help: (निवेदन)
Synonyms: petition, proposal
Antonyms: disclaimer, revocation
Example Sentence:
They have appealed against the judgment given by the Honorable High Court.
Synonyms: strenuous, diligent
Antonyms: lethargic, unscrupulous
Example Sentence:
Our institute makes painstaking efforts for our success.
2. FORGE (VERB): counterfeit: (नकली बनाना)
Synonyms: fabricate, falsify
Antonyms: invent, produce
Example Sentence:
They forged the signatures of all the directors and are now in jail.
3. DRIVE (NOUN): campaign for cause: (आंदोलन)
Synonyms: crusade, initiative
Antonyms: idleness, inactivity
Example Sentence:
They are sponsoring the drive for driving safely and following the traffic rules.
4. MINGLE (VERB): join: (घुलना मिलना)
Synonyms: blend, intermix
Antonyms: disjoin, unmix
Example Sentence:
We need to mingle in order to work properly.
5. OFFSET (VERB): balance: (बराबर कर देना)
Synonyms: equalize, neutralize
Antonyms: disturb, disproportion
Example Sentence:
His speech offset the disturbances caused earlier.
6. TIP-OFF (NOUN): hint: (संकेत)
Synonyms: prompt, suggestion
Antonyms: ignorance, carelessness
Example Sentence:
We have come across a tip-off from the Pakistanis regarding terror activities.
7. DIVERT (VERB): turn in a different directions: (राह से परे हटाना)
Synonyms: deflect, alter
Antonyms: maintain, straighten
Example Sentence:
We need to divert their attention towards the actual issues.
8. DAWN (NOUN): beginning of the day: (उषा-काल)
Synonyms: daybreak, aurora
Antonyms: darkness, sundown
Example Sentence:
We need to wake up before dawn and get started with our day.
9. SUBSIDY (NOUN): money given to help another: (आर्थिक सहायता)
Synonyms: bonus, financial aid
Antonyms: forfeit, theft
Example Sentence:
The subsidy for the poor is being stolen by greedy and wealthy politicians.
10. APPEAL (NOUN): request for help: (निवेदन)
Synonyms: petition, proposal
Antonyms: disclaimer, revocation
Example Sentence:
They have appealed against the judgment given by the Honorable High Court.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Vocab 26 September
EAGERNESS (NOUN): enthusiasm: (उत्सुकता)
Synonyms: longing, yearning
Antonyms: apathy, reluctance
Example Sentence:
His eagerness for fame can be seen in his actions.
2. ARDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): difficult: (कठिन)
Synonyms: onerous, uphill
Antonyms: effortless, pleasant
Example Sentence:
The arduous task was completed on time.
3. FANATIC (NOUN): an overenthusiastic person: (उन्मादी)
Synonyms: bigot, radical
Antonym: liberal, moderate
Example Sentence:
The fanatics are disliked by everyone.
4. PINNACLE (NOUN): top: (परमोत्कर्ष)
Synonyms: apex, zenith
Antonyms: nadir, base
Example Sentence:
They reached the pinnacle of their career honestly.
5. DETRIMENT (NOUN): disadvantage: (अहित)
Synonyms: liability, drawback
Antonyms: boon, gain
Example Sentence:
They faced many detriments while achieving their goal.
6. ZEST (NOUN): spicing: (स्वाद)
Synonyms: seasoning, flavoring
Antonym: indifference, lethargy
Example Sentence:
A bit of zest is important in life.
7. WAYWARD (ADJECTIVE): contrary: (स्वेच्छाचारी)
Synonyms: delinquent, capricious
Antonyms: compliant, obedient
Example Sentence:
The wayward points in the case made him lose it.
8. GAPE (VERB): stare: (मुँह बाये देखना)
Synonyms: glare, ogle
Antonyms: ignore, overlook
Example Sentence:
Many people gape in anger.
9. PINE (VERB): long for: (लालायित होना)
Synonyms: crave, hanker
Antonyms: dislike, despise
Example sentence:
They pined for a lot money and ended up in jail.
10. MUFFLED (ADJECTIVE): quietened: (अवरुद्ध)
Synonyms: silenced, subdued
Antonyms: encouraged, promoted
Example Sentence:
He muffled the noise with his roar.
Synonyms: longing, yearning
Antonyms: apathy, reluctance
Example Sentence:
His eagerness for fame can be seen in his actions.
2. ARDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): difficult: (कठिन)
Synonyms: onerous, uphill
Antonyms: effortless, pleasant
Example Sentence:
The arduous task was completed on time.
3. FANATIC (NOUN): an overenthusiastic person: (उन्मादी)
Synonyms: bigot, radical
Antonym: liberal, moderate
Example Sentence:
The fanatics are disliked by everyone.
4. PINNACLE (NOUN): top: (परमोत्कर्ष)
Synonyms: apex, zenith
Antonyms: nadir, base
Example Sentence:
They reached the pinnacle of their career honestly.
5. DETRIMENT (NOUN): disadvantage: (अहित)
Synonyms: liability, drawback
Antonyms: boon, gain
Example Sentence:
They faced many detriments while achieving their goal.
6. ZEST (NOUN): spicing: (स्वाद)
Synonyms: seasoning, flavoring
Antonym: indifference, lethargy
Example Sentence:
A bit of zest is important in life.
7. WAYWARD (ADJECTIVE): contrary: (स्वेच्छाचारी)
Synonyms: delinquent, capricious
Antonyms: compliant, obedient
Example Sentence:
The wayward points in the case made him lose it.
8. GAPE (VERB): stare: (मुँह बाये देखना)
Synonyms: glare, ogle
Antonyms: ignore, overlook
Example Sentence:
Many people gape in anger.
9. PINE (VERB): long for: (लालायित होना)
Synonyms: crave, hanker
Antonyms: dislike, despise
Example sentence:
They pined for a lot money and ended up in jail.
10. MUFFLED (ADJECTIVE): quietened: (अवरुद्ध)
Synonyms: silenced, subdued
Antonyms: encouraged, promoted
Example Sentence:
He muffled the noise with his roar.
Monday, September 24, 2018
Vocab 25 September
ENAMOURED (VERB): delighted by:(प्रेममत्त)
Synonyms: enchanted, fascinated
Antonyms: hated, disliked
Example Sentence:
My brother is so enamored with cricket that he doesn’t miss a single match.
2. ESCAPADE (NOUN): usually a light hearted adventure:(शरारत)
Synonyms: mischief, vagary
Antonyms: seriousness, gravity
Example Sentence:
The teen’s little escapade at the club earned him 6 months imprisonment.
3. EMINENT (ADJECTIVE): remarkable:(अग्रगण्य)
Synonyms: esteemed, famed
Antonym: insignificant, unremarkable
Example Sentence:
Big B is one of the most eminent stars of Indian cinema.
4. EMULATE (VERB): copy:(अनुकरण करना)
Synonyms: imitate, mimic
Antonyms: differ, oppose
Example Sentence:
The kids emulated the characters very nicely in the play.
5. ENDEAR (VERB): attract attention:(प्रिय बनाना)
Synonyms: captivate, charm
Antonyms: disconnect, repulse
Example Sentence:
If you want to endear my son, bring him chocolates.
6. FETTER (VERB): tie up:(रोक लगाना)
Synonym: confine, hamper
Antonym: free, liberate
Example Sentence:
Recession fettered the company from any further investments.
7. FIGURATIVE (ADJECTIVE): indirect:(रूपवत)
Synonyms: metaphorical, allegorical
Antonyms: literal, straight forward
Example Sentence:
The kids could not understand the figurative speech by the orator.
8. FLAGRANT (ADJECTIVE): blatant:(कुप्रसिद्ध)
Synonyms: bold, outrageous
Antonyms: fabulous, amazing
Example Sentence:
The flagrant attack of 26/11 shook the nation to its core.
9. FORAY (NOUN): an attack:(आक्रमण करना)
Synonyms: pursuit, assault
Antonyms: regroup, retreat
Example sentence:
The troops made a surprise foray and broke the backbone of the enemy.
10. FACTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): causing conflicts:(कलहप्रिय)
Synonyms: warring , divisive
Antonyms: agreeing, congruent
Example Sentence:
The factitious boss turned the employees against one other.
Synonyms: enchanted, fascinated
Antonyms: hated, disliked
Example Sentence:
My brother is so enamored with cricket that he doesn’t miss a single match.
2. ESCAPADE (NOUN): usually a light hearted adventure:(शरारत)
Synonyms: mischief, vagary
Antonyms: seriousness, gravity
Example Sentence:
The teen’s little escapade at the club earned him 6 months imprisonment.
3. EMINENT (ADJECTIVE): remarkable:(अग्रगण्य)
Synonyms: esteemed, famed
Antonym: insignificant, unremarkable
Example Sentence:
Big B is one of the most eminent stars of Indian cinema.
4. EMULATE (VERB): copy:(अनुकरण करना)
Synonyms: imitate, mimic
Antonyms: differ, oppose
Example Sentence:
The kids emulated the characters very nicely in the play.
5. ENDEAR (VERB): attract attention:(प्रिय बनाना)
Synonyms: captivate, charm
Antonyms: disconnect, repulse
Example Sentence:
If you want to endear my son, bring him chocolates.
6. FETTER (VERB): tie up:(रोक लगाना)
Synonym: confine, hamper
Antonym: free, liberate
Example Sentence:
Recession fettered the company from any further investments.
7. FIGURATIVE (ADJECTIVE): indirect:(रूपवत)
Synonyms: metaphorical, allegorical
Antonyms: literal, straight forward
Example Sentence:
The kids could not understand the figurative speech by the orator.
8. FLAGRANT (ADJECTIVE): blatant:(कुप्रसिद्ध)
Synonyms: bold, outrageous
Antonyms: fabulous, amazing
Example Sentence:
The flagrant attack of 26/11 shook the nation to its core.
9. FORAY (NOUN): an attack:(आक्रमण करना)
Synonyms: pursuit, assault
Antonyms: regroup, retreat
Example sentence:
The troops made a surprise foray and broke the backbone of the enemy.
10. FACTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): causing conflicts:(कलहप्रिय)
Synonyms: warring , divisive
Antonyms: agreeing, congruent
Example Sentence:
The factitious boss turned the employees against one other.
Vocab 24 September
REPLEVIN (NOUN): case brought to court: (प्रत्याप्ति)
Synonyms: accusation, dispute
Antonyms: exculpation, relaxation
Example Sentence:
Another action is replevin which is used to recover specific goods.
2. TRITE (ADJECTIVE): silly, commonplace: (घिसा-पिटा)
Synonyms: banal, dull
Antonyms: desirable, impressive
Example Sentence:
It is a trite remark that diamonds can be polished only by diamond dust.
3. TRANSPIRE (VERB): occur, happen: (होना)
Synonyms: arise, chance
Antonyms: cause, stop
Example Sentence:
What they thought—which might have been interesting—did not transpire.
4. PINNACLE (NOUN): top, crest: (शिखर)
Synonyms: apex, peak
Antonyms: bottom, base
Example Sentence:
They look down on him as from the pinnacle of the sublimest elevation.
5. TOPPLE (VERB): fall or knock over; overthrow: (गिर जाना)
Synonyms: collapse, overturn
Antonyms: hold, place
Example Sentence:
There was nothing to fling down upon him––no loose rock or stone to topple over and crush him.
6. FEND (VERB): defend: (बचाना)
Synonyms: oppose, cover
Antonyms: disregard, face
Example Sentence:
There were six of them, and after the death of her husband she had to fend for all.
7. DEFLECT (VERB): bounce off; turn aside: (मोड़ना)
Synonyms: avert, bend
Antonyms: stay, straighten
Example Sentence:
His inductive electrical machine could deflect a magnet and decompose iodide of
8. DEFECTOR (NOUN): traitor: (दलबदलू)
Synonyms: turncoat, betrayer
Antonyms: loyalist, supporter
Example Sentence:
But when the news broke, she didn't want to be involved with anyone who had a son as a defector, so she asked me to leave.
9. OBDURATE (ADJECTIVE): pigheaded, stubborn: (जिद्दी)
Synonyms: adamant, dogged
Antonyms: submissive, gentle
Example Sentence:
It happened because of massive and obdurate resistance to reasonable change.
10. QUALMISH (ADJECTIVE): not feeling well; not comfortable: (कष्टमय)
Synonyms: uneasy, sickly
Antonyms: content, healthy
Example Sentence:
He could not think, but only felt that he was extremely uncomfortable and qualmish.
Synonyms: accusation, dispute
Antonyms: exculpation, relaxation
Example Sentence:
Another action is replevin which is used to recover specific goods.
2. TRITE (ADJECTIVE): silly, commonplace: (घिसा-पिटा)
Synonyms: banal, dull
Antonyms: desirable, impressive
Example Sentence:
It is a trite remark that diamonds can be polished only by diamond dust.
3. TRANSPIRE (VERB): occur, happen: (होना)
Synonyms: arise, chance
Antonyms: cause, stop
Example Sentence:
What they thought—which might have been interesting—did not transpire.
4. PINNACLE (NOUN): top, crest: (शिखर)
Synonyms: apex, peak
Antonyms: bottom, base
Example Sentence:
They look down on him as from the pinnacle of the sublimest elevation.
5. TOPPLE (VERB): fall or knock over; overthrow: (गिर जाना)
Synonyms: collapse, overturn
Antonyms: hold, place
Example Sentence:
There was nothing to fling down upon him––no loose rock or stone to topple over and crush him.
6. FEND (VERB): defend: (बचाना)
Synonyms: oppose, cover
Antonyms: disregard, face
Example Sentence:
There were six of them, and after the death of her husband she had to fend for all.
7. DEFLECT (VERB): bounce off; turn aside: (मोड़ना)
Synonyms: avert, bend
Antonyms: stay, straighten
Example Sentence:
His inductive electrical machine could deflect a magnet and decompose iodide of
8. DEFECTOR (NOUN): traitor: (दलबदलू)
Synonyms: turncoat, betrayer
Antonyms: loyalist, supporter
Example Sentence:
But when the news broke, she didn't want to be involved with anyone who had a son as a defector, so she asked me to leave.
9. OBDURATE (ADJECTIVE): pigheaded, stubborn: (जिद्दी)
Synonyms: adamant, dogged
Antonyms: submissive, gentle
Example Sentence:
It happened because of massive and obdurate resistance to reasonable change.
10. QUALMISH (ADJECTIVE): not feeling well; not comfortable: (कष्टमय)
Synonyms: uneasy, sickly
Antonyms: content, healthy
Example Sentence:
He could not think, but only felt that he was extremely uncomfortable and qualmish.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Vocab 23 September
MAGNANIMITY (NOUN): generosity: (दरियादिली)
Synonyms: chivalry, philanthropy
Antonyms: meanness, selfishness
Example Sentence:
Mukesh is known for his magnanimity.
2. ADDUCE (VERB): cite as evidence: (उल्लेख करना)
Synonyms: affirm, prove
Antonyms: obscure, hide
Example Sentence:
Since the lawyer couldn’t adduce his point, the judge didn’t believe his hypothesis.
3. TOUT (VERB): show off: (शेखी बघारना)
Synonyms: proclaim, publicize
Antonyms: conceal condemn
Example Sentence:
Mohini touts her wealth and position.
4. GELID (ADJECTIVE): freezing: (हिम-शीत)
Synonyms: chilling, arctic
Antonym: warm, tepid
Example Sentence:
The room of the hotel was Gelid and dark while it was a scorching heat outside.
5. GAOL (VERB): imprison: (बन्दी करना)
Synonyms: jail, confine
Antonyms: free, emancipate
Example Sentence:
The place where criminals were gaoled, now contains a huge restaurant in it.
6. MASCOT (NOUN): lucky charm: (शुभंकर)
Synonyms: amulet, talisman
Antonyms: repulsion, unlucky
Example Sentence:
Parinishtha is the best mascot our college has ever had.
7. LAIR (NOUN): cave: (गुफा)
Synonyms: habitat, hideaway
Antonyms: unveil, display
Example Sentence:
A huge polar bear slumbered peacefully in its lair.
8. MOOT (ADJECTIVE): doubtful: (विवादास्पद)
Synonyms: controversial, dubious
Antonyms: certain, definite
Example Sentence:
Peter’s case accusations over the property were considered moot.
9. SLOVENLY (ADJECTIVE): messy: (लापरवाह)
Synonyms: disordered, disheveled
Antonyms: organized, clean
Example Sentence:
Once its slovenly clothes were washed, the dog looked quite adorable.
10. PANTHEIST (NOUN): person who does not believe in an orthodox religion: (सर्वेश्वरवादी)
Synonyms: agnostic, atheist
Antonyms: believer, follower
Example Sentence:
He has been a pantheist fellow since college days.
Synonyms: chivalry, philanthropy
Antonyms: meanness, selfishness
Example Sentence:
Mukesh is known for his magnanimity.
2. ADDUCE (VERB): cite as evidence: (उल्लेख करना)
Synonyms: affirm, prove
Antonyms: obscure, hide
Example Sentence:
Since the lawyer couldn’t adduce his point, the judge didn’t believe his hypothesis.
3. TOUT (VERB): show off: (शेखी बघारना)
Synonyms: proclaim, publicize
Antonyms: conceal condemn
Example Sentence:
Mohini touts her wealth and position.
4. GELID (ADJECTIVE): freezing: (हिम-शीत)
Synonyms: chilling, arctic
Antonym: warm, tepid
Example Sentence:
The room of the hotel was Gelid and dark while it was a scorching heat outside.
5. GAOL (VERB): imprison: (बन्दी करना)
Synonyms: jail, confine
Antonyms: free, emancipate
Example Sentence:
The place where criminals were gaoled, now contains a huge restaurant in it.
6. MASCOT (NOUN): lucky charm: (शुभंकर)
Synonyms: amulet, talisman
Antonyms: repulsion, unlucky
Example Sentence:
Parinishtha is the best mascot our college has ever had.
7. LAIR (NOUN): cave: (गुफा)
Synonyms: habitat, hideaway
Antonyms: unveil, display
Example Sentence:
A huge polar bear slumbered peacefully in its lair.
8. MOOT (ADJECTIVE): doubtful: (विवादास्पद)
Synonyms: controversial, dubious
Antonyms: certain, definite
Example Sentence:
Peter’s case accusations over the property were considered moot.
9. SLOVENLY (ADJECTIVE): messy: (लापरवाह)
Synonyms: disordered, disheveled
Antonyms: organized, clean
Example Sentence:
Once its slovenly clothes were washed, the dog looked quite adorable.
10. PANTHEIST (NOUN): person who does not believe in an orthodox religion: (सर्वेश्वरवादी)
Synonyms: agnostic, atheist
Antonyms: believer, follower
Example Sentence:
He has been a pantheist fellow since college days.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Vocab 22 September
OUTNUMBERED (NOUN): be more numerous than: (अधिक संख्या)
Synonyms: majority, many
Antonyms: few, less
Example Sentence:
My team was outnumbered in front of the enemy.
2. VAGARY (NOUN): usually a light hearted adventure: (मौज)
Synonyms: mischief, escapade
Antonyms: seriousness, gravity
Example Sentence:
The little vagary at the club earned him 6 months imprisonment.
3. AUGMENTATION (NOUN): small step towards gain: (वृद्धि)
Synonyms: accession, accretion
Antonym: subtraction, shrinkage
Example Sentence:
He was given an increment towards success.
4. IMITATE (VERB): copy: (अनुकरण करना)
Synonyms: emulate, mimic
Antonyms: differ, oppose
Example Sentence:
The kids imitated him very nicely.
5. INTERVENE (VERB): disrupt :(हस्तक्षेप करना)
Synonyms: interpose, meddle
Antonyms: connect, combine
Example Sentence:
They intervened to stop the scuffle.
6. WAYLAY (VERB): ambush : (घात में बैठना)
Synonym: ambuscade, accost
Antonym: allow, forward
Example Sentence:
He waylaid the terrorists and killed them all.
7. COMPLICIT (ADJECTIVE): associated with unethical activity: (मिलीभगत)
Synonyms: conniving, deceitful
Antonyms: forthright, naïve
Example Sentence:
The complicit men committed the crime.
8. OUTRAGEOUS (ADJECTIVE): blatant: (अपमानजनक)
Synonyms: bold, flagrant
Antonyms: fabulous, amazing
Example Sentence:
The outrageous attack shook the nation to its core.
9. ADVERSARY (NOUN): opponent :(प्रतिवादी)
Synonyms: antagonist, rival
Antonyms: ally, helpmate
Example sentence:
He was an adversary.
10. DIVISIVE (ADJECTIVE): causing conflicts :(बांटनेवाला)
Synonyms: warring
Antonyms: agreeing, congruent
Example Sentence:
The divisive boss turned the employees against one other.
Synonyms: majority, many
Antonyms: few, less
Example Sentence:
My team was outnumbered in front of the enemy.
2. VAGARY (NOUN): usually a light hearted adventure: (मौज)
Synonyms: mischief, escapade
Antonyms: seriousness, gravity
Example Sentence:
The little vagary at the club earned him 6 months imprisonment.
3. AUGMENTATION (NOUN): small step towards gain: (वृद्धि)
Synonyms: accession, accretion
Antonym: subtraction, shrinkage
Example Sentence:
He was given an increment towards success.
4. IMITATE (VERB): copy: (अनुकरण करना)
Synonyms: emulate, mimic
Antonyms: differ, oppose
Example Sentence:
The kids imitated him very nicely.
5. INTERVENE (VERB): disrupt :(हस्तक्षेप करना)
Synonyms: interpose, meddle
Antonyms: connect, combine
Example Sentence:
They intervened to stop the scuffle.
6. WAYLAY (VERB): ambush : (घात में बैठना)
Synonym: ambuscade, accost
Antonym: allow, forward
Example Sentence:
He waylaid the terrorists and killed them all.
7. COMPLICIT (ADJECTIVE): associated with unethical activity: (मिलीभगत)
Synonyms: conniving, deceitful
Antonyms: forthright, naïve
Example Sentence:
The complicit men committed the crime.
8. OUTRAGEOUS (ADJECTIVE): blatant: (अपमानजनक)
Synonyms: bold, flagrant
Antonyms: fabulous, amazing
Example Sentence:
The outrageous attack shook the nation to its core.
9. ADVERSARY (NOUN): opponent :(प्रतिवादी)
Synonyms: antagonist, rival
Antonyms: ally, helpmate
Example sentence:
He was an adversary.
10. DIVISIVE (ADJECTIVE): causing conflicts :(बांटनेवाला)
Synonyms: warring
Antonyms: agreeing, congruent
Example Sentence:
The divisive boss turned the employees against one other.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Vocab 21 september
REVELRY (NOUN): merrymaking: (आनंदोत्सव)
Synonyms: festivity, celebration
Antonyms: mourning, sadness
Example Sentence:
I called the police when my neighbours refused to settle down and end their revelry.
2. RUSE (NOUN): trick, deception :(धोखा)
Synonyms: gimmick, ploy
Antonyms: honesty, openness
Example Sentence:
It was a ruse to bring him there.
3. SIMPLETON (NOUN): fool: (मूर्ख)
Synonyms: buffoon, jerk
Antonyms: brain, genius
Example Sentence:
He is a simpleton boy and tries to make everybody around him laugh.
4. LIBIDINOUS (ADJECTIVE): lustful: (कामुक)
Synonyms: sensual, lascivious
Antonyms: moral, decent
Example Sentence:
The child should be kept away from libidinous movies.
5. CLANNISH (ADJECTIVE): exclusive: (औपचारिक)
Synonyms: selected, reserved
Antonyms: welcoming, open
Example Sentence:
Celebrities believe in wearing clannish dresses.
6. SATANIC (ADJECTIVE): demonic :(शैतान)
Synonyms: cruel, maniacal
Antonyms: angelic, good
Example Sentence:
His father’s satanic remark stung deeply and brought the boy to tears.
7. TITULAR (ADJECTIVE): having a title: (नाममात्र का)
Synonyms: nominal, so-called
Antonyms: actual, real
Example Sentence:
He always refused any titular distinction; but he was credited by many.
8. SPECKLE (ADJECTIVE): dotted: (कलंक)
Synonyms: flecked, mottled
Antonyms: plain, simple
Example Sentence:
The valley was speckled with flowers.
9. BEFOUL (VERB): contaminate: (मैला करना)
Synonyms: dirty, malign
Antonyms: cleanse, purify
Example Sentence:
The kids befouled their hands by playing in the garden.
10. FLURRY (NOUN): commotion:(घबराहट)
Synonyms: turmoil, outbreak
Antonyms: calm, peace
Example Sentence:
During weekends the street markets are in a state of flurry.
Synonyms: festivity, celebration
Antonyms: mourning, sadness
Example Sentence:
I called the police when my neighbours refused to settle down and end their revelry.
2. RUSE (NOUN): trick, deception :(धोखा)
Synonyms: gimmick, ploy
Antonyms: honesty, openness
Example Sentence:
It was a ruse to bring him there.
3. SIMPLETON (NOUN): fool: (मूर्ख)
Synonyms: buffoon, jerk
Antonyms: brain, genius
Example Sentence:
He is a simpleton boy and tries to make everybody around him laugh.
4. LIBIDINOUS (ADJECTIVE): lustful: (कामुक)
Synonyms: sensual, lascivious
Antonyms: moral, decent
Example Sentence:
The child should be kept away from libidinous movies.
5. CLANNISH (ADJECTIVE): exclusive: (औपचारिक)
Synonyms: selected, reserved
Antonyms: welcoming, open
Example Sentence:
Celebrities believe in wearing clannish dresses.
6. SATANIC (ADJECTIVE): demonic :(शैतान)
Synonyms: cruel, maniacal
Antonyms: angelic, good
Example Sentence:
His father’s satanic remark stung deeply and brought the boy to tears.
7. TITULAR (ADJECTIVE): having a title: (नाममात्र का)
Synonyms: nominal, so-called
Antonyms: actual, real
Example Sentence:
He always refused any titular distinction; but he was credited by many.
8. SPECKLE (ADJECTIVE): dotted: (कलंक)
Synonyms: flecked, mottled
Antonyms: plain, simple
Example Sentence:
The valley was speckled with flowers.
9. BEFOUL (VERB): contaminate: (मैला करना)
Synonyms: dirty, malign
Antonyms: cleanse, purify
Example Sentence:
The kids befouled their hands by playing in the garden.
10. FLURRY (NOUN): commotion:(घबराहट)
Synonyms: turmoil, outbreak
Antonyms: calm, peace
Example Sentence:
During weekends the street markets are in a state of flurry.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Vocab 20 September
CONSORT (NOUN): concomitant :(संगी)
Synonyms: companion, mate
Antonyms: enemy, adversary
Example Sentence:
He is my true consort.
2. DEARY (NOUN): dear :(प्रिय)
Synonyms: darling, sweetheart
Antonyms: opponent, foe
Example Sentence:
She is so deary.
3. EXCURSION (VERB): cruise :(भ्रमण)
Synonyms: expedition, jaunt
Antonyms: halt, stop
Example Sentence:
Our island excursion of Honduras was filled with touring the landmarks.
4. CREDENCE (NOUN): acceptance :(स्वीकृति)
Synonyms: assurance, certainty
Antonyms: denial, disbelief
Example Sentence:
If a person wants to give credence to his business, he should develop a company website.
5. WHIP (VERB): bash :(पीटना)
Synonyms: beat, lash
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence:
He was whipped badly.
6. CONTINUAL (ADJECTIVE): ceaseless :(लगातार)
Synonyms: continuous, enduring
Antonyms: finished, end
Example Sentence:
Your words are the source of continual inspiration.
7. FOLKSY (ADJECTIVE): casual :(मिलनसार)
Synonyms: homey, informal
Antonyms: formal, cold
Example Sentence:
Anuradha is a folksy fellow.
8. CRAVING (NOUN): strong desire :(तृष्णा)
Synonyms: appetite, hankering
Antonyms: disgust, dislike
Example Sentence:
His mind is full of unpleasant, unsatisfied craving.
9. CREAK (VERB): squeak :(चरमराना)
Synonyms: groan, screech
Antonyms: mumble, whisper
Example Sentence:
There was a loud creak in the corridor.
10. QUIRK (NOUN): eccentricity :(पागलपन)
Synonyms: oddity, foible
Antonyms: normality, inability
Example Sentence:
Wearing only pink socks is Gayatri’s oddest quirk.
Synonyms: companion, mate
Antonyms: enemy, adversary
Example Sentence:
He is my true consort.
2. DEARY (NOUN): dear :(प्रिय)
Synonyms: darling, sweetheart
Antonyms: opponent, foe
Example Sentence:
She is so deary.
3. EXCURSION (VERB): cruise :(भ्रमण)
Synonyms: expedition, jaunt
Antonyms: halt, stop
Example Sentence:
Our island excursion of Honduras was filled with touring the landmarks.
4. CREDENCE (NOUN): acceptance :(स्वीकृति)
Synonyms: assurance, certainty
Antonyms: denial, disbelief
Example Sentence:
If a person wants to give credence to his business, he should develop a company website.
5. WHIP (VERB): bash :(पीटना)
Synonyms: beat, lash
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence:
He was whipped badly.
6. CONTINUAL (ADJECTIVE): ceaseless :(लगातार)
Synonyms: continuous, enduring
Antonyms: finished, end
Example Sentence:
Your words are the source of continual inspiration.
7. FOLKSY (ADJECTIVE): casual :(मिलनसार)
Synonyms: homey, informal
Antonyms: formal, cold
Example Sentence:
Anuradha is a folksy fellow.
8. CRAVING (NOUN): strong desire :(तृष्णा)
Synonyms: appetite, hankering
Antonyms: disgust, dislike
Example Sentence:
His mind is full of unpleasant, unsatisfied craving.
9. CREAK (VERB): squeak :(चरमराना)
Synonyms: groan, screech
Antonyms: mumble, whisper
Example Sentence:
There was a loud creak in the corridor.
10. QUIRK (NOUN): eccentricity :(पागलपन)
Synonyms: oddity, foible
Antonyms: normality, inability
Example Sentence:
Wearing only pink socks is Gayatri’s oddest quirk.
Vocab 19 september
DEFALCATION (NOUN): default :(गबन)
Synonyms: disaster, failure
Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement
Example Sentence:
Ravi made defalcation in funds.
2. DEBILITY (NOUN): decrepitude :(दुर्बलता)
Synonyms: enervation, enfeeblement
Antonyms: soundness, healthiness
Example Sentence:
Even though she beat cancer, she still dealt with debility from her battle.
3. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): contrasting :(भिन्न)
Synonyms: discordant, diverse
Antonyms: agreeing, alike
Example Sentence:
Anamika made disparate arguments.
4. DOYEN (NOUN): legislator :(वरिष्ठ एवं प्रतिष्ठित सदस्य)
Synonyms: principal, authority
Antonyms: pupil, student
Example Sentence:
Anu is a doyen of this organisation.
5. DEVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): deceitful :(कपटी)
Synonyms: duplicitous, insidious
Antonyms: honest, forthright
Example Sentence:
He plays a devious character.
6. DISENTOMB (VERB): disclose :(अन्वेषण करना)
Synonyms: resurrect, unearth
Antonyms: entomb, bury
Example Sentence:
They disentombed the matter.
7. CANARD (NOUN): fabrication :(झूठी अफ़वाह)
Synonyms: exaggeration, lie
Antonyms: truth, reality
Example Sentence:
Her statement was full of canard.
8. CANDOR (NOUN): complete honesty :(निष्कपटता)
Synonyms: directness, fairness
Antonyms: dishonesty, unfairness
Example Sentence:
She has done her task with complete candor.
9. CESSATION (NOUN): abeyance :(ठहराव)
Synonyms: breather, discontinuance
Antonyms: activity, continuity
Example Sentence:
Since the bad weather has caused a temporary building cessation, the office building will not be completed on time.
10. BRIGAND (NOUN): hoodlum :(बटमार)
Synonyms: bandit, desperado
Antonyms: law, police
Example Sentence:
He is a brigand.
Synonyms: disaster, failure
Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement
Example Sentence:
Ravi made defalcation in funds.
2. DEBILITY (NOUN): decrepitude :(दुर्बलता)
Synonyms: enervation, enfeeblement
Antonyms: soundness, healthiness
Example Sentence:
Even though she beat cancer, she still dealt with debility from her battle.
3. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): contrasting :(भिन्न)
Synonyms: discordant, diverse
Antonyms: agreeing, alike
Example Sentence:
Anamika made disparate arguments.
4. DOYEN (NOUN): legislator :(वरिष्ठ एवं प्रतिष्ठित सदस्य)
Synonyms: principal, authority
Antonyms: pupil, student
Example Sentence:
Anu is a doyen of this organisation.
5. DEVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): deceitful :(कपटी)
Synonyms: duplicitous, insidious
Antonyms: honest, forthright
Example Sentence:
He plays a devious character.
6. DISENTOMB (VERB): disclose :(अन्वेषण करना)
Synonyms: resurrect, unearth
Antonyms: entomb, bury
Example Sentence:
They disentombed the matter.
7. CANARD (NOUN): fabrication :(झूठी अफ़वाह)
Synonyms: exaggeration, lie
Antonyms: truth, reality
Example Sentence:
Her statement was full of canard.
8. CANDOR (NOUN): complete honesty :(निष्कपटता)
Synonyms: directness, fairness
Antonyms: dishonesty, unfairness
Example Sentence:
She has done her task with complete candor.
9. CESSATION (NOUN): abeyance :(ठहराव)
Synonyms: breather, discontinuance
Antonyms: activity, continuity
Example Sentence:
Since the bad weather has caused a temporary building cessation, the office building will not be completed on time.
10. BRIGAND (NOUN): hoodlum :(बटमार)
Synonyms: bandit, desperado
Antonyms: law, police
Example Sentence:
He is a brigand.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Vocab 18 september
PONTIFICATE (VERB): sermonize :(धार्मिक शिक्षा देना)
Synonyms: preach, dogmatize
Antonyms: praise, applaud
Example Sentence:
He loves to hear himself talk and will often pontificate on even the most trivial issues.
2. FALLACY (NOUN): illusion :(भ्रम)
Synonyms: deception, falsehood
Antonyms: honesty, reality
Example Sentence:
The notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy.
3. DISTEMPER (NOUN): disorder :(विकार)
Synonyms: affliction, ailment
Antonyms: health, healer
Example Sentence:
Excessive distemper should not be practiced.
4. TINTINNABULATION (NOUN): loud ringing :(घंटे की खनखनाहट)
Synonyms: chime, jingle
Antonyms: silence, peace
Example Sentence:
The tintinnabulation that could be heard throughout the village was from the church on the common announcing morning services.
5. SEPTENTRIONAL (ADVERB): polar :(ध्रुव के समीप का)
Synonyms: northward, arctic
Antonyms: southward, Antarctic
Example Sentence:
When he tired of the long, septentrional winters of New England, Grandfather retired to Florida.
6. PANGLOSSIAN (ADJECTIVE): optimistic :(आशावादी)
Synonyms: assured, confident
Antonyms: pessimistic, uncertain
Example Sentence:
This is simply a Panglossian idea.
7. ANABASIS (NOUN): forward movement :(प्रगति)
Synonyms: advance, progress
Antonyms: hinder, backward
Example Sentence:
Reluctantly, the general ordered a hasty anabasis in the face of overwhelming opposing forces.
8. CAITIFF (NOUN): coward :(कायर)
Synonyms: scoundrel, louse
Antonyms: brave, bold
Example Sentence:
A woman was killed by a caitiff.
9. CRENEL (NOUN): scrape :(परिमार्जन)
Synonyms: indentation, incision
Antonyms: increase, bulge
Example Sentence:
Leaning into a crenel between two square merlons, he took a deep breath of relief.
10. FLAPDOODLE (ADJECTIVE): ridiculous situation or behaviour :(वाहियात)
Synonyms: craziness, foolishness
Antonyms: intelligence, judgement
Example Sentence:
You're the last man I ever expected to hear that kind of flapdoodle from.
Synonyms: preach, dogmatize
Antonyms: praise, applaud
Example Sentence:
He loves to hear himself talk and will often pontificate on even the most trivial issues.
2. FALLACY (NOUN): illusion :(भ्रम)
Synonyms: deception, falsehood
Antonyms: honesty, reality
Example Sentence:
The notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy.
3. DISTEMPER (NOUN): disorder :(विकार)
Synonyms: affliction, ailment
Antonyms: health, healer
Example Sentence:
Excessive distemper should not be practiced.
4. TINTINNABULATION (NOUN): loud ringing :(घंटे की खनखनाहट)
Synonyms: chime, jingle
Antonyms: silence, peace
Example Sentence:
The tintinnabulation that could be heard throughout the village was from the church on the common announcing morning services.
5. SEPTENTRIONAL (ADVERB): polar :(ध्रुव के समीप का)
Synonyms: northward, arctic
Antonyms: southward, Antarctic
Example Sentence:
When he tired of the long, septentrional winters of New England, Grandfather retired to Florida.
6. PANGLOSSIAN (ADJECTIVE): optimistic :(आशावादी)
Synonyms: assured, confident
Antonyms: pessimistic, uncertain
Example Sentence:
This is simply a Panglossian idea.
7. ANABASIS (NOUN): forward movement :(प्रगति)
Synonyms: advance, progress
Antonyms: hinder, backward
Example Sentence:
Reluctantly, the general ordered a hasty anabasis in the face of overwhelming opposing forces.
8. CAITIFF (NOUN): coward :(कायर)
Synonyms: scoundrel, louse
Antonyms: brave, bold
Example Sentence:
A woman was killed by a caitiff.
9. CRENEL (NOUN): scrape :(परिमार्जन)
Synonyms: indentation, incision
Antonyms: increase, bulge
Example Sentence:
Leaning into a crenel between two square merlons, he took a deep breath of relief.
10. FLAPDOODLE (ADJECTIVE): ridiculous situation or behaviour :(वाहियात)
Synonyms: craziness, foolishness
Antonyms: intelligence, judgement
Example Sentence:
You're the last man I ever expected to hear that kind of flapdoodle from.
Monday, September 17, 2018
Vocab 17 september
JOCULAR (ADJECTIVE): funny: (मज़ाकिया)
Synonyms: humorous, playful
Antonyms: gloomy, sad
Example Sentence:
I made a jocular statement at the party.
2. KIBBLE (VERB): crush :(टुकड़े टुकड़े करना)
Synonyms: crumble, grate
Antonyms: build, liberate
Example Sentence:
I kibbled red black pepper and cheese in my dish.
3. MUSTER (NOUN): assembly: (संग्रह)
Synonyms: gathering, roster
Antonyms: division, separation
Example Sentence:
They mustered at the playground.
4. EFFETE (ADJECTIVE): self-indulgent: (निर्बल)
Synonyms: spoilt, destroyed
Antonyms: disciplined, proper
Example Sentence:
He is an effete kid.
5. CORDIAL (ADJECTIVE): warm-hearted: (स्नेहपूर्ण)
Synonyms: affable, friendly
Antonyms: hostile, indifferent
Example Sentence:
If you treat people in a cordial manner, they will treat you well also.
6. PRECIPICE (NOUN): steep: (ढाल)
Synonyms: cliff, crag
Antonyms: plain, straight
Example Sentence:
There was a deep precipice along the road.
7. JIBE (VERB): to agree: (मेल खाना)
Synonyms: harmonize, conform
Antonyms: disagree, differ
Example Sentence:
I do not jibe with his idea.
8. TUTELARY (ADJECTIVE): protecting: (रक्षक)
Synonyms: Guardian, advisory
Antonyms: careless, inattentive
Example Sentence:
He was acting as a tutelary brother for me that day.
9. JOSTLE (VERB): to compete for something: (धकेलना)
Synonyms: struggle, tussle
Antonyms: harmonize, co-ordinate
Example Sentence:
He was jostling to clinch the title.
10. SPLOSH (VERB): sprinkle: (छिड़का हुआ पानी)
Synonyms: splash, moisten
Antonyms: collocate, cluster
Example Sentence:
She sploshed water over the plants.
Synonyms: humorous, playful
Antonyms: gloomy, sad
Example Sentence:
I made a jocular statement at the party.
2. KIBBLE (VERB): crush :(टुकड़े टुकड़े करना)
Synonyms: crumble, grate
Antonyms: build, liberate
Example Sentence:
I kibbled red black pepper and cheese in my dish.
3. MUSTER (NOUN): assembly: (संग्रह)
Synonyms: gathering, roster
Antonyms: division, separation
Example Sentence:
They mustered at the playground.
4. EFFETE (ADJECTIVE): self-indulgent: (निर्बल)
Synonyms: spoilt, destroyed
Antonyms: disciplined, proper
Example Sentence:
He is an effete kid.
5. CORDIAL (ADJECTIVE): warm-hearted: (स्नेहपूर्ण)
Synonyms: affable, friendly
Antonyms: hostile, indifferent
Example Sentence:
If you treat people in a cordial manner, they will treat you well also.
6. PRECIPICE (NOUN): steep: (ढाल)
Synonyms: cliff, crag
Antonyms: plain, straight
Example Sentence:
There was a deep precipice along the road.
7. JIBE (VERB): to agree: (मेल खाना)
Synonyms: harmonize, conform
Antonyms: disagree, differ
Example Sentence:
I do not jibe with his idea.
8. TUTELARY (ADJECTIVE): protecting: (रक्षक)
Synonyms: Guardian, advisory
Antonyms: careless, inattentive
Example Sentence:
He was acting as a tutelary brother for me that day.
9. JOSTLE (VERB): to compete for something: (धकेलना)
Synonyms: struggle, tussle
Antonyms: harmonize, co-ordinate
Example Sentence:
He was jostling to clinch the title.
10. SPLOSH (VERB): sprinkle: (छिड़का हुआ पानी)
Synonyms: splash, moisten
Antonyms: collocate, cluster
Example Sentence:
She sploshed water over the plants.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Vocab 16 september
SOLILOQUY (NOUN): discourse :(स्वगत भाषण)
Synonyms: monologue, address
Antonyms: dialogue, discussion
Example Sentence:
Preparing for his soliloquy, Shakespeare paced back and forth reading his monologue lines aloud.
2. KNOTTY (ADJECTIVE): troublesome
Synonyms: mystifying, perplexing
Antonyms: easy, facile
Example Sentence:
It was his knotty idea.
3. KNAVE (NOUN): fraud :(दुष्ट)
Synonyms: miscreant, rogue
Antonyms: hero, angel
Example Sentence:
He is known as a notorious knave of this area.
4. LUDICROUS (ADJECTIVE): absurd :(हास्यास्पद)
Synonyms: bizarre, comical
Antonyms: normal, ordinary
Example Sentence:
It was a ludicrous statement made by her.
5. KUDOS (NOUN): praise :(यश)
Synonyms: esteem, applause
Antonyms: dishonour, denunciation
Example Sentence:
When the football team won the state championship, they were given kudos during a celebratory pep rally.
6. JOLT (VERB): convulse :(झटका देना)
Synonyms: disturb, jar
Antonyms: calm, comfort
Example Sentence:
His statement jolted me in my mind.
7. VERBOSE (ADJECTIVE): wordy :(वाचाल)
Synonyms: gabby, circumlocutory
Antonyms: concise, succinct
Example Sentence:
He is a verbose man.
8. HERETIC (NOUN): schismatic :(स्वधर्मभ्रष्ट)
Synonyms: apostate, pagan
Antonyms: believer, follower
Example Sentence:
As a relapsed heretic, he was left to the secular arm.
9. COVERT (ADJECTIVE): hidden :(गुप्त)
Synonyms: undercover, secret
Antonyms: above-board, known
Example Sentence:
Behind his soft behaviour he has some covert intentions.
10. DEFILE (VERB): corrupt:(दूषित करना)
Synonyms: degrade, desecrate
Antonyms: honour, praise
Example Sentence:
He tried to defile the system.
Synonyms: monologue, address
Antonyms: dialogue, discussion
Example Sentence:
Preparing for his soliloquy, Shakespeare paced back and forth reading his monologue lines aloud.
2. KNOTTY (ADJECTIVE): troublesome
Synonyms: mystifying, perplexing
Antonyms: easy, facile
Example Sentence:
It was his knotty idea.
3. KNAVE (NOUN): fraud :(दुष्ट)
Synonyms: miscreant, rogue
Antonyms: hero, angel
Example Sentence:
He is known as a notorious knave of this area.
4. LUDICROUS (ADJECTIVE): absurd :(हास्यास्पद)
Synonyms: bizarre, comical
Antonyms: normal, ordinary
Example Sentence:
It was a ludicrous statement made by her.
5. KUDOS (NOUN): praise :(यश)
Synonyms: esteem, applause
Antonyms: dishonour, denunciation
Example Sentence:
When the football team won the state championship, they were given kudos during a celebratory pep rally.
6. JOLT (VERB): convulse :(झटका देना)
Synonyms: disturb, jar
Antonyms: calm, comfort
Example Sentence:
His statement jolted me in my mind.
7. VERBOSE (ADJECTIVE): wordy :(वाचाल)
Synonyms: gabby, circumlocutory
Antonyms: concise, succinct
Example Sentence:
He is a verbose man.
8. HERETIC (NOUN): schismatic :(स्वधर्मभ्रष्ट)
Synonyms: apostate, pagan
Antonyms: believer, follower
Example Sentence:
As a relapsed heretic, he was left to the secular arm.
9. COVERT (ADJECTIVE): hidden :(गुप्त)
Synonyms: undercover, secret
Antonyms: above-board, known
Example Sentence:
Behind his soft behaviour he has some covert intentions.
10. DEFILE (VERB): corrupt:(दूषित करना)
Synonyms: degrade, desecrate
Antonyms: honour, praise
Example Sentence:
He tried to defile the system.
Vocab 15 september
BUTLER (NOUN): head servant :(ख़ानसामा)
Synonyms: steward, valet
Antonyms: boss, master
Example Sentence:
He is a nice butler.
2. APPARENTLY (ADVERB): obviously :(स्पष्ट रूप से)
Synonyms: ostensibly, possibly
Antonyms: improbably, unlikely
Example Sentence:
It was apparently a considerable remark.
3. ACTUALIZE (VERB): make real :(यथार्थ बनाना)
Synonyms: accomplish, produce
Antonyms: fail, fall
Example Sentence:
Avika had actualized his dream and achieved the world record.
4. BARREN (ADJECTIVE): arid :(अनुर्वर)
Synonyms: desolate, empty
Antonyms: fruitful, productive
Example Sentence:
It is a barren land.
5. NIMBLE (ADJECTIVE): adept :(कुशल)
Synonyms: agile, deft
Antonyms: clumsy, sluggish
Example Sentence:
The insect ran with its nimble wings.
6. BENEVOLENT (ADJECTIVE): benign :(उदार)
Synonyms: caring, generous
Antonyms: miserly, stingy
Example Sentence:
I appreciate your benevolent presence.
7. CATASTROPHE (NOUN): calamity :(आपत्ति)
Synonyms: adversity, casualty
Antonyms: benefit, gain
Example Sentence:
Floods in Assam is a natural catastrophe.
8. PENURIOUS (ADJECTIVE): avaricious :(कंजूस)
Synonyms: cheap, costive
Antonyms: generous, giving
Example Sentence:
Mukul is a penurious boy.
9. METICULOUS (ADJECTIVE): careful :(अतिसावधान)
Synonyms: particular, conscientious
Antonyms: careless, inaccurate
Example Sentence:
He is very meticulous with his assignments.
10. CONTRITE (ADJECTIVE): apologetic :(पश्चातापी)
Synonyms: regretful, humble
Antonyms: indifferent, unrepentant
Example Sentence:
Don’t be contrite anymore.
Synonyms: steward, valet
Antonyms: boss, master
Example Sentence:
He is a nice butler.
2. APPARENTLY (ADVERB): obviously :(स्पष्ट रूप से)
Synonyms: ostensibly, possibly
Antonyms: improbably, unlikely
Example Sentence:
It was apparently a considerable remark.
3. ACTUALIZE (VERB): make real :(यथार्थ बनाना)
Synonyms: accomplish, produce
Antonyms: fail, fall
Example Sentence:
Avika had actualized his dream and achieved the world record.
4. BARREN (ADJECTIVE): arid :(अनुर्वर)
Synonyms: desolate, empty
Antonyms: fruitful, productive
Example Sentence:
It is a barren land.
5. NIMBLE (ADJECTIVE): adept :(कुशल)
Synonyms: agile, deft
Antonyms: clumsy, sluggish
Example Sentence:
The insect ran with its nimble wings.
6. BENEVOLENT (ADJECTIVE): benign :(उदार)
Synonyms: caring, generous
Antonyms: miserly, stingy
Example Sentence:
I appreciate your benevolent presence.
7. CATASTROPHE (NOUN): calamity :(आपत्ति)
Synonyms: adversity, casualty
Antonyms: benefit, gain
Example Sentence:
Floods in Assam is a natural catastrophe.
8. PENURIOUS (ADJECTIVE): avaricious :(कंजूस)
Synonyms: cheap, costive
Antonyms: generous, giving
Example Sentence:
Mukul is a penurious boy.
9. METICULOUS (ADJECTIVE): careful :(अतिसावधान)
Synonyms: particular, conscientious
Antonyms: careless, inaccurate
Example Sentence:
He is very meticulous with his assignments.
10. CONTRITE (ADJECTIVE): apologetic :(पश्चातापी)
Synonyms: regretful, humble
Antonyms: indifferent, unrepentant
Example Sentence:
Don’t be contrite anymore.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Vocab 14 september
BOURGEOIS (ADJECTIVE): commonplace :(मध्यमवर्गीय)
Synonyms: materialistic, philistine
Antonyms: adventurous, imaginative
Example Sentence:
He is from a bourgeois family.
2. ABOMINABLE (ADJECTIVE): loathsome :(घृणास्पद)
Synonyms: abhorrent, atrocious
Antonyms: desirous, pleasing
Example Sentence:
It was such an abominable sight.
3. AMBIGUITY (NOUN): uncertainty of meaning :(संदिग्धता)
Synonyms: doubt, vagueness
Antonyms: clarity, certainty
Example Sentence:
The students detect no ambiguity in the speech delivered by the master.
4. ADJOURN (VERB): stop a proceeding :(टालना)
Synonyms: delay, postpone
Antonyms: carry out, continue
Example Sentence:
The sentence was adjourned for a social inquiry report.
5. AUSPICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): advantageous :(मंगल)
Synonyms: felicitous, opportune
Antonyms: unpromising, unsuitable
Example Sentence:
It was not the most auspicious moment to hold a meeting.
6. BALEFUL (ADJECTIVE): menacing :(हानिकारक)
Synonyms: calamitous, sinister
Antonyms: favourable, promising
Example Sentence:
Arnab shot a baleful glance in her direction.
7. BEHOLD (VERB): observe :(निहारना)
Synonyms: see, view
Antonyms: ignore, overlook
Example Sentence:
She was beholding her little baby’s feet.
8. BLANDISH (VERB): flatter :(चापलूसी करना)
Synonyms: adulate, cajole
Antonyms: disparage, bully
Example Sentence:
The boss said to the employee, “don’t blandish me unnecessarily.”
9. ADMONISH (VERB): warn :(चेतावनी देना)
Synonyms: berate, chide
Antonyms: laud, praise
Example Sentence:
He was admonished by his teacher.
10. CONCEIT (NOUN): egotism :(मिथ्यागर्व)
Synonyms: arrogance, complacence
Antonyms: humility, modesty
Example Sentence:
Trisha was puffed up with conceit.
Synonyms: materialistic, philistine
Antonyms: adventurous, imaginative
Example Sentence:
He is from a bourgeois family.
2. ABOMINABLE (ADJECTIVE): loathsome :(घृणास्पद)
Synonyms: abhorrent, atrocious
Antonyms: desirous, pleasing
Example Sentence:
It was such an abominable sight.
3. AMBIGUITY (NOUN): uncertainty of meaning :(संदिग्धता)
Synonyms: doubt, vagueness
Antonyms: clarity, certainty
Example Sentence:
The students detect no ambiguity in the speech delivered by the master.
4. ADJOURN (VERB): stop a proceeding :(टालना)
Synonyms: delay, postpone
Antonyms: carry out, continue
Example Sentence:
The sentence was adjourned for a social inquiry report.
5. AUSPICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): advantageous :(मंगल)
Synonyms: felicitous, opportune
Antonyms: unpromising, unsuitable
Example Sentence:
It was not the most auspicious moment to hold a meeting.
6. BALEFUL (ADJECTIVE): menacing :(हानिकारक)
Synonyms: calamitous, sinister
Antonyms: favourable, promising
Example Sentence:
Arnab shot a baleful glance in her direction.
7. BEHOLD (VERB): observe :(निहारना)
Synonyms: see, view
Antonyms: ignore, overlook
Example Sentence:
She was beholding her little baby’s feet.
8. BLANDISH (VERB): flatter :(चापलूसी करना)
Synonyms: adulate, cajole
Antonyms: disparage, bully
Example Sentence:
The boss said to the employee, “don’t blandish me unnecessarily.”
9. ADMONISH (VERB): warn :(चेतावनी देना)
Synonyms: berate, chide
Antonyms: laud, praise
Example Sentence:
He was admonished by his teacher.
10. CONCEIT (NOUN): egotism :(मिथ्यागर्व)
Synonyms: arrogance, complacence
Antonyms: humility, modesty
Example Sentence:
Trisha was puffed up with conceit.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Vocab 13 september
IMMACULATE (ADJECTIVE): very clean :(निर्मल)
Synonyms: neat, spotless
Antonyms: filthy, tainted
Example Sentence:
She has an immaculate white saree.
2. INVEIGLING (ADJECTIVE): alluring :(ललचाने वाली)
Synonyms: attracting, captivating
Antonyms: repulsive, repellent
Example Sentence:
The picture was quite inveigling.
3. SINISTER (ADJECTIVE): nasty :( अशुभ)
Synonyms: ominous, perverse
Antonyms: auspicious, benevolent
Example Sentence:
It was a pretty sinister comment that you made so far.
4. MULISHNESS (NOUN): doggedness :(अड़ियलपन)
Synonyms: obstinacy, bullheadedness
Antonyms: irresolution, dubiety
Example Sentence:
He is buying everything by showing his heights of mulishness.
5. PULSATE (VERB): quaver :(काँपना)
Synonyms: tremble, quiver
Antonyms: steady, be still
Example Sentence:
The meek bird was pulsating in the refractory wind.
6. DOLEFUL (ADJECTIVE): mournful :(उदास)
Synonyms: woeful, sorrowful
Antonyms: elated, cheerful
Example Sentence:
It must be a doleful morning for her and her family.
7. CEREBRATION (NOUN): thought :(दिमाग़ी कार्य)
Synonyms: cogitation, contemplation
Antonyms: avoidance, ignorance
Example Sentence:
To join the two meaning together, the mathematical cerebration and methods was created.
8. RANTING (ADJECTIVE): raving :(नाराज़)
Synonyms: angry, raging
Antonyms: serene, placid
Example Sentence:
Mukesh is a ranting man.
9. HOARSE (ADJECTIVE): harsh :(कर्कश)
Synonyms: rough, gruff
Antonyms: polite, soft
Example Sentence:
One should not be hoarse towards their workers.
10. BEHEAD (VERB): cut off the head :(सिर काट कर अलग कर देना)
Synonyms: decapitate, decollate
Antonyms: pardon, save
Example Sentence:
The Chinese soldier was beheaded by the American troop.
Synonyms: neat, spotless
Antonyms: filthy, tainted
Example Sentence:
She has an immaculate white saree.
2. INVEIGLING (ADJECTIVE): alluring :(ललचाने वाली)
Synonyms: attracting, captivating
Antonyms: repulsive, repellent
Example Sentence:
The picture was quite inveigling.
3. SINISTER (ADJECTIVE): nasty :( अशुभ)
Synonyms: ominous, perverse
Antonyms: auspicious, benevolent
Example Sentence:
It was a pretty sinister comment that you made so far.
4. MULISHNESS (NOUN): doggedness :(अड़ियलपन)
Synonyms: obstinacy, bullheadedness
Antonyms: irresolution, dubiety
Example Sentence:
He is buying everything by showing his heights of mulishness.
5. PULSATE (VERB): quaver :(काँपना)
Synonyms: tremble, quiver
Antonyms: steady, be still
Example Sentence:
The meek bird was pulsating in the refractory wind.
6. DOLEFUL (ADJECTIVE): mournful :(उदास)
Synonyms: woeful, sorrowful
Antonyms: elated, cheerful
Example Sentence:
It must be a doleful morning for her and her family.
7. CEREBRATION (NOUN): thought :(दिमाग़ी कार्य)
Synonyms: cogitation, contemplation
Antonyms: avoidance, ignorance
Example Sentence:
To join the two meaning together, the mathematical cerebration and methods was created.
8. RANTING (ADJECTIVE): raving :(नाराज़)
Synonyms: angry, raging
Antonyms: serene, placid
Example Sentence:
Mukesh is a ranting man.
9. HOARSE (ADJECTIVE): harsh :(कर्कश)
Synonyms: rough, gruff
Antonyms: polite, soft
Example Sentence:
One should not be hoarse towards their workers.
10. BEHEAD (VERB): cut off the head :(सिर काट कर अलग कर देना)
Synonyms: decapitate, decollate
Antonyms: pardon, save
Example Sentence:
The Chinese soldier was beheaded by the American troop.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Vocab 12 september
UNWAVERING (ADJECTIVE): resolute :(स्थिर)
Synonyms: faithful, dedicated
Antonyms: disloyal, unreliable
Example Sentence:
Shayna was unwavering in her opinions.
2. CRYPTIC (ADJECTIVE): curt :(गुप्त)
Synonyms: brusque, abrupt
Antonyms: lengthy, long-winded
Example Sentence:
My husband’s cryptic comment left me confused.
3. ACERBIC (ADJECTIVE): caustic :(तीक्ष्ण)
Synonyms: rancorous, bitter
Antonyms: kind, nice
Example Sentence:
My mother-in-law tries to hide the fact she does not like me by using acerbic comments.
4. SCALLOP (VERB): pucker :(सिकुड़ना)
Synonyms: scrunch, crumple
Antonyms: flatten, smooth
Example Sentence:
The scallop fishery is becoming more and more valuable.
5. INTERLACE (VERB): braid :(लपेटना)
Synonyms: curl, enmesh
Antonyms: untwist, untangle
Example Sentence:
Alice interlaced her hair around her finger.
6. ENDEMIC (ADJECTIVE): local :(स्थानिक)
Synonyms: native, regional
Antonyms: alien, foreign
Example Sentence:
Navneet is an endemic vendor.
7. GUTTURAL (ADJECTIVE): grating :(कर्कश)
Synonyms: growling, husky
Antonyms: thin, dulcet
Example Sentence:
Deepak has a guttural voice.
8. HARROW (VERB): devastate :(मिटाना)
Synonyms: sack, spoil
Antonyms: create, construct
Example Sentence: He harrowed the village.
9. IMBECILE (ADJECTIVE): stupid :(मूर्ख)
Synonyms: idiotic, moronic
Antonyms: smart, brainy
Example Sentence:
Aneesh is such an imbecile boy.
10. IGNOBLE (ADJECTIVE): lowly :( नीच)
Synonyms: unworthy, despicable
Antonyms: dignified, honorable
Example Sentence:
She has ignoble feelings of intense jealous
Synonyms: faithful, dedicated
Antonyms: disloyal, unreliable
Example Sentence:
Shayna was unwavering in her opinions.
2. CRYPTIC (ADJECTIVE): curt :(गुप्त)
Synonyms: brusque, abrupt
Antonyms: lengthy, long-winded
Example Sentence:
My husband’s cryptic comment left me confused.
3. ACERBIC (ADJECTIVE): caustic :(तीक्ष्ण)
Synonyms: rancorous, bitter
Antonyms: kind, nice
Example Sentence:
My mother-in-law tries to hide the fact she does not like me by using acerbic comments.
4. SCALLOP (VERB): pucker :(सिकुड़ना)
Synonyms: scrunch, crumple
Antonyms: flatten, smooth
Example Sentence:
The scallop fishery is becoming more and more valuable.
5. INTERLACE (VERB): braid :(लपेटना)
Synonyms: curl, enmesh
Antonyms: untwist, untangle
Example Sentence:
Alice interlaced her hair around her finger.
6. ENDEMIC (ADJECTIVE): local :(स्थानिक)
Synonyms: native, regional
Antonyms: alien, foreign
Example Sentence:
Navneet is an endemic vendor.
7. GUTTURAL (ADJECTIVE): grating :(कर्कश)
Synonyms: growling, husky
Antonyms: thin, dulcet
Example Sentence:
Deepak has a guttural voice.
8. HARROW (VERB): devastate :(मिटाना)
Synonyms: sack, spoil
Antonyms: create, construct
Example Sentence: He harrowed the village.
9. IMBECILE (ADJECTIVE): stupid :(मूर्ख)
Synonyms: idiotic, moronic
Antonyms: smart, brainy
Example Sentence:
Aneesh is such an imbecile boy.
10. IGNOBLE (ADJECTIVE): lowly :( नीच)
Synonyms: unworthy, despicable
Antonyms: dignified, honorable
Example Sentence:
She has ignoble feelings of intense jealous
Monday, September 10, 2018
Vocab 11 september
ORNERY (ADJECTIVE): belligerent :(नटखट)
Synonyms: cantankerous, contentious
Antonyms: agreeable, good-natured
Example Sentence:
She is ornery by nature.
2. OUTLAY (NOUN): expenses :(परिव्यय)
Synonyms: disbursement, expenditure
Antonyms: savings, income
Example Sentence:
My net outlay is more than I earn.
3. VERBALIZATION (NOUN): discourse :(शाब्दिक अभिव्यक्ति)
Synonyms: communication, discussion
Antonyms: silence, quite
Example Sentence:
The verbalization between them was very compendiary.
4. ROTE (NOUN): routine of daily life :(दुहराव)
Synonyms: course, habit
Antonyms: disorder, dis organization
Example Sentence:
She has been in a rote after a long time.
5. MUDDLED (ADJECTIVE): disordered :(अव्यवस्थित)
Synonyms: chaotic, disarrayed
Antonyms: ordered, organized
Example Sentence:
His improper steps landed him in muddled situation.
6. HIATUS (NOUN): pause :(विराम)
Synonyms: lacuna, space
Antonyms: closing, closure
Example Sentence:
We were given a hiatus.
7. FRORE (ADJECTIVE): bitter :(जमा हुआ)
Synonyms: chilly, frosty
Antonyms: heated, hot
Example Sentence:
They share a frore relationship.
8. IMPERVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): impenetrable :(अभेद्य)
Synonyms: invulnerable, impassable
Antonyms: affected, susceptible
Example Sentence:
I saw an impervious layer of basaltic clay.
9. HALTER (NOUN): control :(लगाम)
Synonyms: check, deterrent
Antonyms: encouragement, liberation
Example Sentence:
She haltered her emotions.
10. IDYLL (NOUN): suggestive :(विचारोत्तेजक)
Synonyms:expressive, reminiscent
Antonyms: unexpressive, non-reminiscent
Example Sentence:
The rural idyll remains strongly evocative.
Synonyms: cantankerous, contentious
Antonyms: agreeable, good-natured
Example Sentence:
She is ornery by nature.
2. OUTLAY (NOUN): expenses :(परिव्यय)
Synonyms: disbursement, expenditure
Antonyms: savings, income
Example Sentence:
My net outlay is more than I earn.
3. VERBALIZATION (NOUN): discourse :(शाब्दिक अभिव्यक्ति)
Synonyms: communication, discussion
Antonyms: silence, quite
Example Sentence:
The verbalization between them was very compendiary.
4. ROTE (NOUN): routine of daily life :(दुहराव)
Synonyms: course, habit
Antonyms: disorder, dis organization
Example Sentence:
She has been in a rote after a long time.
5. MUDDLED (ADJECTIVE): disordered :(अव्यवस्थित)
Synonyms: chaotic, disarrayed
Antonyms: ordered, organized
Example Sentence:
His improper steps landed him in muddled situation.
6. HIATUS (NOUN): pause :(विराम)
Synonyms: lacuna, space
Antonyms: closing, closure
Example Sentence:
We were given a hiatus.
7. FRORE (ADJECTIVE): bitter :(जमा हुआ)
Synonyms: chilly, frosty
Antonyms: heated, hot
Example Sentence:
They share a frore relationship.
8. IMPERVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): impenetrable :(अभेद्य)
Synonyms: invulnerable, impassable
Antonyms: affected, susceptible
Example Sentence:
I saw an impervious layer of basaltic clay.
9. HALTER (NOUN): control :(लगाम)
Synonyms: check, deterrent
Antonyms: encouragement, liberation
Example Sentence:
She haltered her emotions.
10. IDYLL (NOUN): suggestive :(विचारोत्तेजक)
Synonyms:expressive, reminiscent
Antonyms: unexpressive, non-reminiscent
Example Sentence:
The rural idyll remains strongly evocative.
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Vocab 10 september
VANITY (NOUN): conceit : (घमंड)
Synonyms: arrogance, pride
Antonyms: humility, modesty
Example Sentence:
Her nature shows a bit of conceit in her.
2. WARMONGER (NOUN): militarist : (जंगबाज़)
Synonyms: combatant, hawk
Antonyms: civilian, noncombatant
Example Sentence:
Adeel is a brave warmonger.
3. VERVE (NOUN): gumption : (जोश)
Synonyms: gusto, moxie
Antonyms: lethargy, inactivity
Example Sentence:
Her performance had a certain verve n it.
4. TANTRUM (NOUN): flare-up : (गुस्से का आवेश)
Synonyms: out-burst, temper
Antonyms: peace, happiness
Example Sentence:
Our members witnessed the tantrum of the people outside the campus.
5. UNRIVALLED (ADJECTIVE): exceptional : (बेजोड़)
Synonyms: inimitable, transcendent
Antonyms: inferior, lowly
Example Sentence:
She is a girl with unrivalled talent.
6. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): crucial : (अत्यावश्यक)
Synonyms: vital, essential
Antonyms: unimportant, trivial
Example Sentence:
It is dire to submit these documents by tomorrow.
7. DISSIPATE (VERB): expend: (उड़ाना)
Synonyms: deplete, spend
Antonyms: collect, gather
Example Sentence: That cooktop dissipates lots of smoke.
8. BIFURCATE (VERB): divide: (दो शाखाओं में बांटना)
Synonyms: bisect, diverge
Antonyms: agree, unite
Example Sentence:
This road is bifurcated into two suburbs.
9. TORTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): very twisted: (कपटपूर्ण)
Synonyms: winding, circuitous
Antonyms: straight forward, untwisted
Example Sentence:
Avantica always talks in tortuous manner.
10. BARB (NOUN): sneer : (उपहास)
Synonyms: insult, brickbat
Antonyms: kindness, accolade
Example Sentence:
Jacob’s barb hurt more than she cared to admit.
Synonyms: arrogance, pride
Antonyms: humility, modesty
Example Sentence:
Her nature shows a bit of conceit in her.
2. WARMONGER (NOUN): militarist : (जंगबाज़)
Synonyms: combatant, hawk
Antonyms: civilian, noncombatant
Example Sentence:
Adeel is a brave warmonger.
3. VERVE (NOUN): gumption : (जोश)
Synonyms: gusto, moxie
Antonyms: lethargy, inactivity
Example Sentence:
Her performance had a certain verve n it.
4. TANTRUM (NOUN): flare-up : (गुस्से का आवेश)
Synonyms: out-burst, temper
Antonyms: peace, happiness
Example Sentence:
Our members witnessed the tantrum of the people outside the campus.
5. UNRIVALLED (ADJECTIVE): exceptional : (बेजोड़)
Synonyms: inimitable, transcendent
Antonyms: inferior, lowly
Example Sentence:
She is a girl with unrivalled talent.
6. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): crucial : (अत्यावश्यक)
Synonyms: vital, essential
Antonyms: unimportant, trivial
Example Sentence:
It is dire to submit these documents by tomorrow.
7. DISSIPATE (VERB): expend: (उड़ाना)
Synonyms: deplete, spend
Antonyms: collect, gather
Example Sentence: That cooktop dissipates lots of smoke.
8. BIFURCATE (VERB): divide: (दो शाखाओं में बांटना)
Synonyms: bisect, diverge
Antonyms: agree, unite
Example Sentence:
This road is bifurcated into two suburbs.
9. TORTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): very twisted: (कपटपूर्ण)
Synonyms: winding, circuitous
Antonyms: straight forward, untwisted
Example Sentence:
Avantica always talks in tortuous manner.
10. BARB (NOUN): sneer : (उपहास)
Synonyms: insult, brickbat
Antonyms: kindness, accolade
Example Sentence:
Jacob’s barb hurt more than she cared to admit.
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Vocab 9 september
THESPIAN (NOUN): artist : (अभिनेता)
Synonyms: entertainer, actor
Antonyms: non-entertainer, non-artist
Example Sentence:
I met a great thespian in Moscow.
2. DILAPIDATION (NOUN): ruin : (नाश)
Synonyms: decrepitude, destruction
Antonyms: development, escalation
Example Sentence:
Yet all this was apart from any extraordinary dilapidation.
3. ESPOUSE (VERB): support : (समर्थन करना)
Synonyms: adopt, advocate
Antonyms: reject, refuse
Example Sentence:
They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education.
4. FIERY (ADJECTIVE): blazing : (उग्र)
Synonyms: burning, flaming
Antonyms: cold, cool
Example Sentence:
Anushka cooked in a fiery furnace.
5. FECKLESS (ADJECTIVE): without purpose : (अबल)
Synonyms: aimless, carefree
Antonyms: purposeful, efficient
Example Sentence:
It was a feckless attempt to make the company a success.
6. MERCURIAL (ADJECTIVE): flighty, temperamental : (चंचल)
Synonyms: changeable, impulsive
Antonyms: constant, stable
Example Sentence:
His mercurial temperament made him difficult to work with his teammates.
7. SPECIOUS (ADJECTIVE): misleading : (दिखावटी)
Synonyms: deceptive, false
Antonyms: genuine, valid
Example Sentence:
His readings are seeming to be specious.
8. WALLOP (VERB): clobber : (वज्रपात)
Synonyms: drub, trounce
Antonyms: lose, surrender
Example Sentence:
The drunken truck driver was walloped by a mob.
9. ZEST (NOUN): flavoring : (उत्तेजकता)
Synonyms: pungency, piquancy
Antonyms: dullness, blandness
Example Sentence:
My brother’s remark added a certain zest to the atmosphere.
10. WHIMSICAL (ADJECTIVE): playful : (सनकी)
Synonyms: amusing, funny
Antonyms: behaving, sensible
Example Sentence:
Anu watched Pranuj with whimsical eyes.
Synonyms: entertainer, actor
Antonyms: non-entertainer, non-artist
Example Sentence:
I met a great thespian in Moscow.
2. DILAPIDATION (NOUN): ruin : (नाश)
Synonyms: decrepitude, destruction
Antonyms: development, escalation
Example Sentence:
Yet all this was apart from any extraordinary dilapidation.
3. ESPOUSE (VERB): support : (समर्थन करना)
Synonyms: adopt, advocate
Antonyms: reject, refuse
Example Sentence:
They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education.
4. FIERY (ADJECTIVE): blazing : (उग्र)
Synonyms: burning, flaming
Antonyms: cold, cool
Example Sentence:
Anushka cooked in a fiery furnace.
5. FECKLESS (ADJECTIVE): without purpose : (अबल)
Synonyms: aimless, carefree
Antonyms: purposeful, efficient
Example Sentence:
It was a feckless attempt to make the company a success.
6. MERCURIAL (ADJECTIVE): flighty, temperamental : (चंचल)
Synonyms: changeable, impulsive
Antonyms: constant, stable
Example Sentence:
His mercurial temperament made him difficult to work with his teammates.
7. SPECIOUS (ADJECTIVE): misleading : (दिखावटी)
Synonyms: deceptive, false
Antonyms: genuine, valid
Example Sentence:
His readings are seeming to be specious.
8. WALLOP (VERB): clobber : (वज्रपात)
Synonyms: drub, trounce
Antonyms: lose, surrender
Example Sentence:
The drunken truck driver was walloped by a mob.
9. ZEST (NOUN): flavoring : (उत्तेजकता)
Synonyms: pungency, piquancy
Antonyms: dullness, blandness
Example Sentence:
My brother’s remark added a certain zest to the atmosphere.
10. WHIMSICAL (ADJECTIVE): playful : (सनकी)
Synonyms: amusing, funny
Antonyms: behaving, sensible
Example Sentence:
Anu watched Pranuj with whimsical eyes.
Friday, September 7, 2018
Vocab 8 september
RAPACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): aggressively greedy : (लालची)
Synonyms: ferocious, marauding
Antonyms: satisfied, contended
Example Sentence:
He is a rapacious lawyer.
2. HALCYON (ADJECTIVE): calm, peaceful : (धीर)
Synonyms: quiet, still
Antonyms: agitated
Example Sentence:
It is such a halcyon place.
3. TREMOR (NOUN): shiver : (कंपन)
Synonyms: vibration, shaking
Antonyms: stillness, calmness
Example Sentence:
The train caused tremor at the platform.
4. QUIXOTIC (ADJECTIVE): idealistic : (विलक्षण)
Synonyms: impractical, dreamy
Antonyms: realistic, sensible
Example Sentence:
It was clearly a quixotic case against the defendant.
5. DISINGENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): not straightforward or candid : (कपटी)
Synonyms: unfair, cunning
Antonyms: frank, truthful
Example Sentence:
It was disingenuous of her to claim she had no financial interest in the company.
6. DERISIVE (ADJECTIVE): ridiculing : (व्यंग्यात्मक)
Synonyms: cheeky, mocking
Antonyms: polite, respectful
Example Sentence:
It was a derisive act.
7. ODIOUS (ADJECTIVE): extremely unpleasant : (घिनौना)
Synonyms: disgusting, horrid
Antonyms: attractive, delightful
Example Sentence:
The detective said it was the most odious crime she had ever seen.
8. FORTUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): lucky, accidental : (आकस्मिक)
Synonyms: random, chance
Antonyms: intentional, planned
Example Sentence:
The check could not have arrived at a more fortuitous time.
9. TRIFLING (ADJECTIVE): insignificant : (तुच्छ)
Synonyms: dinky, worthless
Antonyms: important, worthwhile
Example Sentence:
Avika always engages herself in trifling tasks.
10. TOPPLE (VERB): collapse : (गिर पड़ना)
Synonyms: oust, unseat
Antonyms: rise, increase
Example Sentence:
Within the fraction of few seconds the plane toppled over the building.
Synonyms: ferocious, marauding
Antonyms: satisfied, contended
Example Sentence:
He is a rapacious lawyer.
2. HALCYON (ADJECTIVE): calm, peaceful : (धीर)
Synonyms: quiet, still
Antonyms: agitated
Example Sentence:
It is such a halcyon place.
3. TREMOR (NOUN): shiver : (कंपन)
Synonyms: vibration, shaking
Antonyms: stillness, calmness
Example Sentence:
The train caused tremor at the platform.
4. QUIXOTIC (ADJECTIVE): idealistic : (विलक्षण)
Synonyms: impractical, dreamy
Antonyms: realistic, sensible
Example Sentence:
It was clearly a quixotic case against the defendant.
5. DISINGENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): not straightforward or candid : (कपटी)
Synonyms: unfair, cunning
Antonyms: frank, truthful
Example Sentence:
It was disingenuous of her to claim she had no financial interest in the company.
6. DERISIVE (ADJECTIVE): ridiculing : (व्यंग्यात्मक)
Synonyms: cheeky, mocking
Antonyms: polite, respectful
Example Sentence:
It was a derisive act.
7. ODIOUS (ADJECTIVE): extremely unpleasant : (घिनौना)
Synonyms: disgusting, horrid
Antonyms: attractive, delightful
Example Sentence:
The detective said it was the most odious crime she had ever seen.
8. FORTUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): lucky, accidental : (आकस्मिक)
Synonyms: random, chance
Antonyms: intentional, planned
Example Sentence:
The check could not have arrived at a more fortuitous time.
9. TRIFLING (ADJECTIVE): insignificant : (तुच्छ)
Synonyms: dinky, worthless
Antonyms: important, worthwhile
Example Sentence:
Avika always engages herself in trifling tasks.
10. TOPPLE (VERB): collapse : (गिर पड़ना)
Synonyms: oust, unseat
Antonyms: rise, increase
Example Sentence:
Within the fraction of few seconds the plane toppled over the building.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Vocab 9 september
TATTERED (ADJECTIVE): Ragged: (फाड़ डाला हुआ)
Synonyms: shabby, damaged
Antonyms: healed, mended
Example Sentence:
He is wearing a torn shirt.
2. PREREQUISITE (ADJECTIVE): Essential: (जरूरी)
Synonyms: necessary, expedient
Antonyms: secondary, inessential
Example Sentence:
Reading questions is prerequisite to solve the passage.
3. APPREHENSION (NOUN): Understanding: (ग्रहणशक्ति)
Synonyms: awareness, perception
Antonyms: ignorance, calmness
Example Sentence:
Deep apprehension is required in solving the puzzle.
4. HOVER (VERB): Waver: (मंडराना)
Synonyms: drift, fly
Antonyms: rest, settle
Example Sentence:
Clouds were hovering in the sky.
5. SENILE (ADJECTIVE): Aged : (बूढ़ा)
Synonyms: anile, decrepit
Antonyms: young, alert
Example Sentence:
He was looking senile in pictures.
6. PROPAGANDA (NOUN): Information that is designed to mislead: (प्रचार)
Synonyms: disinformation, indoctrination
Antonyms: truth, facts
Example Sentence:
That video which went viral was just his propaganda.
7. ENCAPSULATE (VERB): Encase: (डिब्बे में रखना)
Synonyms: enclose, cover
Antonyms: uncover, unwrap
Example Sentence:
Robbers encapsulated all the cash.
9. VAGARY (NOUN): Usually a light hearted adventure: (मौज)
Synonyms: mischief, escapade
Antonyms: seriousness, gravity
Example Sentence:
The little vagary at the mainland cost him life.
10 WAYLAY (VERB): Stop or interrupt (someone) : (ताक में रहना)
Synonyms: hold up, ambush
Antonyms: proceed, continue
Example Sentence:
The police officer stepped in front of the distraught woman to waylay her before she reached the crime scene.
Synonyms: shabby, damaged
Antonyms: healed, mended
Example Sentence:
He is wearing a torn shirt.
2. PREREQUISITE (ADJECTIVE): Essential: (जरूरी)
Synonyms: necessary, expedient
Antonyms: secondary, inessential
Example Sentence:
Reading questions is prerequisite to solve the passage.
3. APPREHENSION (NOUN): Understanding: (ग्रहणशक्ति)
Synonyms: awareness, perception
Antonyms: ignorance, calmness
Example Sentence:
Deep apprehension is required in solving the puzzle.
4. HOVER (VERB): Waver: (मंडराना)
Synonyms: drift, fly
Antonyms: rest, settle
Example Sentence:
Clouds were hovering in the sky.
5. SENILE (ADJECTIVE): Aged : (बूढ़ा)
Synonyms: anile, decrepit
Antonyms: young, alert
Example Sentence:
He was looking senile in pictures.
6. PROPAGANDA (NOUN): Information that is designed to mislead: (प्रचार)
Synonyms: disinformation, indoctrination
Antonyms: truth, facts
Example Sentence:
That video which went viral was just his propaganda.
7. ENCAPSULATE (VERB): Encase: (डिब्बे में रखना)
Synonyms: enclose, cover
Antonyms: uncover, unwrap
Example Sentence:
Robbers encapsulated all the cash.
9. VAGARY (NOUN): Usually a light hearted adventure: (मौज)
Synonyms: mischief, escapade
Antonyms: seriousness, gravity
Example Sentence:
The little vagary at the mainland cost him life.
10 WAYLAY (VERB): Stop or interrupt (someone) : (ताक में रहना)
Synonyms: hold up, ambush
Antonyms: proceed, continue
Example Sentence:
The police officer stepped in front of the distraught woman to waylay her before she reached the crime scene.
Vocab 6 september
PORTLINESS (NOUN): overweight : (मोटापन)
Synonyms: adiposity, corpulence
Antonyms: slimness, thinness
Example Sentence:
They adopt surgical procedures for portliness.
2. REVAMP (ADJECTIVE): renovate: (सुधार)
Synonyms: overhaul, refurbish
Antonyms: ruin, damaged
Example Sentence:
Siya revamped her dream-catcher hanging beside her bed.
3. RESPITE (NOUN): pause: (राहत)
Synonyms: breather, downtime
Antonyms: advance, continuation
Example Sentence:
Sanjana gave a sudden respite amid the conversation.
4. PEDIGREE (ADJECTIVE): thoroughbred: (वंशावली)
Synonyms: full-blooded, pure-blood
Antonyms: base-born, lowly
Example Sentence:
They like pedigree cats.
5. DROLL (ADJECTIVE): amusing: (मनोरंजक)
Synonyms: eccentric, whimsical
Antonyms: common, normal
Example Sentence:
Shipra is a droll girl.
6. PINCH (NOUN): compression: (चुटकी)
Synonyms: confinement, contraction
Antonyms: freedom, release
Example Sentence:
Daksh felt pinch beneath his hair.
7. RESORT (VERB): address: (काम मे लाना)
Synonyms: devote, exercise
Antonyms: abstain, halt
Example Sentence:
The duke was prepared to resort to force if negotiation failed.
8. PARRY (VERB): avoid: (टालना)
Synonyms: deflect, evade
Antonyms: encounter, encounter
Example Sentence:
Alisah parried the danger somehow.
9. REVELRY (NOUN): merrymaking: (मद्यपान का उत्सव)
Synonyms: debauchery, carousal
Antonyms: sadness, mourning
Example Sentence:
Chetan is involved in revelry these days.
10. PROWESS (NOUN): ability: (क्षमता)
Synonyms: skill, aptitude
Antonyms: failure, inability
Example Sentence:
Pralabh has many pieces of prowess in him.
Synonyms: adiposity, corpulence
Antonyms: slimness, thinness
Example Sentence:
They adopt surgical procedures for portliness.
2. REVAMP (ADJECTIVE): renovate: (सुधार)
Synonyms: overhaul, refurbish
Antonyms: ruin, damaged
Example Sentence:
Siya revamped her dream-catcher hanging beside her bed.
3. RESPITE (NOUN): pause: (राहत)
Synonyms: breather, downtime
Antonyms: advance, continuation
Example Sentence:
Sanjana gave a sudden respite amid the conversation.
4. PEDIGREE (ADJECTIVE): thoroughbred: (वंशावली)
Synonyms: full-blooded, pure-blood
Antonyms: base-born, lowly
Example Sentence:
They like pedigree cats.
5. DROLL (ADJECTIVE): amusing: (मनोरंजक)
Synonyms: eccentric, whimsical
Antonyms: common, normal
Example Sentence:
Shipra is a droll girl.
6. PINCH (NOUN): compression: (चुटकी)
Synonyms: confinement, contraction
Antonyms: freedom, release
Example Sentence:
Daksh felt pinch beneath his hair.
7. RESORT (VERB): address: (काम मे लाना)
Synonyms: devote, exercise
Antonyms: abstain, halt
Example Sentence:
The duke was prepared to resort to force if negotiation failed.
8. PARRY (VERB): avoid: (टालना)
Synonyms: deflect, evade
Antonyms: encounter, encounter
Example Sentence:
Alisah parried the danger somehow.
9. REVELRY (NOUN): merrymaking: (मद्यपान का उत्सव)
Synonyms: debauchery, carousal
Antonyms: sadness, mourning
Example Sentence:
Chetan is involved in revelry these days.
10. PROWESS (NOUN): ability: (क्षमता)
Synonyms: skill, aptitude
Antonyms: failure, inability
Example Sentence:
Pralabh has many pieces of prowess in him.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Vocab 5 september
EXCRUCIATE (VERB): agonize: (कष्ट पहुंचाना)
Synonyms: anguish, bother
Antonyms: equity, fairness
Example Sentence:
Swastika stood back, excruciated by the possibility.
2. CONCRETE (ADJECTIVE): actual: (वास्तविक)
Synonyms: factual, particular
Antonyms: unimportant, indefinite
Example Sentence:
Swinka has a concrete information.
3. RENEGE (VERB): go back on a promise: (इनकार)
Synonyms: reverse, welsh
Antonyms: correction, accuracy
Example Sentence:
People have reneged on a core promise laid out in the preamble of the constitution.
4. STIGMATISE (VERB): disgrace: (कलंकित करना)
Synonyms: defame, denounce
Antonyms: exalt, praise
Example Sentence:
This action will stigmatise a set of citizens for their poverty.
5. REPLETE (ADJECTIVE): filled or well supplied with something : (भरा हुआ)
Synonyms: awash, rife
Antonyms: empty, unfilled
Example Sentence:
History is replete with odious instances of countries that have differentiated between citizens in the past.
6. EXPLOITATION (NOUN): misuse: (दुरुपयोग करना)
Synonyms: ill-treatment, wringing
Antonyms: hospitable, generous
Example Sentence:
It was an exploitation of the patented invention.
7. THRIVE (VERB): prosper: (फूलना फलना)
Synonyms: flourish, bloom
Antonyms: cease, decrease
Example Sentence:
It appears to believe that English can’t thrive as long as French survives.
8. MAGNANIMOUS (ADJECTIVE): generous: (उदार)
Synonyms: altruistic, charitable
Antonyms: mean, selfish
Example Sentence:
The panel is more magnanimous than Article 120(2).
9. CONCEDE (VERB): acknowledge: (स्वीकार करना)
Synonyms: accept, cave in
Antonyms: deny, refuse
Example Sentence:
I had to concede that I'd overreacted.
10. STRIVE (VERB): make great efforts to achieve something : (प्रयास करना)
Synonyms: aim, attempt
Antonyms: neglect, dissuade
Example Sentence:
They strive to make their respective languages prominent in governance and education.
Synonyms: anguish, bother
Antonyms: equity, fairness
Example Sentence:
Swastika stood back, excruciated by the possibility.
2. CONCRETE (ADJECTIVE): actual: (वास्तविक)
Synonyms: factual, particular
Antonyms: unimportant, indefinite
Example Sentence:
Swinka has a concrete information.
3. RENEGE (VERB): go back on a promise: (इनकार)
Synonyms: reverse, welsh
Antonyms: correction, accuracy
Example Sentence:
People have reneged on a core promise laid out in the preamble of the constitution.
4. STIGMATISE (VERB): disgrace: (कलंकित करना)
Synonyms: defame, denounce
Antonyms: exalt, praise
Example Sentence:
This action will stigmatise a set of citizens for their poverty.
5. REPLETE (ADJECTIVE): filled or well supplied with something : (भरा हुआ)
Synonyms: awash, rife
Antonyms: empty, unfilled
Example Sentence:
History is replete with odious instances of countries that have differentiated between citizens in the past.
6. EXPLOITATION (NOUN): misuse: (दुरुपयोग करना)
Synonyms: ill-treatment, wringing
Antonyms: hospitable, generous
Example Sentence:
It was an exploitation of the patented invention.
7. THRIVE (VERB): prosper: (फूलना फलना)
Synonyms: flourish, bloom
Antonyms: cease, decrease
Example Sentence:
It appears to believe that English can’t thrive as long as French survives.
8. MAGNANIMOUS (ADJECTIVE): generous: (उदार)
Synonyms: altruistic, charitable
Antonyms: mean, selfish
Example Sentence:
The panel is more magnanimous than Article 120(2).
9. CONCEDE (VERB): acknowledge: (स्वीकार करना)
Synonyms: accept, cave in
Antonyms: deny, refuse
Example Sentence:
I had to concede that I'd overreacted.
10. STRIVE (VERB): make great efforts to achieve something : (प्रयास करना)
Synonyms: aim, attempt
Antonyms: neglect, dissuade
Example Sentence:
They strive to make their respective languages prominent in governance and education.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Vocab 4 august
RAVE (VERB): talk endlessly : (बड़बड़ाना)
Synonyms: babble, gabble
Antonyms: be quiet, be silent
Example Sentence:
Nancy was raving about a black ghost.
2. SKIRT (VERB): dodge. : (टालना)
Synonyms: avoid, evade
Antonyms: confront, encounter
Example Sentence:
Sumeir and Mayra are both skirting the issue.
3. WAIVE (VERB): stop : (रोकना)
Synonyms: let go, give up
Antonyms: carry out, continue
Example Sentence:
Government is thinking of waiving of import duty on life saving drugs.
4. QUIP (NOUN): A clever remark : (टिप्पड़ी)
Synonyms: banter, gag
Antonyms: praise, flattery
Example Sentence:
She is quite intelligent and is in the habit of making quips.
5. SETBACK (NOUN): hitch : (बाधा)
Synonyms: hindrance, impediment
Antonyms: assistance, aid
Example Sentence:
I can’t handle more setback in production.
6. AGILE (ADJECTIVE): nimble : (चुस्त)
Synonyms: lithe, spry
Antonyms: slow, sluggish
Example Sentence:
The police acted with agility and apprehended the robbers.
7. JUXTAPOSITION (NOUN): the act of placing two things next to each other for implicit comparison. : (निकटता)
Synonyms: nearness, proximity
Antonyms: distance, remoteness
Example Sentence:
The interior designer admired my juxtaposition of the yellow couch and green table
8. JEJUNE (ADJECTIVE): dull : (रसहीन)
Synonyms: boring, banal
Antonyms: interesting, active
Example Sentence:
Apaar left for Mumbai because he got tired of jejune life in his home town.
9. RAMIFY (VERB): branch : (विशाखन करना)
Synonyms: bifurcate, divulge
Antonyms: abridge, combine
Example Sentence:
These plants ramify early and get to be very large.
10. COALESCE (VERB): blend : (सम्मिलित होना)
Synonyms: fuse, integrate
Antonyms: divide, separate
Example Sentence:
The puddles had coalesced into shallow streams.
Synonyms: babble, gabble
Antonyms: be quiet, be silent
Example Sentence:
Nancy was raving about a black ghost.
2. SKIRT (VERB): dodge. : (टालना)
Synonyms: avoid, evade
Antonyms: confront, encounter
Example Sentence:
Sumeir and Mayra are both skirting the issue.
3. WAIVE (VERB): stop : (रोकना)
Synonyms: let go, give up
Antonyms: carry out, continue
Example Sentence:
Government is thinking of waiving of import duty on life saving drugs.
4. QUIP (NOUN): A clever remark : (टिप्पड़ी)
Synonyms: banter, gag
Antonyms: praise, flattery
Example Sentence:
She is quite intelligent and is in the habit of making quips.
5. SETBACK (NOUN): hitch : (बाधा)
Synonyms: hindrance, impediment
Antonyms: assistance, aid
Example Sentence:
I can’t handle more setback in production.
6. AGILE (ADJECTIVE): nimble : (चुस्त)
Synonyms: lithe, spry
Antonyms: slow, sluggish
Example Sentence:
The police acted with agility and apprehended the robbers.
7. JUXTAPOSITION (NOUN): the act of placing two things next to each other for implicit comparison. : (निकटता)
Synonyms: nearness, proximity
Antonyms: distance, remoteness
Example Sentence:
The interior designer admired my juxtaposition of the yellow couch and green table
8. JEJUNE (ADJECTIVE): dull : (रसहीन)
Synonyms: boring, banal
Antonyms: interesting, active
Example Sentence:
Apaar left for Mumbai because he got tired of jejune life in his home town.
9. RAMIFY (VERB): branch : (विशाखन करना)
Synonyms: bifurcate, divulge
Antonyms: abridge, combine
Example Sentence:
These plants ramify early and get to be very large.
10. COALESCE (VERB): blend : (सम्मिलित होना)
Synonyms: fuse, integrate
Antonyms: divide, separate
Example Sentence:
The puddles had coalesced into shallow streams.
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Vocab 3 september
1.COMMEMORATE (VERB): recall or show respect for : (पुण्यस्मरण करना)
Synonyms: memorize, celebrate
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example Sentence:
All players will receive a championship ring to commemorate the team’s amazing season.
2. UNRIVALLED (ADJECTIVE): never done or known before: (अभूतपूर्व)
Synonyms: bizarre, unique
Antonyms: common, familiar
Example Sentence:
Before the storm, there was an unrivalled demand for food supplies that left many stores empty.
3. FLUX (NOUN): the action of flowing: (संचार)
Synonyms: alteration, flow
Antonyms: constancy, stagnation
Example Sentence:
I never know how much I'll pay for a gallon of fuel because gas prices are always in flux.
4. DISILLUSIONMENT (NOUN): disappointment from unexpected occurrence: (मोहभंग)
Synonyms: adversity, chagrin
Antonyms: achievement, pleasure
Example Sentence:
There has been a sense of disillusionment on both sides about the present state of play in the relationship.
5. BLUNT (ADJECTIVE): truthful, straightforward: (स्पष्टवादी)
Synonyms: impartial, equitable
Antonyms: biased, devious
Example Sentence:
Prevention from having blunt conversations is required.
6. CREVICE (NOUN): a crack: (दरार)
Synonyms: chink, fissure
Antonyms: agreement, closure
Example Sentence:
The Hawksbill feeds on sponges in the reef ecosystem and opens up crevices for other marine life to live in.
7. PROSAIC (ADJECTIVE): lacking in force: (मंद)
Synonyms: blah, muted
Antonyms: bright, shiny
Example Sentence:
The new product achieved prosaic sales.
8. GAZE (NOUN): a steady intent look: (टकटकी)
Synonyms: peep, glaring
Antonyms: ignorance, avoidance
Example Sentence:
The policeman gave me a penetrating gaze.
9. ENTICEMENT (NOUN): the desire to do something wrong: (प्रलोभन)
Synonyms: decoy, seduction
Antonyms: hatred, prevention
Example Sentence:
He was under no enticement to commit suicide.
10. ENTANGLE (VERB): cause to become twisted together : (उलझाना)
Synonyms: entrap, bewilder
Antonyms: enlighten, exclude
Example Sentence:
They might entangle Austria in a war with Russia.
Synonyms: memorize, celebrate
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example Sentence:
All players will receive a championship ring to commemorate the team’s amazing season.
2. UNRIVALLED (ADJECTIVE): never done or known before: (अभूतपूर्व)
Synonyms: bizarre, unique
Antonyms: common, familiar
Example Sentence:
Before the storm, there was an unrivalled demand for food supplies that left many stores empty.
3. FLUX (NOUN): the action of flowing: (संचार)
Synonyms: alteration, flow
Antonyms: constancy, stagnation
Example Sentence:
I never know how much I'll pay for a gallon of fuel because gas prices are always in flux.
4. DISILLUSIONMENT (NOUN): disappointment from unexpected occurrence: (मोहभंग)
Synonyms: adversity, chagrin
Antonyms: achievement, pleasure
Example Sentence:
There has been a sense of disillusionment on both sides about the present state of play in the relationship.
5. BLUNT (ADJECTIVE): truthful, straightforward: (स्पष्टवादी)
Synonyms: impartial, equitable
Antonyms: biased, devious
Example Sentence:
Prevention from having blunt conversations is required.
6. CREVICE (NOUN): a crack: (दरार)
Synonyms: chink, fissure
Antonyms: agreement, closure
Example Sentence:
The Hawksbill feeds on sponges in the reef ecosystem and opens up crevices for other marine life to live in.
7. PROSAIC (ADJECTIVE): lacking in force: (मंद)
Synonyms: blah, muted
Antonyms: bright, shiny
Example Sentence:
The new product achieved prosaic sales.
8. GAZE (NOUN): a steady intent look: (टकटकी)
Synonyms: peep, glaring
Antonyms: ignorance, avoidance
Example Sentence:
The policeman gave me a penetrating gaze.
9. ENTICEMENT (NOUN): the desire to do something wrong: (प्रलोभन)
Synonyms: decoy, seduction
Antonyms: hatred, prevention
Example Sentence:
He was under no enticement to commit suicide.
10. ENTANGLE (VERB): cause to become twisted together : (उलझाना)
Synonyms: entrap, bewilder
Antonyms: enlighten, exclude
Example Sentence:
They might entangle Austria in a war with Russia.
Vocab 2 september
UNRUFFLED (ADJECTIVE): (शान्त): calm
Synonyms: composed, unflappable
Antonyms: upset, worried
Example Sentence:
Satvik was looking unruffled.
2. CONFLUENCE (NOUN): (संधि-स्थल): coming together
Synonyms: assemblage, junction
Antonyms: division, separation
Example Sentence:
This Garden is located at the confluence of four rivers.
3. REBUT (VERB): (खंडन करना): deny
Synonyms: quash, disapprove
Antonyms: allow, approve
Example Sentence:
Ambuj had to rebut charges of acting.
4. OUTLANDISH (ADJECTIVE): (विचित्र): freakish
Synonyms: weird, bizarre
Antonyms: common, familiar
Example Sentence:
He is an outlandish king.
5. SUAVITY (NOUN): (शिष्टता): sophistication
Synonyms: charm, courtesy
Antonyms: misbehaviour, rudeness
Example Sentence:
I need lessons in suavity.
6. THRONG (NOUN): (भीड़): bunch
Synonyms: flock, mass
Antonyms: individual, one
Example Sentence:
Paurush pushed his way through the throng.
7. INCERTITUDE (NOUN): (संदेह): uncertainty
Synonyms: doubt, insecurity
Antonyms: certainty, certitude
Example Sentence:
Some schools broke down under the stresses of policy incertitude.
8. TENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कमज़ोर): weak, thin
Synonyms: delicate, insubstantial
Antonyms: certain, strong
Example Sentence:
Tenuous relations need great attention and care.
9. ANNEX (NOUN): (पूरक अंश): addendum
Synonyms: appendix, adjunct
Antonyms: base, lessening
Example Sentence:
To eliminate overcrowding, the county is going to add an annex to the high school.
10. UNREFUTED (ADJECTIVE): (सही): accurate
Synonyms: authentic, definite
Antonyms: incorrect, indefinite
Example Sentence:
Silky has completed an unrefuted task.
Synonyms: composed, unflappable
Antonyms: upset, worried
Example Sentence:
Satvik was looking unruffled.
2. CONFLUENCE (NOUN): (संधि-स्थल): coming together
Synonyms: assemblage, junction
Antonyms: division, separation
Example Sentence:
This Garden is located at the confluence of four rivers.
3. REBUT (VERB): (खंडन करना): deny
Synonyms: quash, disapprove
Antonyms: allow, approve
Example Sentence:
Ambuj had to rebut charges of acting.
4. OUTLANDISH (ADJECTIVE): (विचित्र): freakish
Synonyms: weird, bizarre
Antonyms: common, familiar
Example Sentence:
He is an outlandish king.
5. SUAVITY (NOUN): (शिष्टता): sophistication
Synonyms: charm, courtesy
Antonyms: misbehaviour, rudeness
Example Sentence:
I need lessons in suavity.
6. THRONG (NOUN): (भीड़): bunch
Synonyms: flock, mass
Antonyms: individual, one
Example Sentence:
Paurush pushed his way through the throng.
7. INCERTITUDE (NOUN): (संदेह): uncertainty
Synonyms: doubt, insecurity
Antonyms: certainty, certitude
Example Sentence:
Some schools broke down under the stresses of policy incertitude.
8. TENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कमज़ोर): weak, thin
Synonyms: delicate, insubstantial
Antonyms: certain, strong
Example Sentence:
Tenuous relations need great attention and care.
9. ANNEX (NOUN): (पूरक अंश): addendum
Synonyms: appendix, adjunct
Antonyms: base, lessening
Example Sentence:
To eliminate overcrowding, the county is going to add an annex to the high school.
10. UNREFUTED (ADJECTIVE): (सही): accurate
Synonyms: authentic, definite
Antonyms: incorrect, indefinite
Example Sentence:
Silky has completed an unrefuted task.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Vocab 1 September
GALLANT (ADJECTIVE): courageous : (बहादुर)
Synonyms: brave, fearless
Antonyms: afraid, fearful
Example Sentence:
Shivi is a gallant lady.
2. FREAK (NOUN): aberration : (सनकी)
Synonyms: anomaly, oddity
Antonyms: conformity, normality
Example Sentence:
The teacher says the accident was a total freak.
3. DISCOURSE (NOUN): communication : (बातचीत)
Synonyms: dialogue, conversation
Antonyms: quiet, silence
Example Sentence:
This is the language of political discourse.
4. GRACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): kind : (विनीत)
Synonyms: congenial, cordial
Antonyms: surly, irritable
Example Sentence:
Haritima is a gracious hostess.
5. GLIB (ADJECTIVE): artful :
Synonyms: articulate, eloquent
Antonyms: awkward, silent
Example Sentence:
The glib phrases soon roll off the tongue.
6. GULLIBLE (ADJECTIVE): foolish : (अकुशल)
Synonyms: unsophisticated, artless
Antonyms: wise, perceptive
Example Sentence:
He had formulated a gullible idea.
7. GRATUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): free : (निःशुल्क)
Synonyms: charge-less, costless
Antonyms: costly, expensive
Example Sentence:
The homeless shelter provides food gratuitous for needy individuals.
8. HEARSAY (NOUN): blasphemy : (अफ़वाह)
Synonyms: fallacy, apostasy
Antonyms: agreement, belief
Example Sentence:
Court officials dismissed the witness’s testimony as hearsay.
9. GRAVE (ADJECTIVE): sober : (गंभीर)
Synonyms: sage, subdued
Antonyms: agitated, boisterous
Example Sentence:
Harit gave a grave look.
10. GUST (NOUN): blast : (झोंका)
Synonyms: breeze, burst
Antonyms: calm, quiet
Example Sentence:
I was feeling rather stifling save for a lone gust of win.
Synonyms: brave, fearless
Antonyms: afraid, fearful
Example Sentence:
Shivi is a gallant lady.
2. FREAK (NOUN): aberration : (सनकी)
Synonyms: anomaly, oddity
Antonyms: conformity, normality
Example Sentence:
The teacher says the accident was a total freak.
3. DISCOURSE (NOUN): communication : (बातचीत)
Synonyms: dialogue, conversation
Antonyms: quiet, silence
Example Sentence:
This is the language of political discourse.
4. GRACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): kind : (विनीत)
Synonyms: congenial, cordial
Antonyms: surly, irritable
Example Sentence:
Haritima is a gracious hostess.
5. GLIB (ADJECTIVE): artful :
Synonyms: articulate, eloquent
Antonyms: awkward, silent
Example Sentence:
The glib phrases soon roll off the tongue.
6. GULLIBLE (ADJECTIVE): foolish : (अकुशल)
Synonyms: unsophisticated, artless
Antonyms: wise, perceptive
Example Sentence:
He had formulated a gullible idea.
7. GRATUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): free : (निःशुल्क)
Synonyms: charge-less, costless
Antonyms: costly, expensive
Example Sentence:
The homeless shelter provides food gratuitous for needy individuals.
8. HEARSAY (NOUN): blasphemy : (अफ़वाह)
Synonyms: fallacy, apostasy
Antonyms: agreement, belief
Example Sentence:
Court officials dismissed the witness’s testimony as hearsay.
9. GRAVE (ADJECTIVE): sober : (गंभीर)
Synonyms: sage, subdued
Antonyms: agitated, boisterous
Example Sentence:
Harit gave a grave look.
10. GUST (NOUN): blast : (झोंका)
Synonyms: breeze, burst
Antonyms: calm, quiet
Example Sentence:
I was feeling rather stifling save for a lone gust of win.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Vocab 31 august
PRIGGISH (ADJECTIVE): smug : (दम्भी)
Synonyms: pompous, stuffy
Antonyms: dissatisfied, discontented
Example Sentence:
I had to meet a priggish person in the train.
2. INURE (VERB): accustom someone to something esp. unpleasant : (सहनशील बनाना)
Synonyms: acclimate, toughen
Antonyms: neglect, soften
Example Sentence:
A continuation of the exclusion of these people from their lands should not inure to the benefit of the wrongdoers.
3. ONSLAUGHT (NOUN): attack : (हमला)
Synonyms: onrush, invasion
Antonyms: retreat, defense
Example Sentence:
The people suddenly made an onslaught on him.
4.REPINE (VERB): complain : (शिकायत करना)
Synonyms: grumble, lament
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence:
He always repines about his peer.
5. CABOODLE (NOUN): collection of something : (ताम-झाम)
Synonyms: cluster, agglomeration
Antonyms: individual, one
Example Sentence:
I have a caboodle of great books.
6. ATTICISM (NOUN): grace : (लालित्य)
Synonyms: grandeur, elegance
Antonyms: crudeness, imbalance
Example Sentence:
I see the majestic Atticism in her personality.
7. AUSTERITY (NOUN): severity in manner : (आत्मसंयम)
Synonyms: acerbity, asperity
Antonyms: informality, mildness
Example Sentence:
The austerity of the politician was well renowned.
8. ARTIFICE (NOUN): clever act : (चालाकी)
Synonyms: maneuver, gimmick
Antonyms: candor, honesty
Example Sentence:
These pictures are full of artifice.
9. VALOUR (NOUN): courage : (वीरता)
Synonyms: firmness, fortitude
Antonyms: cowardice, timidity
Example Sentence:
His valor impressed everyone.
10. VIGILANT (ADJECTIVE): attentive : (जागरूक)
Synonyms: observant, cautious
Antonyms: heedless, impulsive
Example Sentence:
I am very vigilant while writing a letter.
Synonyms: pompous, stuffy
Antonyms: dissatisfied, discontented
Example Sentence:
I had to meet a priggish person in the train.
2. INURE (VERB): accustom someone to something esp. unpleasant : (सहनशील बनाना)
Synonyms: acclimate, toughen
Antonyms: neglect, soften
Example Sentence:
A continuation of the exclusion of these people from their lands should not inure to the benefit of the wrongdoers.
3. ONSLAUGHT (NOUN): attack : (हमला)
Synonyms: onrush, invasion
Antonyms: retreat, defense
Example Sentence:
The people suddenly made an onslaught on him.
4.REPINE (VERB): complain : (शिकायत करना)
Synonyms: grumble, lament
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence:
He always repines about his peer.
5. CABOODLE (NOUN): collection of something : (ताम-झाम)
Synonyms: cluster, agglomeration
Antonyms: individual, one
Example Sentence:
I have a caboodle of great books.
6. ATTICISM (NOUN): grace : (लालित्य)
Synonyms: grandeur, elegance
Antonyms: crudeness, imbalance
Example Sentence:
I see the majestic Atticism in her personality.
7. AUSTERITY (NOUN): severity in manner : (आत्मसंयम)
Synonyms: acerbity, asperity
Antonyms: informality, mildness
Example Sentence:
The austerity of the politician was well renowned.
8. ARTIFICE (NOUN): clever act : (चालाकी)
Synonyms: maneuver, gimmick
Antonyms: candor, honesty
Example Sentence:
These pictures are full of artifice.
9. VALOUR (NOUN): courage : (वीरता)
Synonyms: firmness, fortitude
Antonyms: cowardice, timidity
Example Sentence:
His valor impressed everyone.
10. VIGILANT (ADJECTIVE): attentive : (जागरूक)
Synonyms: observant, cautious
Antonyms: heedless, impulsive
Example Sentence:
I am very vigilant while writing a letter.
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