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Saturday, December 16, 2017


1. Hand down (phrasal verb):(General- to pass something to a person on a lower level./legal- to announce or deliver a (legal) verdict or indictment.) (फैसला देना)

Synonyms: Bequeath, Pass on/ deliver judgment, Announce verdict.

Example:The jury handed down a guilty verdict in the long running case.

Verb forms: Hand down, Handed down, Handed down.
2. Iron-fisted (adjective):(Exercising power in an oppressive or controlling way.) (कठोर/दमनकारी)

Synonyms: Oppressive, Suppressive, Heavy-Handed, Harsh, Severe.

Antonyms: Easy, Gentle, Kind, Mild.

Example: My boss rules in a iron-fisted way, so I'm looking for a new job.
3. Dispel (verb): (Make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear/ to cause to depart or be broken apart) (हटाना/दूर करना)

Synonyms: Banish, Eliminate, dismiss, Chase away, Drive away, Get rid of, Dissipate.

Antonyms: Keep, Allow.

Example: When the president made his speech about the state of the country’s security, he hoped his words would dispel public fears.

Verb forms: Dispel, Dispelled, Dispelled.
4.Eloquent (adjective): (Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.) (भावपूर्ण/सुवक्ता)

Synonyms: Articulate, Fecund, Expressive, Fluent.

Antonyms: Dull, Inarticulate.

Example: When you listen to theeloquent person’s speech, you always understand his message.

Related words:

Eloquently (adverb): (In a fluent or persuasive manner.)
5. Recourse (noun): (A source of help in a difficult situation.)  (उपाय/सहायता या मदद के लिये जाना)

Synonyms: Alternative, Way out, Remedy, Help, option.

Antonyms: Blockade, Hindrance, Obstruction

Example: Once Trevor’s financial aid was terminated, he had norecourse other than to get a job and pay his own requirements.
6.Renounce (verb): Formally declare one's abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession). (छोड़ना/दूर रहना)

Synonyms: Deny, Disavow, Eschew, Relinquish, Repudiate

Antonyms: Allow, Approve, Claim, Continue, Embrace, Keep

Example: When Hector tried torenounce his membership in the gang, the group’s leader threatened him.

Verb forms: Renounce, Renounced, Renounced.

Related words:

Renouncement (noun) - दूर करना

Renounceable (adjective) – त्याज्य
7.Onus (noun): (Something that is one's duty or responsibility.) (दायित्व)

Synonyms: Responsibility, Liability, Obligation, Duty

Antonyms: Exoneration, Irresponsibility

Example: As a good teacher, I accept the onus for making sure my students learn something each day.
8. Absolve (verb): Declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment/ give absolution for (छोड़ना/मुक्त करना)

Synonyms: Acquit, Exempt, Clear, Discharge, Exculpate, Exonerate

Antonyms: Accuse, Charge, Convict, Incriminate

Example: If you wish to absolveyourself of your sins, you must first confess them and not repeat the same actions.

Verb forms: Absolve, Absolved, Absolved.
9. Rebut (verb): (Claim or prove that (evidence or an accusation) is false.) (गलत ठहराना/खण्डन करना)

Synonyms: Refute, Deny, Disprove, Prove Wrong, Prove False.

Antonyms: Approve, Sanction, Validate, Agree.

Example: Because it is impossible to rebut DNA evidence, there is no way the suspect can deny his presence at the crime scene.

Verb forms: Rebut, Rebutted, Rebutted.

Related words:

Rebuttal (noun) - खंडन
10. Disparity (noun): (A great difference./ the quality or state of being different) (असमानता/विषमता)

Synonyms: Imbalance, Inequality, Unevenness, Dissimilarity

Antonyms: Parity, Similarity, Equality

Example: Sadly, there is adisparity in healthcare treatment among the economic classes.

Related words:

Disparage (verb) - उपेक्षा करना

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