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Sunday, December 24, 2017


1. Achilles’ heel (Idiom): (A weakness or vulnerable point/a crippling weakness) (अशक्त बिंदु/ कमजोरी)

Synonyms: Frailty, Deficiency, Susceptibility, Weakness.

Antonyms: Strong Point, Strength, Firmness, Soundness.

Example: Maria is an excellent athlete, but after an injury she suffered two years back, her right knee has become her Achilles’ Heel.
2.Undermine (verb): (Lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously.)   (क्षीण करना/अवमूल्यन करना)

Synonyms: Subvert, Cripple, Weaken, Diminish, Reduce, Mar

Antonyms: Strengthen, Shore Up, Support

Example: When engineers came to examine the cracks in the structure of the building, they discovered that years of flooding had worked to undermine the foundation.

Verb forms: Undermine, Undermined, Undermined.

3.Poxy (adjective): (Extremely bad; of poor quality.) (घटिया/रद्दी/व्यर्थ)

Synonyms: Very bad, Abysmal, Appalling, Pathetic, Sub-standard, Inferior.

Antonyms: Excellent, Superlative, First-rate, Superior.

Example: Because Adam was believed to be the Poxy tennis player, everyone was shocked when he beat the number one seed in the first round.
4. Penury (noun):  The state of being very poor; extreme poverty. (used as a figurative sense of Lack of something) (गरीबी/कृपणता)

Synonyms: Destitution, Impecuniousness, Impoverishment, Indigence

Antonyms: Affluence, Opulence, Richness, Wealth

Example: When Margot lost all her money gambling, her family was forced to live in penury. 

5.Conglomerate (noun): (A large corporation formed by the merging of separate and diverse firms/ A group of diverse companies under common ownership and run as a single organization. (समूह/आधिपत्य)

Synonyms: Consortium, Pool, Syndicate.

Antonyms: Scattered, Parted, divided.

Example: The billionaire’sconglomerate includes restaurants, convenience stores, and a chain of hotels.

Verb forms: Conglomerate, Conglomerated, Conglomerated

Related words:

Conglomerate (verb) - एकत्र करना
6. Laggard (adjective):  A person who makes slow progress and falls behind others. (मन्द/सुस्त/फिसड्डी)

Synonyms: Straggler, Loiterer, Lingerer, Dawdler, Sluggard, Slug, Snail.

Antonyms: Speedy, Expedite.

Example: As far as technology goes, my uncle is viewed as alaggard because he does not have a mobile phone.

Related words:

laggardly (adverb): (Developing or moving very slowly)

7. Ingenuity (noun): (The quality of being clever, original, and inventive (चालाकी/बुद्धिमता)

Synonyms: Cleverness, Ingeniousness, Inventiveness, Dexterity, Skill, Shrewdness

Antonyms: Clumsiness, Ignorance, Inability, Incapacity, Ineptness

Example: When Jack fixed the jeep, his friends were impressed with his mechanical ingenuity.

Related words:

Ingenious (adjective) - (Of a person) clever, original, and inventive. 
8. Prognosis (noun): (A forecast of the likely outcome of a situation.) (पूर्वानुमान) 

Synonyms: Forecast, Prediction, Projection, Prognostication.

Example: Since the cancer has already spread through Jim’s body, his life expectancy prognosis is quite poor.

Verb forms: Prognosticate, Prognosticated, Prognosticated

Related words:

Prognosticate (verb) - Make a prediction about; tell in advance

Prognostic (adjective) - Of or relating to prediction; having value for making predictions
9. Cater (verb): (Provide with what is needed or required.) (आवश्यकताएं पूरी करना)

Synonyms: Serve, Meet the needs/wants of, Accommodate, See to, Look after, Care for.

Example: The company need tocater for demand to establish itself. 

Verb forms: Cater, Catered, Catered.

Related words:

Caterer (noun): व्यवस्थापक

10.Acclamatory (adjective):(Expressing strong and enthusiastic praise or approval) (प्रशंसायुक्त/सराहने योग्य)

Synonyms: Admiring, Approbatory, Commendatory, Extolling, Laudatory, Praising.

Antonyms: Castigating, Critical.

Example: If teachers do not makeAcclamatory statements to the efforts of their students, the students may become unmotivated to succeed.

Related words:

Acclamation (noun) - Loud and enthusiastic approval. 

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