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Tuesday, December 19, 2017


1. Schism (noun): (A division or split between people or parties)(मतभेद/विभाजन/ दरार)

Synonyms: Scission, Division, Split, Dissension, Rift, Rupture, Discord.

Antonyms: Agreement, Harmony, Accord, Conformity.

Example: The schism that divided the nation into two separate countries was caused by religious differences.

Origin: From Greek skhizein ‘to split’.

2.Implead (verb): (Prosecute or take proceedings against.) (अभियोजित करना)

Synonyms: Arraign, Indict, Litigate, Sue

Antonyms: Exonerate, Free, Liberate

Example: Since Patty did not get paid for the medical work she did for the hospital, she wouldimplead the hospital for her paycheck.

Verb forms: Implead, Impleaded, Impleaded.

Related words:

Plea (noun) – Appeal

3. Set aside (phrasal verb): (To deprive of legal effect or force/ declare (a marriage) to have had no legal existence.) (निरस्त करना/खारिज करना)

Synonyms: Declare invalid, Declare null and void, Nullify, Invalidate, Void.

Antonyms: Institute, Sanction, Validate.

Example: In a majority 3:2 judgment, a five-judge Bench of the Supreme Court set aside'talaq-e-biddat' — Triple 'talaq' — as a “manifestly arbitrary” practice.

4.Unswerving (adjective): (Not changing or becoming weaker /very loyal and committed in attitude.) (अडिग/निष्ठावान)

Synonyms: Unwavering, Unfaltering, Unflinching, Steadfast, Staunch, Firm, Resolute, Stalwart.

Antonyms: Irresolute, Unreliable.

Example: Since the two countries are Unswerving allies it is not surprising they will work together in the war to defeat their shared enemy.

Verb forms: Swerve, Swerved, Swerved.

Related words:

Swerve (verb) - Change or cause to change direction abruptly.

5.Errant (adjective): (Erring or straying from the accepted course or standards.) (विपथगामी/भटका हुआ)

Synonyms: Aberrant, Deviant, Erring, Mischievous, Wayward, Miscreant.

Antonyms: Correct, Righteous, Moral.

Example: If an educator teaches something that isn’t in the school curriculum, she is said to be acting in an errant manner.

6.Draconian (adjective): ((Of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe.)  (कठोर/कडा) 

Synonyms: Harsh, Severe, Strict, Extreme, Rigorous, Stringent

Antonyms: Amenable, Gentle, Mild, Temperate

Example: Under draconian law, even the smallest offenses are punished with harsh consequences.

7.Unambiguously (adverb): (In a manner that is not open to more than one interpretation.)   (सुस्पष्ट ढंग से)

Synonyms: Precisely, Unquestionably, Distinctly, Explicitly.

Antonyms: Ambiguously, Indefinitely, Obscurely, Vaguely.

Example: Reading theunambiguous article, the reader was glad to have understood the concept. 

Related words:

Unambiguous (adjective) - Not open to more than one interpretation.

8.Aggrieved (adjective): Feeling resentment at having been unfairly treated. (असंतुष्ट) 

Synonyms: Resentful, Affronted, Indignant, Disgruntled, Discontented

Antonyms: Contented, Happy, Pleased

Example: After his boss yelled at her for not finishing the work on time, the nature of his toneaggrieved the employee.

Verb forms: Aggrieve, Aggrieved, Aggrieved.

Related words:

Aggrieve (verb) - To badly mistreat/make upset

9.Volant (adjective): (Marked by swiftness of motion or action /done or occurring quickly.)   (शीघ्र/तेज़)

Synonyms: Rapid, Swift, Quick, Fast, Prompt, Immediate, Expeditious, Speedy.

Antonyms: Slow, Sluggish, Lazy.

Example: De Villiers' century in just 31 balls against the West Indies was a volant innings.

Origin: from Latin volare ‘to fly’.

10. Stain (noun): (A thing that damages or brings disgrace to someone or something's reputation.) (अपयश/कलंक/बदनामी)

Synonyms: Stigma, Discredit, Dishonor, Blemish, Taint.

Antonyms: Esteem, Honor, Praise, Respect, Cleanliness.

Example: Often people are afraid to admit they have a mental illness because of the stain attached to psychiatric disorders.

Verb forms: Stain, Stained, Stained.

Related words:

Stain (verb) - Damage or bring disgrace to (the reputation or image of someone or something)

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