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Tuesday, December 12, 2017


1.Obnubilate (verb): (Darken or cover with/ cover or envelop so as to conceal from view.)  (छिपाना/ढकना)

Synonyms: Shroud, Veil, Cloak, Mask, Obscure, Overlay.

Antonyms: Reveal, Divulge, Bring To Light.

Example: The robbers wore large coats to Obnubilate  their weapons from the security guards.

Verb forms: Obnubilate  , Obnubilated, Obnubilated.

Origin: from Latin obnubilare  - ‘covered with clouds or fog’.
2. Ledger (noun): (A book or other collection of financial accounts.) (बहीखाता/लेखा बही)

Synonyms: Account Book, Record Book, Register, Registry, Log, Records, Balance Sheet, Financial Statement.

Example: The manager was furious over the cashier as the cash shown in the companyledger was not the same as the available balance the bank account.

Origin: from English “variants of lay”

3.Amorphous (adjective):Without a clearly defined shape or form/ lacking a clear structure or focus. (अव्यवस्थित)  

Synonyms: Shapeless, Formless, Unstructured, Indeterminate, Indefinite, Vague, Nebulous

Antonyms: Definite, Distinct, Shaped

Example: The amorphous laws are hard to follow because they are not clearly defined.

Origin:  from Greek amorphos ‘shapeless’ (from a- ‘without’ + morphē ‘form’).

4.Meteoric (adjective): (Lit- relating to meteors or meteorites./ (fig-of the development of something) very rapid.) (त्वरित/बहुत तेज)

Synonyms: Rapid, Swift, Fast, Quick, Speedy, Breakneck, Fast-Track, Accelerated, Whirlwind.

Antonyms: Slow, Gradual, Long-Drawn-Out

Example: In just a few years The value of Bitcoin has increased in aMeteoric way
5.Abet (verb): (Encourage or assist (someone) to do something) (सहयोग देना/बढ़ावा देना)

Synonyms: Assist, Aid, Help, Lend A Hand, Support, Encourage.

Antonyms: Halt, Prevent, Stop, Disapprove.

Example: If you abet violence in your home, you should not be surprised if your children grow up to be abusers.

Verb forms: Abet, Abetted, Abetted

Related words:

Abetment (noun) - अवप्रेरण
6.Unscrupulous (adjective):(Having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair/ unconcerned about doing what is right.) (अनैतिक)

Synonyms: Unprincipled, Unethical, Immoral, Conscienceless

Antonyms: Decent, Ethical, Fair, Moral

Example: Because the doctor was an unscrupulous man, he often charged his patients for tests he did not perform.

Related words:

Unscrupulously (adverb) - अनैतिकता से

Unscrupulousness (noun) – अनैतिकता
7. Shirk (verb): (Avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility).) (टालना/बचना)

Synonyms: Evade, Dodge, Avoid, Sidestep, Shun, Slide Out Of, Play Truant From.

Antonyms: Confront, Encounter, Face, Meet.

Example: A lazy manager often attempts to shirk his responsibilities by passing his tasks on to his workers.

Verb forms: Shirk, Shirked, Shirked.

Related words:

Shirk (noun) - A person who shirks.
8. Kick-off (noun): (The start of an event or activity.) (आरंभ/शुरुआत)

Synonyms: Beginning, Start, Outset, Opening, Start, Initiation, Inception, Commencement.

Antonyms: End, Finish, Completion.

Example: At the kick-off of the training process, the safety rules were explicitly stated so that no one would get hurt.
9.Irrefragable (adjective): (Not able to be disputed or doubted.) (निर्विवाद)

Synonyms: Indubitable, Undoubted, Indisputable, Undeniable, Irrefutable, Incontestable, Incontrovertible.

Antonyms: Disputable, Doubtful, Questionable.

Example: It is an Irrefragable fact smoking cigarettes can increase the risk of lung cancer.

Origin: from Latin irrefragabilis, from in- ‘not’ + refragari ‘oppose’. 
10.Tenet (noun): Principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy. / a belief or opinion considered valid by a group or individual (मत/सिद्धान्त)

Synonyms: Principle, Belief, Doctrine, Precept, Creed, Credo, Article Of Faith, Dogma

Antonyms: Disbelief, Doubt, Skepticism, Unbelief

Example: An example of tenet is the Christian belief that Jesus is the son of God.

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