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Monday, March 19, 2018

Vocab 20 march

MAGNITUDE (NOUN)परिमाण; जटिलता; विस्तार; कान्तिमान;

खगोलीय मैग्निट्यूड;: volume

Synonyms: significance, eminence

Antonyms: insignificance, tininess

Example Sentence:

The recent finding indicates the magnitude of the crisis.

2. OVERWHELM (VERB)छा जाना; तबाह कर देना; अभिभुत होना; अधिक भावना प्रकट करना: overcome

Synonyms: crush, defeat

Antonyms: encourage, fail

Example Sentence:

The production of plastic has overwhelmed government’s move.

3. DISCARD (VERB)n. त्यागना; न लेना अस्वीकार करना; जुदा करना; रद्दी माल;: get rid of something as no longer useful

Synonyms: abandon, cancel

Antonyms: accept, choose

Example Sentence:

The elements of articles discarded by consumers are seen here.

4. CONTAMINANT (NOUN)दूषणकारी तत्व; संदूषित पदार्थ; संदूषक; प्रदूषक; : pollutant substance

Synonyms: impurity, toxin

Antonyms: blessing, antidote

Example Sentence:

Polypropylene and polythene are contaminants for atmosphere.

5. ACCUMULATION (NOUN)जमाव; संचयन; संचित; अम्बार: the acquisition of something

Synonyms: accretion, inflation

Antonyms: decrease, reduction

Example Sentence:

The river became almost blocked by the accumulation of this obstruction.

6. INDUCE (VERB)कारण होना; अनुमान करना: succeed in persuading to something

Synonyms: urge, prompt

Antonyms: destroy, discourage

Example Sentence:
These chemicals can induce immune

7. STAGGER (VERB)मुश्किल से चल पाना; क्रमबद्ध तरीके से लगाना; विचलता; हक्का-बक्का करना: move unsteadily

Synonyms: teeter, dither

Antonyms: carry on, continue

Example Sentence:

The problem is staggering due to eight million tons of waste.

8. DEBRIS (NOUN)मलबा; कचरा; ईंट; रोडा; अवशेष; भग्नावशेष: scattered pieces of rubbish

Synonyms: rubble, trash

Antonyms: possessions, neatness

Example Sentence:

There is now even the Great Pacific Garbage Patch of plastic debris.

9. DURABLE (ADJECTIVE)टिकाऊ; स्थायी; स्थिर; स्थास्नु: long lasting

Synonyms: enduring, stable

Antonyms: temporary, fragile

Example Sentence:

Banning single use of bags pay a significant amount for the more durable ones is a feasible solution.

10. CONSENSUS (NOUN)मतैक्य; ऐक्य; अनुकूलता; सामंजस्य: a general agreement

Synonyms: harmony, unity

Antonyms: opposition, refusal

Example Sentence:

There is consensus that this is the way forward.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Vocab 19 march

JUDICIOUS (ADJECTIVE)विवेकपूर्ण; बुद्धिमान; विवेचित; समझदार; विवेकसम्मत; न्यायसंगत; विवेकशील; अक़्लमंद; उचित; : sensible

Synonyms: wise, skillful

Antonyms: imprudent, irrational

Example Sentence:

A judicious selection of books is essential for success.

2. ARRAIGN (VERB)दोषारोपण करना; मुक़दमे के लिए अदालत में लाना; विवरण मांगना; दोष लगाना; कलंक लगाना; दोषी ठहराना; अपराधी ठहराना; आरोप लगाना: incriminate

Synonyms: accuse, indict

Antonyms: exculpate, exonerate

Example Sentence:

Before Len was set to arraign, the judge liked to carefully review each case.

3. ALTERCATION (NOUN)झगड़ा; कलह; कहा-सुनी; विवाद; वाद-विवाद; बहस; बखेड़ा: a heated dispute

Synonyms: quarrel, wrangle

Antonyms: agreement, peace

Example Sentence:

I had an altercation with my peers.

4. PERPETRATE (VERB)पाप करना; दोष करना; रसहीन ढंग से प्रस्तुत करना; बेकार ढंग से प्रस्तुत करना; अपराध करना: be responsible for

Synonyms: carry out, commit

Antonyms: halt, stop

Example Sentence:

why would he perpetrate such a complex fraud?

5. ABORIGINAL (ADJECTIVE)आदिम; प्राचीन; पुराना; आदिकालीन; मूल: ancient

Synonyms: endemic, primitive

Antonyms: modern, new

Example Sentence:

The aboriginal inhabitants of Africa had an important influence on their colonial history

6. PROSCRIBE (VERB)त्याग करना; बहिष्कार करना; देश से निकालना; अभिनिषिद्ध करना; :forbid

Synonyms: condemn, outlaw

Antonyms: permit, allow

Example Sentence:

Indecent films should be proscribed by theGovernment.

7. PALL (NOUN)चोग़ा; फ़्यूज़; नक़ब; बादल; आच्छादन; आवरण; परदा; : Dismay

Synonyms: gloom, melancholy

Antonyms: happiness, excitement

Example Sentence:

Shilpi watched in pall as images of the war were shown on the screen.

8. ANACHRONISTIC (ADJECTIVE)कालदोष-युक्त;: no longer in use

Synonyms: untimely, wrong

Antonyms: appropriate, timely

Example Sentence:

In a wider sense, all historical writings are anachronistic.

9. PARRY (VERB)वार बचाना; बचना; रोकना; दूर करना; टालना; बाज़ रहना: avoid

Synonyms: dodge, bypass

Antonyms: confront, encounter

Example Sentence:

Kiran put on her sunglasses to parry his probing eyes.

10. PERVASIVE (ADJECTIVE)व्यापक; प्रसरणशील; सर्वव्यापी; फैलती हुई; फैलनेवाला; : Extensive

Synonyms: omnipresent, common

Antonyms: uncommon, rare

Example Sentence:

Corruption is a pervasive issue that touches all communities.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Vocab 18 march

RAUCOUS (ADJECTIVE)उग्र; कर्कश; गम्भीर; भारी; फटा: noisy

Synonyms: discordant, strident

Antonyms: mild, subdued

Example Sentence:

He is interrupted by a raucous yell.

2. PERSECUTE (VERB)सताना; तंग करना; कष्ट देना; अत्याचार करना; ज़ुल्म करना;: crucify

Antonyms: console, protect

Example Sentence:

He was persecuted by his landlord

3. ADDLE (VERB)व्याकुल कर देना; बिगाड़ना; : to cause (someone) to think unclearly

Synonyms: muddle, confuse

Antonyms: arrange, be in order

Example Sentence:

I suppose the shock had addled his poor brain.

4. MENDACITY (NOUN)मिथ्यावादिता; झूठ; भिक्षावृति; असत्य; मिथ्याभाषण;: insincerity

Synonyms: deceit, deception

Antonyms: truthfulness, honesty

Example Sentence:

He cannot find employment at a bank because of his mendacity.

5. HIDEOUS (ADJECTIVE)डरावना; वीभत्स; घृणित; घिनौना; भयंकर; भयानक: very ugly

Synonyms: grotesque, horrible

Antonyms: delightful, gentle

Example Sentence:

I saw a hideous crone on the way to the jungle.

6. ANIMUS (NOUN)भाव; उद्देश्य; अभिप्राय; मानस; वैर-भाव; इरादा;: enmity

Synonyms: animosity, antagonism

Antonyms: affinity, adoration

Example Sentence:

Why is there an animus in your mind againsthim?

7. PESTILENT (ADJECTIVE). जानलेवा; प्राणघाती; विनाशक; हानि पहुंचानेवाला; मार डालनेवाला; घातक;: baneful

Synonyms: contagious, deleterious

Antonyms: harmless, innocuous

Example Sentence:

No matter what I do the pestilent squirrels keep invading my garden.

8. AFTERMATH (NOUN)परिणाम; पिछली घास; दूसरी कटाई; अनुलवन; दुष्परिणाम: the outcome of an event

Synonyms: effects, result

Antonyms: source, cause

Example Sentence:

The aftermath of the war is inexplicable.

9. GUSTO (NOUN)उत्साह; आनंद; रूची; चाव; सुरुचि; मज़ा; स्वाद; विशेष स्वाद;: great enthusiasm

Synonyms: fervor, relish

Antonyms: apathy, hatred

Example Sentence:

He plays football with gusto.

10. CONTINUANCE (NOUN)निरंतरता; सिलसिला; गंभिरता; नित्यता: duration

Synonyms: extension, protraction

Antonyms: ending, cessation

Example Sentence:

She will get all the privileges during his continuance in the service.