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Friday, December 15, 2017


Courtesy: The Hindu (General Studies)

1. Ecstasy (noun): (An overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.) (उत्साह/उल्लास)

Synonyms: Rapture, Bliss, Elation, Euphoria, Joyousness, Jubilation, Exultation.

Antonyms: Sorrow, Unhappiness, Woe, Apathy.

Example: Joy experienced a state of ecstasy the day when first child was born in his home.

Related words:

Ecstatic (adjective) - Feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.
2.Frugal (adjective): (Sparing or economical as regards money or food.) (मितव्ययी/अल्पव्ययी)

Synonyms: Thrifty, Sparing, Economical, Saving, Spartan, Puritanical.

Antonyms: Spendthrift, Wasteful, Extravagant, Lavish.

Example: Be more frugal with your expenses, and you will not be in debt.

Related words:

Frugality (noun) - किफायत

Origin:  from Latin frugi ‘economical, thrifty’,
3. Scramble (verb): (Move hurriedly or clumsily from or into a particular place or position.) (हड़बड़ी करना) 

Synonyms: Hurry, Scurry, Scud, Hasten, Rush.

Antonyms: Move Quietly.

Example: When It started to rain, and they all scrambled for cover.

Verb forms: Scramble, Scrambled, Scramble
4.Gormless (adjective): (Lacking sense or initiative/ lacking good sense or judgment) (बुद्धिहीन/मूर्खतापूर्ण)

Synonyms: Stupid, Silly, Idiotic, Imbecile, Dopey, Lunatic.

Antonyms: Intelligent, Prudent, Wise, Cognizant.

Example: Some people start to behave in gormless way  when they get  drunk.
5. Appellation (noun): (A name or title.) (उपाधि/संज्ञा/पदवी)

Synonyms: Name, Title, Designation, Denomination, Honorific, Tag, Epithet, Label, Sobriquet.

Example: In high school her friends would often refer to her as Penguin, an appellation that she earned because of her unusual walk.

Origin: from Latin appellare ‘to address’
6.Subside (verb): (Become less intense, violent, or severe.) (कम होना/धीमा पड़ना/घट जाना)

Synonyms: Recede, Lessen, Diminish, Decline, Dwindle, Weaken, Fade, Wane, Ebb.

Antonyms: Escalate, Intensify, Increase, Raise, Strengthen, Augment.

Example: After she took the medicine, the pain in her legsubsided.

Verb forms: Subside, Subsided, Subsided.

7.Glitzy (adjective): (Attractive in a showy and often q11q way.) (आडम्बरी)q

Synonyms: Splashy, Glaring, Ostentatious, Showy.

ZAntonyms: Moderate, Simple, Modest.

Example: Inside of a casino is generally marked by a kind ofglitz. 

Related words:

Glitzy (adjective) - Extravagant but superficial display.
8. Bow out (phrasal verb):(Withdraw or retire from an activity or role.) (अलग होना/वापिस लेना)

Synonyms: Withdraw from, Resign from, Retire from, Step down from, Get out of, Pull out of, Back out of, Stop participating in.

Antonyms: Continue, Opt in.

Example:The candidate bowed out after news of his scandal went public.

Verb forms: Bow out, Bowed out, Bowed out.
9.Plucky (adjective): (Having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties.)  (बहादुर/वीर/ हिम्मती)

Synonyms: Brave, Courageous, Bold, Daring, Fearless, Intrepid.

Antonyms: Afraid, Cowardly, Fearful, Meek, Timid.

Example: A soldier must have theplucky attitude.
10. Herald (verb): (Be a sign that (something) is about to happen.) (संकेत होना/ सूचना देना)

Synonyms: Signal, Indicate, Announce, Point To, Presage, Augur, Portend.

Example: The ability to download new movies at home heralds a decrease in movie theater profits.

Verb forms: Herald, Heralded, Heralded.

Related words:

Herald (verb)- (A person or thing viewed as a sign that something is about to happen; Something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone)

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