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Thursday, December 21, 2017


Courtesy: The Hindu (General Studies)

1. Punctilious (adjective):(Showing great attention to detail or correct behaviour.) (बारीकियों पर ध्‍यान देने वाला/सूक्ष्‍मताप्रिय)

Synonyms: Meticulous, Careful, Attentive, Scrupulous, Exact, Precise, Accurate, Correct, Thorough.

Antonyms: Careless, Imprecise, Incorrect.

Example: Pharmacists must be very punctilious because the actions they take could result in fatalities.

Related words: 

Punctilio (noun) - A fine or petty point of conduct or procedure.
2.Proselytize (verb): (Advocate or promote (a belief or course of action).) (वकालत करना/पक्षसमर्थन करना)

Synonyms: Promote, Propound, Preach, Advocate, Sponsor.

Antonyms: Oppose, Renounce.

Example: A good doctor willProselytize healthy eating for his patients.

Verb forms: Proselytize, Proselytized, Proselytized.
3.Wherewithal (noun): (The money or other means needed for a particular purpose.) (साधन)

Synonyms: Money, Capital, Finance, Resources, Funds.

Antonyms: Debt, Requirement, Lack

Example: A big project requires a lot of financial wherewithal.

4. Sanguinary (adjective):(Involving or causing much bloodshed.) (रक्तपातपूर्ण)

Synonyms: Gory, Bloodthirsty, Brutal, Hemic, Bloodstained.

Example: In order to get into the gang, the boy had to perform thesanguinary task of stabbing a man to death.

Related words:

Sanguineous (adjective) - Resembling or containing blood.

Origin: From Latin sanguin- ‘blood’.
5.Paradigmatic (adjective):(Associated with a standard model or example) (प्रतिमान संबंधी)

Synonyms: Archetypal, Exemplary, Ideal, Prototypal

Example: The director’s journey from homelessness to living on millionaire’s row is aparadigmatic story that has inspired thousands.

Related words:

Paradigm (noun) - A typical example or pattern of something
6.Axiomatic (adjective): (Self-evident or unquestionable.) (स्वतः सिद्ध)

Synonyms: Self-Evident, Unquestionable, Undeniable, Apodictic

Antonyms: Questionable, Disputed

Example: It is axiomatic that we are living in an age of technology.

Related words:

Axiom (noun) -  A statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.
7. Reconnaissance (noun):(Observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features. (especially for military)) (सर्वेक्षण/पैमाइश)

Synonyms: Scrutiny, Observation, Investigation, Examination, Inspection

Antonyms: Ignorance, negligence.

Example: Reconnaissance robots are the latest trends in technological surveillance.

Verb forms: Reconnoitre, reconnoitred, reconnoitred.

Related words:

Reconnoitre (verb) - Make a observation of (a region).
8. Downright (adjective):(Complete (used for emphasis) (पूरी तरह से)

Synonyms: Complete, Total, Absolute, Utter, Thorough, Out-and-out, Outright.

Antonyms: Partial, Not at all.

Example: Nothing is moredownright irritating to Rohan than having to redo work on the computer all over again because it didn’t save.
9. Fallacy (noun): An idea or belief that is false but many people think is true. (भ्रांति)

Synonyms: Misconception, Mistaken Belief, False Notion, Mistaken Impression, Delusion, Falsehood

Antonyms: Truth, Certainty, Reality

Example: Having money makes you happy is a fallacy because happiness has nothing to do with wealth.

Origin: from Latin fallere ‘deceive’.
10. Well-versed (adjective):(Highly experienced, practiced, or skilled) (अनुभवी/अभिज्ञ)

Synonyms: Accomplished, Knowledgeable, Skilled, Trained, Well-informed.

Antonyms: Inexperienced, Uninformed, Unrefined, Unsophisticated.

Example: Once the foreign exchange student spent the year in Germany, she became well-versedin German having the ability to speak it fluently

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