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Monday, December 18, 2017


Courtesy: The Hindu (Bilateral Ties)

1.Moribund (adjective): ((Of a thing) in terminal decline/lacking vitality or vigor. (अन्त के करीब)

Synonyms: Declining, Waning, Dying, Stagnating, Decaying, Crumbling, Atrophying.

Antonyms: Developing, Growing, Reviving

Example: Without water, the plants will soon enter a moribundstate.

Origin: from Latin mori ‘to die’.
2.Fatuity (noun): (Pointless foolishness and stupidity) (मूर्खता/बेवकूफ़ी)

Synonyms: Absurdity, Asininity, Foolishness, Idiocy, Stupidity.

Antonyms: Intelligence, Shrewdness, Wisdom, Sagacity.

Example: After receiving a windfall, the foolish man showed his fatuity by spending every dime on frivolous purchases.

Related words:

Fatuous (adjective) – मूर्खतापूर्ण
3. Gloss over (phrasal verb): Try to conceal or disguise (something unfavorable) by treating it briefly or representing it misleadingly. (छिपाना)

Synonyms: Conceal, Cover Up, Hide, Camouflage, Disguise, Mislead, Misrepresent, Veil

Antonyms: Disclose, Divulge, Expose

Example: She tried to gloss overher role, when the project met a fiasco.

Verb forms: Glossed over, Glossed over, Glossed over.
4. Run into the ground (idiom):(Exhaust oneself by working or running very hard.) (हद से ज़्यादा थकना)

Synonyms: To exhaust oneself, Wear oneself out, Strain oneself.

Antonyms: Make light of, Be idle.

Example: If you keep working 80-hour weeks, you'll drive run into the ground sooner than later.
5. Foray (noun): (A sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory, especially to obtain something)(आक्रमण/धावा)

Synonyms: Attack, Assault, Incursion, Swoop, Raid, Invasion.

Example: After the orders of Commander, the troops made anforay across the border. 

Verb forms: Foray, Forayed, Forayed.

Related words:

Foray (verb) - Make or go on a foray.
6. Dote (verb) (Be extremely and uncritically fond of) (अत्यधिक स्नेह करना)

Synonyms: Adore, Love dearly, Blandish, Cherish, Lavish affection on.

Antonyms: Insult, Offend, Criticize.

Example: They were looking for a babysitter who would dote on their children as much as they would.

Verb forms: Dote, Doted, Doted.

Related words:

Doting (adjective): (Fond) 
7. Liturgy (noun): (A form or formulary according to which something is conducted/ preset practices that are carried out during a religious service or event) (पद्धति)

Synonyms: Ritual, Rite, Custom, Practice, Tradition, Rubric.

Example: Jack has not missed a day of worship in forty years and as such knows the church’s liturgywell enough to perform most rites.

Origin: from Greek leitourgos  lēitos ‘public’ + -ergos ‘working’.
8.Mollycoddle (verb): (Treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way.) (लाड़ प्यार करना/ (अत्यधिक ध्यान देना))

Synonyms: Pamper, Cosset, Coddle, Overindulge, Wrap in cotton wool.

Antonyms: Ignore, Neglect.

Example: Being the only girl in the team, Sweety is mollycoddled by everyone.

Verb forms: Mollycoddle, Mollycoddled, Mollycoddled.
9. Inimical (adjective):(Unfriendly; hostile/Tending to obstruct or harm) (अहितकर/प्रतिकूल)

Synonyms: Harmful, Injurious, Detrimental, Deleterious, Pernicious, Antagonistic

Antonyms: Favorable, Friendly, Helpful

Example: Not wearing a helmet while driving a scooter can beinimical to your life.

Origin: from Latin inimicus (enemy).
10. Infraction (noun): (A violation or infringement of a law or agreement.) (अतिक्रमण/उलंघन)

Synonyms: Infringement, Contravention, Breach, Violation, Transgression, Breaking.

Antonyms: Obedience, Compliance.

Example: When the soldier committed a very seriousinfraction, he was dishonorably discharged from the military.

Verb forms: Infringe, Infringed, Infringed.

Related words:

Infringe (verb) - Actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).

Origin: from Latin infringere, from in- ‘into’ + frangere ‘to break

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