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Tuesday, December 12, 2017


1. Hiatus (noun): (A pause or break in continuity in a sequence or activity.) (अंतराल/अभाव)

Synonyms: Pause, Break, Interval, Interruption, Suspension, Intermission, Interlude, Gap, Lacuna.

Antonyms: Continuity, Juncture.

Example: My doctor suggests I take a hiatus from my job while I am recovering from knee surgery.

Origin: from Latin hiare ‘gape’.
2. Spar (verb): (Argue with someone without marked hostility.) (तकरार करना)

Synonyms: Argue, Row, Disagree, Differ, Be At Odds, Be At Variance, Dispute

Antonyms: Agree, Give Consent, Concur

Example: N. Korea and America continue to spar each other over several issues.

Verb forms: Spar, Sparred, Sparred
3. Equivocate (verb): (Use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself.) (स्पष्ट बात न करना/गोलमोल बात कहना)

Synonyms: Prevaricate, Be vague, Be ambiguous, Evade/Dodge the issue, Beat about the bush.

Antonyms: Speak Clearly.

Example: The crooked salesman went out of his way to equivocatethe sales terms to the elderly couple.

Verb forms: Equivocate, Equivocated, Equivocated.

Related words:

Equivocate (noun) - Falsification by means of vague or ambiguous language
4.Hopscotch (verb): (Travel from place to place.) (यात्रा करना/भ्रमण करना)

Synonyms: Wander, Stroll, Saunter, Amble, Ramble, Roam.

Antonyms: Stay.

Example: A wanderlust generally hopscotches of most of his life.

Verb forms: Hopscotch, Hopscotched, Hopscotched.

5.Atrocious (adjective): (Of a very poor quality; extremely bad or unpleasant (घोर/बहुत बुरा)

Synonyms: Appalling, Dreadful, Terrible, Very Bad, Unpleasant, Lamentable, Woeful

Antonyms: Good, Magnificent, Wonderful, Inoffensive

Example: After receivingatrocious reviews, the play closed the day after opening.

Related words:

Atrociously (adverb) - बेकार ढंग से

Origin: from Latin atrox 


6. Smugness (noun): Exhibiting or feeling great satisfaction with oneself or with one's situation.  (आत्मसंतुष्टि)

Synonyms: Complacency, Self-Satisfaction, Self-Approval, Self-Approbation

Antonyms: Humility, Modesty.

Example: Gregory was smug after he easily eliminated his rival during the kickboxing competition.

Related words:

Smug (adjective) -  Marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction


7. Run the gauntlet (phrase):(To endure a series of problems/ To be exposed to or forced to endure a series of threats, dangers, criticism, or other problems.) (आलोचना का विषय होना)

Synonyms: To be a target, Come to grips with, Face criticism, Go through fire and water.

Example: The director has beenrunning the gauntlet of fans' outrage following the release of his latest film.


8. Wuss (noun): (A weak or ineffectual person) (अक्षम/कमजोर)

Synonyms: Impotent, Inadequate, Unfit, Lame, Feeble, Weak.

Antonyms: Healthy, Strong, Sturdy.

Example: John’ s friends teased him for being a wuss when he failed the push-up test in gym class

Verb forms: Wuss, Wussed, Wussed.

Related words:

Wuss (verb) - Fail to do or complete something as a result of fear or lack of confidence.


9. Sneer (verb): (Smile or speak in a contemptuous or mocking manner.) (व्यंग्यात्मक ढंग से मुस्कुराना / अवहेलना दिखाना)

Synonyms: Smile Disparagingly, Smile Contemptuously, Smile Smugly, Smile Conceitedly, Deride, Jeer.

Antonyms: Compliment, Praise.

Example: There is no way you will get the job if you sit at the interview with a sneer on your face.

Verb forms: Sneer, Sneered, Sneered.

Related words:

Sneer (noun) - A contemptuous or mocking smile, remark, or tone.


10. Lad (noun): (A boy or young man) (नौजवान)

Synonyms: Boy, Youth, Youngster, Juvenile, Stripling, Young fellow.

Antonyms: Old man.

Example: When he was just a small lad, the scientist decided that he wanted to make a career out of research.

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