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Monday, March 19, 2018

Vocab 20 march

MAGNITUDE (NOUN)परिमाण; जटिलता; विस्तार; कान्तिमान;

खगोलीय मैग्निट्यूड;: volume

Synonyms: significance, eminence

Antonyms: insignificance, tininess

Example Sentence:

The recent finding indicates the magnitude of the crisis.

2. OVERWHELM (VERB)छा जाना; तबाह कर देना; अभिभुत होना; अधिक भावना प्रकट करना: overcome

Synonyms: crush, defeat

Antonyms: encourage, fail

Example Sentence:

The production of plastic has overwhelmed government’s move.

3. DISCARD (VERB)n. त्यागना; न लेना अस्वीकार करना; जुदा करना; रद्दी माल;: get rid of something as no longer useful

Synonyms: abandon, cancel

Antonyms: accept, choose

Example Sentence:

The elements of articles discarded by consumers are seen here.

4. CONTAMINANT (NOUN)दूषणकारी तत्व; संदूषित पदार्थ; संदूषक; प्रदूषक; : pollutant substance

Synonyms: impurity, toxin

Antonyms: blessing, antidote

Example Sentence:

Polypropylene and polythene are contaminants for atmosphere.

5. ACCUMULATION (NOUN)जमाव; संचयन; संचित; अम्बार: the acquisition of something

Synonyms: accretion, inflation

Antonyms: decrease, reduction

Example Sentence:

The river became almost blocked by the accumulation of this obstruction.

6. INDUCE (VERB)कारण होना; अनुमान करना: succeed in persuading to something

Synonyms: urge, prompt

Antonyms: destroy, discourage

Example Sentence:
These chemicals can induce immune

7. STAGGER (VERB)मुश्किल से चल पाना; क्रमबद्ध तरीके से लगाना; विचलता; हक्का-बक्का करना: move unsteadily

Synonyms: teeter, dither

Antonyms: carry on, continue

Example Sentence:

The problem is staggering due to eight million tons of waste.

8. DEBRIS (NOUN)मलबा; कचरा; ईंट; रोडा; अवशेष; भग्नावशेष: scattered pieces of rubbish

Synonyms: rubble, trash

Antonyms: possessions, neatness

Example Sentence:

There is now even the Great Pacific Garbage Patch of plastic debris.

9. DURABLE (ADJECTIVE)टिकाऊ; स्थायी; स्थिर; स्थास्नु: long lasting

Synonyms: enduring, stable

Antonyms: temporary, fragile

Example Sentence:

Banning single use of bags pay a significant amount for the more durable ones is a feasible solution.

10. CONSENSUS (NOUN)मतैक्य; ऐक्य; अनुकूलता; सामंजस्य: a general agreement

Synonyms: harmony, unity

Antonyms: opposition, refusal

Example Sentence:

There is consensus that this is the way forward.

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